Status: all over the place with this story

I Couldn't Wait for the Summer at the Warped Tour


“Hi, I’m Alyssa Botcher”
“I’m Honey Faye”
“I’m Darla Faun”
“And I’m Cody Pittens”
“And we are Super After Sunday”, we all chimed together.
“And I’m Valentina Mendez here on Extra.” Valentina turned her chair from facing the camera to facing us and cleared her throat.
“So, what’s up guys? This is your first time here, being interviewed, and your first year on Warped Tour. How’s it going so far”, she had hint of a spicy Italian accent.
My band members looked at me expectantly. I guess it was because lead singers are supposed to talk a lot.
I picked at the whole in my jeans and scooted my vans underneath the chair after I crossed my legs. I actually didn’t like talking to strange people, but I did anyway.
“It’s actually going really well for our first year. I mean we’ve only done two shows so far, but they’ve been awesome. The tech crew has been telling us stories about how something always happens to the newbie, but nothing bad yet. And I like this place. That guy over there”, I pointed to one of the crew members who had a headset in his ear, “he gave me coffee. I like him.” Valentina laughed one of those; you’re a celebrity so I should laugh laughs. I smiled awkwardly.
Honey nudged me and I nodded to her. “The bands are really cool to us. Most of them have been on Warped for a couple years and us being the new kids, they’ve really shown us a lot.” Valentina motioned for Honey to continue.
“Liiike, don’t use the first port potties, which one’s mostly for the fans, umm… Apparently the kids like it when you give them free stuff too. We’re always throwing out our picks.”
Cody popped up, “Also, there is no 5 second rule there. Once it is dropped, there is no going back.”
We all laughed.
Valentina spoke up again, “So, we had some of your fans ask some questions so is it okay if you answer some of them”
“Sure”, we all shrugged.
Valetina was handed a piece of paper. “Okay first. Dina asks ‘Do each of you have your own little quirk? And if so what is it.”
We all looked at Darla, “Well, I’ve been told that I snore a bit”
“Like a bear”, Honey chimed in.
Darla shot her a look, “I mean I don’t hear it.”
“We’ve all gotten sort of used to it by now”, Cody commented.
“Okay, what about you Cody?” Valentina looked over at the blonde boy.
Cody sighed, “I have to have everything clean and organized. If it’s not, I freak out.”
“We’re okay with that one. Our bus is sparkling”, I laughed.
“He dusts every single day, and then he reorganizes the socks”, Honey laughed too.
Honey’s turn, “Well, my quirk is I’m too sexy for everyone.”
I punched her in the arm.
“Nah, I’m really loud and annoying sometimes.”
“More like all the time”, Darla giggled.
Honey stood up, “I shall not sit here and be insulted.”
I grabbed her sleeve and yanked, “Sit down.”
We all laughed.
“I guess it’s my turn. Well, I have this really weird thing where I can’t touch certain types of material.”
Valentina looked at me weirdly.
“Like, socks, unless they are the soft kind. Or towels, I hate the feel of those. My fingers get all tingly and scratchy. I just can’t do it”, I rubbed my hands together.
“Next question. Freddie wants to know, ‘What is your favorite quote or motto?’ That’s a good one.”
Honey bounced in her seat, “Mine is ‘Don’t fuck it up’”, she stated proudly.
Cody rolled his eyes.
Darla smiled, “Everything sounds better in Italian.”
Cody raised an eyebrow, “Are you gay? Do you want to be?” He did a weird perverted smile.
I snorted but covered my mouth as soon as it escaped. That erupted giggled from everyone.
“My favorite quote is actually from our very own little Filipino”, I nudged Honey,” Every band has its own amount of homosexuality. Panic! At the Disco just has more than others.”
That got claps from the crew and laughter from Valentina. She covered her face with the paper.
We waited for it to quiet down before Valentina spoke again.
“Harper asks ‘Alyssa, are you ever going to settle down and have children?’”
