Ryu's Longest Days Ever!

Brent's first day

“ You lied to me!? I can;’t believe you did that you Son of a Bitch! What did I do to deserve this? Tell me now!”
“I. I’m. Sorry . Please forgive . Me.” The boy cried.
“Forgive you. Forgive you! Why the Hell would I do that!? I trusted you and now you lie! Get out. Just get out!” the man shouted and pointed his shotgun at his son.
He was shaking so badly that his finger slipped and a bullet flew out and hit the boy in the shoulder. The man stared at his son bleeding for a moment then laughed and kept shooting his son. 3 in the chest 2 in the stomach and 1 in each shoulder. He was just about to shoot the boy in the head when a kunai entered his back. He turned and saw a scarred boy standing in the doorway with six more kunai knives ready. The man fired 4 shots as the boy threw the kunai. The man died and the boy fell. H... hey .. Are . You ...OK?” the boy gasped, the other didn’t answer.
Four and a half hours later the kunai boy woke up and took out his cell. He turned it on and found out it was dead. He picked up the other boy and stumbled out of the house and walked in the direction he thought The Hospital might be. It took him two days to get to The Hospital. As they reached the door the kunai boy fell, too weakened from loss of blood to go any further. Doc found them an hour later as he was entering work.
“Brandon, I need some help out her. Jack Cade’s unconscious with another boy.”
A young light purple haired man ran out of The Hospital and saw the two bloody boys.
“H.. He was taking A. a. a. walk in the town. Four miles. Away I. I. I. Called him. Last night but. But h. He didn’t answer. “ the man, Brandon stuttered.
“It’s OK Brandon, calm down it’s not your fault. Lets get them inside. Do you think you could start on Jack?”
“B. But I’ve only just begun training. Wh. Wh. What if I mess up?!”
“ you won’t Brandon. Everyone believe you are a great healer. I will be besides you, but I won’t help unless his life is in danger. You’ve seen me, Doc and Zach Rogers a lot and Coi and few times. You known what to do.” Said a badly scarred girl.
“T. Traitor!”
“Hi, Captain Pike* thought he saw two boys stumbling along this morning, but he wasn’t sure who it was and he couldn’t stop because he was on call. A fire broke out at the Jenkins’.”
“ I thought they were gone this week?” Doc said, confused.
“ They are. Some people have been black mailing them. That’ s why they left. < Cough Cough >”
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* Chief Pike- Chief of Firefighter