Status: finished

You're Just Too Good to Be True


Megan didn’t think she had the courage to say anything back to Meyers. Her head swimming with worries, what if her makeup was smearing? Was her outfit stunning enough? Realizing she must look like a deer in head lights she finally spoke back.

“Hello” she replied weakly. Her heart felt like it fell to her stomach.

“How’s a gorgeous creature like you alone in a place like this?” He asked with an obvious flirtatious tone entangled in his Irish accent.

Megan’s mood seemed to change from worried to ecstatic in a matter of moments. The man that couldn’t look any less than perfect to Megan was sitting here flirting with her. A smirk ran across her face.

“I’m waiting on a friend actually; I guess she’s running late.” Megan calmly replied.

Inching in closer Meyers whispered back. “I can keep you company till she arrives.”

Nothing wrong with that Megan thought, she drank the last of her martini and asked for shots instead, anything strong sounded good right now.

Meyers wasn’t one for much conversation Megan realized, only small talk and pick up lines. He seemed to slur his speech as well, already drunk and the night had just begun. Megan chuckled at herself about that, she knew Mandy would have some choice words.

After downing another shot of scotch Meyers looked at Megan for a moment, his cool blue eyes staring back at her deep in thought. He shot a promiscuous smirk her way.

“Let’s dance shall we?” He finally offered. Getting up his hand reached out waiting for Megan’s to join it.

Any moment before meeting Meyers Megan had forgotten. Her life before entering the club on this night ignored. Sheer lust and liquor were controlling her now, and she for one didn’t care. It was Meyers after all and she couldn’t help herself.

Seconds later the two were in the middle of the dance floor. Meyers’s hot breathe on Megan’s ear, the smell of scotch and cologne drifting past her nose. More grabbing than actual dancing went on between the two, Megan folded her hands around Meyer’s neck playing her fingers through his hair.

Meyers’s hands drifted from Megan’s waist to her backside, clutching her tightly they moved with the music. That’s when it happened. His full lips found hers and all fell quiet around Megan.

Megan’s senses for anything but Meyer’s were failing her. She could feel the coarse stubble on his chin and taste the scotch from his pouty lips connected to hers but the rest of the room had left her. Nothing else mattered…until she was grabbed forcefully away from it all.

“What the hell do you think you’re doing?” Mandy asked. Sarah was cowering in the corner, not caring enough to get into their fight.

Too shocked from the immediate change of atmosphere Megan stood there with her mouth half opened, trying to think of what to say.

“Did you not get off the phone with me not hours ago bragging about having a sweet boy in your grasps? You gonna ruin it for lizard face over here? Is that it?” Mandy yelled, partly because it was so loud in the club.

Looking over at Meyers his face was full of changing emotions. He looked confused, shocked, but mostly now offended.

“What are you talking about lizard face? Huh? Hey Goldie locks I’m talking to you!” he asked furrowing his brows.

It was ignored by Mandy and Megan both.

“Why are you here? Did you know this was going to happen?” Megan asked, not really knowing what else to say.

“I do own a talk show if you don’t recall. I know which celebrities come around my neighborhood. I heard he was going to be here and when Sarah told me you were coming here too…look I’m only trying to help you.” Mandy replied.

“I’m a big girl if you don’t recall Mandy! I can help myself!” Megan yelled. She had just now realized how mad she actually was. She was being utterly embarrassed in front of Jonathan Rhys Meyers of all people.

“Look girls, there is plenty of me to go around” Meyers laughed, trying to calm down the fight.

That only ticked Mandy off; she released a loud fake laugh before lashing out at Meyers.

“That’s the funniest thing I’ve heard yet from you. Like I’d want anything you had to offer. A lazy eye and alcohol filled vomit? That’s a real treasure right there.” Mandy sneered.

Meyers looked almost frightened, but it was soon replaced with a face full of hatred.

“Look, Megan is it? It was fun while it lasted but your bitch of a friend here fully believes we shouldn’t be. I’m going to go.” Meyers said, not paying Mandy anymore mind. He stumbled away and got lost in the crowd.

Megan didn’t even know how to react. It had all happened so fast. She half wanted to cry, and half wanted to yell until she was blue in the face.

“I’m sorry Megan, but come on. You want to lose a gentleman for a one night stand with a drunken Irish shit?” Mandy said defensively.

Megan only looked at her and then found herself walking away; out of the club, onto the streets, and back to her flat. Everything was in slow motion.

Walking inside her apartment Megan slipped out of her night’s attire and into something more comfortable and then went straight for her bed. Hiding under her silk sheets Megan found herself falling into a deep sleep.
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Who's side will you be on? Megan's? Mandy's?
Shits going dooooooooooown son