All my band mates looked over at me. My face went as red as my hair.
“Um….” I fidgeted with the hole in my jeans again.
“I uh…”
Honey burst out laughing.
“I don’t think I could ever quit my band. So no.”
Honey shook my arm. She wanted me to say it. Her wild eyes went wider.’ SAY IT! SAY IT!’ they seem to say.
I shook her off and stood up. “I’M SCARED OF PENISES OKAY!!!!” I huffed and sat back down.
“They just freak me out. Don’t look at me like that” I pointed at Honey who was laughing so hard while making a weird face at me.
Valentina had a bewildered look on her face.
I explained further, “I like dudes. I’m dating a dude. I probably will marry a dude. It’s just the thought of a penis creeps me out. One of these days I’ll get over it, but I feel like a 7th grader who is learning about sex ed in science class. I’m like a grown up kid. Male body parts are weird.”
My face was a shade deeper than a tomato and everyone around me was laughing.
“Basically she’s saying she’s a virgin”, Cody laughed.
I punched him in the arm.
“Basically she’s saying Derek doesn’t have a penis”, Honey laughed.
I punched her too.
“CAN WE MOVE ON NOW?!?” I yelled throwing my hands up.
Honey had actually fallen out of her seat from laughter and was now sprawled out on the floor giggling like a maniac. Cody clutched his ribs muttering something about needing air and Darla had this look like she felt embarrassed for me.
Valentina’s mouth slightly gaped open, but she hurriedly shook her head and looked down at the paper again. She cracked up once more and turned to face the camera.
“This is an interview you will never forget”, she tried to make a serious face but she failed.
There was a buzzing noise. That meant it was commercial time and we had 5 minutes.
I got up and bent over Honey. “I hate you.” That resulted in more laughs. Finally I helped her up and we all made our way over to the donuts.
“4 minutes”, someone shouted.
There was a bang noise and shouting. In walked Alex Gaskarth, who was being held by the shoulders by a big dude in a yellow jacket. Behind them was another yellow jacket man who was holding a disheveled looking Jack Barakat over one shoulder and a pouting Rian Dawson on the other. Zack Merrick followed quietly behind them.
“Is this really necessary? I mean, you saw us here like a month ago,” complained Alex.
The security guard grunted. I picked up my maple donut and daintily strolled across the room towards the group.
“What’s up boys?” I took a bite of my donut.
The security guard looked down at me; the dude was like 7 feet tall. “These four were trying to sneak into the building. We caught them trying to hop over the fence.”
The other security guard who was holding Jack and Rian chuckled. “More like attempting. This one here”, he lifted the shoulder Jack was on, “had to have this one”; he lifted the other shoulder that Rian was on, “Give him a boost. He could barely lift his skinny ass over.”
Rian pouted even more and Jack rolled his eyes. Darla stifled a giggle behind me.
“What should we do with them?” Asked the 7 foot one.
I tapped my chin with my other hand. “Hmmm…. What do you think Honey?”
Honey faked a thinking position, “Maybe the dumpster? Or should we sick the massive wave of fans outside on them? I like the first one.”
“Hmmmm…” we all said in unison.
Alex looked at me with big puppy dog eyes and I shoved some more of the donut in my mouth to keep from laughing.
“I guess we can let them stay. I mean, they’re on the same tour as us. I think the show would be a bit short if anything happened to them”, Cody sighed.
The 7 foot one let go of Alex. Alex rubbed his shoulders in pain, while the more muscular one shrugged off Jack and Rian. Zack sidestepped the big men and quickly hid behind Honey. Jack and Rian landed on the floor with a thud and the men walked back out the door.
“2 MINUTES”, the same person yelled.
“Behave yourselves”, I pointed at Alex with the donut around my finger. He took a bite of it.
I laughed and flung it at him. A guy with a headset on motioned for us to sit down on the chairs.
“Oh, by the way Alyssa, they had the first part of that interview playing outside on the big screen”, Jack yelled over to me with a devious grin.
I flopped into my chair. “They’re never going to let me live this down”, I mumbled.
Valentina plastered a fake smile on her face and looked directly at the camera.
“Welcome back to Extra. We’re here with Super After Sunday, where we are getting some of the band to spill more than makeup secrets.”
I sunk down in my chair.
“So, Skylar asks ‘Do you have nicknames for each other?’”
“Well, back in was it 8th grade?” Honey started but looked at me.
“It was the summer before freshman year”, I corrected her.
“Oh yeah, well the summer before high school Alyssa decided to dye her hair red, like it is now. I walked around calling her Ariel forever.”
“You still do. Except now that Gerard from, My Chem., has his hair red, she calls me Gerarda”, I shrugged.
“Remember that one year at the Fair when Snow White was greeting the kids”, Honey shifted in her chair.
“Yeah, you decided to introduce me to her as Ariel”, I recalled.
She laughed, “You two spent a good 5 minutes talking about how you’re going to visit her in her castle now that you have legs.”
“It was fun”, I explained.
Valentina looked over at Cody, “Any nicknames for you?”
Cody sighed, “Well when I first started in the band, which was when the recording company stuck Darla and I in it, Alyssa loved my last name so much”
“I called him Cody Kittens. It has a nice touch doesn’t it?” I giggled.
“Darla, we call Darth Vader. She snores so loud”, Honey dramatized.
“AGAIN WITH THE SNORING”, Darla shrieked.
“What about Miss Hyperactivity over there?” Valentina nodded over to Honey, who stuck out her tongue.
“Now this one was back in 8th grade. We were in math class together and when Honey would get mad or frustrated she would puff up her cheeks like this” I pushed my cheeks out like I was holding my breath.
Honey shook her head, “It was more like this”, and she puffed up her cheeks.
“Exactly like that. Anyways, I used to call her chipmunk cheeks. They were adorable. And I believe you wanted us to call you Karma a couple of times.”
Honey nodded, cheeks still puffed.
Valentina looked at me and Honey, “So how long have you two been friends?”
I started off, “Well in 5th grade we were in the same choir, but I never talked to her. All I knew was she had an awesome name. Then in 8th grade we got put in the same math class. We sat like right across from each other. I still didn’t really talk to her though.”
Honey butted in, “The thing that really got us to be close was actually the internet. It’s really funny. Our friend Isabella made her join Tumblr then she started to follow me. It was our taste in music too that brought us together.”
“Then we started talking, started hanging out, soon I was going over to her house and her mine.”
“Alyssa’s mom and I are like this”, Honey crossed her fingers together.
I rolled my eyes, “So yeah, we’ve been best friends since.”
“Then when Honey and Alyssa made a band and tried out for this record producer he stuck Darla and me together with them and in came Super After Sunday”, Cody finished.
“Amazing, so we have maybe three or four more questions left, what do you say?” she urged.
“Hopefully nothing embarrassing-er than before”, I complained and looked over at All Time Low, who were flinging carrot sticks at each other. I face palmed.
“Francis asks us ‘Do any of you have inside jokes?’”
Honey laughed, “More like a million. O.M.G. CHARLIE MCDONNELL”
“HAS PEPPERONI NIPPLES!!” we both yelled then high fived each other.
“Sorry about that”, I straightened my tank top.
“Actually, we have one that pertains to All Time Low, well maybe a few, but some we won’t mention.” I looked past the camera at the boys.
“Alyssa and I would watch the DVD and she would always yell whenever Alex flipped his hair.” Honey bust up laughing.
I laughed too, “It would always annoy me. I would just want to run up onto the stage and straighten it out. It would always fly different directions. So now that we get to be right there when they play it takes all I have in me not to actually run up and fix it.”
“We have so many with the whole entire band, but they’re mostly about people and we wouldn’t feel comfortable talking about them and yeah”, Darla explained.
“So, I want to know do you name your instruments. I know a couple of other bands do”, Valentina asked us.
“Actually my green guitar that I always use, I named him Iggy. He just seemed like an Iggy”, I nodded.
Valentina cut in, “What kind of guitar is that?”
“It’s a... I believe it’s an Ibanez, right?”
“Yeah”, replied Honey, “I have two guitars. One’s a Gibson, its cherry red electric, and her name is Annie”
“Actually its Sweet Baby Annie”, interjected Cody.
“Yeah, yeah, yeah”, Honey waved him off, “The other is my prized possession. It’s a white fender Stratocaster with epitaph”
“She practices saying that in the mirror”, I interrupted, and Honey ignored it and continued.
“His name is Pascal. I loves him so much”, she clasped her hands together and looked up in an innocent way.
“I never named my drums and Darla refers to her bass as it. We aren’t crazy like them”, Cody shook his head.
Honey interrupted him, “No, you are just unimaginative.”
“So, basically only you”, she pointed to Honey, “And you”, she pointed to me, “Name your instruments.”
We both shook our heads.
“I love my bass, it just doesn’t need a name”, Darla smiled.
Valentina smiled and looked down at her paper again. Seeing that there was nothing else interesting on there she tossed it aside.
“What are your top 10 favorite things, go”, she shot.
Honey started, “My Chemical Romance, Pillow Pets, Whose Line is it Anyway, Chocolate, internet, converse, Harry Potter, Homosexuals—I mean Panic! At the Disco, autumn, and pick up lines”, she said in one breath.
“Tiki Torches, Windex, the smell of Fabreeze, Ties, Lemons, Mike’s Hard Lemonade, beards, Aeropostale, splatter paint, and the sound of waves”, Cody listed.
“I like deer, America’s Best Dance Crew, The Big Bang Theory, Soft Toilet Paper,” Darla ticked off her fingers, “Mascara, raspberry tea, chocolate, Fall Out Boy, tattoos, and dragons.”
I held up ten fingers and started ticking down, “Lip Piercings on dudes, My Chemical Romance, Bassists are usually hot”, Darla giggled at my comment, “Neil Patrick Harris, So You Think You Can Dance, Harry Potter, Salt and Vinegar Chips, ummm…” I had to think about three more, “freaking our fans out, two more. Uh. Red hair dye and I guess All Time Low.”
There was an “OH YEAH!” from behind the camera man and Valentina got a quizzical look but she shrugged it off.
Valentina reached over and grabbed another paper from her desk behind her, “So, speaking of your fans and such. Have you heard any rumors about yourselves?”
“There was this one where people kept asking if one of my good friends, Kirsten Dunst, and I were dating”, started Cody, “I think I can put that rumor down as false considering.” He gestured at himself.

“Considering what?” Valentina questioned.

“Considering the fact that I’m gay”, explained Cody.
“That’s a good reason”, nodded Valentina.

“Wasn’t there one the fan base started spreading that you and Honey were secretly in a relationship?” Darla looked over at me.
I nodded, “Yeah, I remember that. What was it they called us? Hossa or Aloney or something like that, anyway, I think that happens to most bands.”
Honey cut in, “Yeah, you have no idea how many people”, she pointed at me behind her hand as if I couldn’t see it, “Still think that Alex Gaskarth and Jack Barakat are dating.”
I smiled shyly, “You thought it too. I mean, they’re both too pretty to be straight.”
“HEY!” Jack yelled from the snack table which he was ingesting. The camera started to turn that way but Valentina signaled it not to.
“Speaking of Alex Gaskarth, have you heard the recent one about you and him being involved” Valentina looked over at me.
“What? There is no way. Plus, I’m dating Derek. We’ve been dating for 4 months now”, I stated.
“So, if you and Alex aren’t dating, how do you explain this?” Valentina gestured to the screen above her.
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Like three days have gone by. It's kind of a to be continued chapter