Status: Um... yeah I dunno how often I'm going to update this.




Having detention = con.
Having detention with hilarious new guy = pro.

His name is Drathan, and I'm still not sure if he really is stupid, or he just acts that way.

Either way, it's entertaining.

He's already pissed off the teacher who leads detention, and cracked me up a million times. My favorite so far is: "You are a supercallousedvagisilicsketchy​uglydumbbitch."

I mean really?! WTF?! How do you not laugh at that?!!! I don't even care that he just insulted me, I would marry him for saying that. Downside is, he's into guys. Bummer. Well, maybe he can introduce me to the hopelessly straight ones.

"You are hilarious, but I still have to kick your ass for calling me that."

He nodded his head. "Of course."

"So, is it mean to say that I can't picture a crazy guy like you hanging out with a... well... your friend Riley?" I asked.

He raised an eyebrow. "What, you mean a girl who can't form a sentence around people? That's just nerves. She's used to my craziness by now."

"Nerves? Is she scared of me or something?"

"Or something." He bent down to tie his shoelace, trying to ignore the subject.

"What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing," he straightened up, "She just isn't very good with talking to people."

"Oh. Well I've got another question, and it's kinda-"

"Why does she keep staring at you?" I nodded, shutting my mouth. "You fascinate her."

"But why?!"

"Well... maybe it's because you are like a more toned-down female version of me. It's highly unlikely to find another person like me - There should only be one."

I rolled my eyes. "I am an original. Don't hate."

He laughed. Just then, the teacher... Mrs. Whatsherface, dismissed us. Drathan picked up his bag, slung it over his shoulder, and grinned at me.

"Sad this had to end so soon."

"Me too, I was rather enjoying the conversation."

"Maybe we'll talk tomorrow then?"

I nodded. He waved and left, us heading in opposite directions down the hallway.

Drathan was definitely interesting, but what still grabbed most of my attention was that Riley hung out with him. She seems like such a quiet, non-sociable person. To imagine her hanging out with Drathan is a little difficult. It makes me wonder what kind of person she really is...

Oh great, now my brain is stuck on her again. I replay the whole day in my head, taking note of my interactions with her: staring, talking, yelling at Drathan. So far, all I can conclude is that she might possibly want to be friends with me and that Drathan is an idiot. I wonder what being her friend would be like. I really don't know anything about her at all, but maybe I'll find out tomorrow.

Right now, I have to get home and watch my little brother. I ran all the way home, wishing my bike hadn't gotten stolen and that I had my driver's license. I burst through the front door, out of breath and having serious leg pain. My mother simply rolled her eyes before putting on her coat.

"You're just in time. Your brother is upstairs. Please actually watch him this time, instead of sitting him in front of the TV for hours."
"Hey, I was watching him. It was a commercial break, so I went to get food."
"And you got distracted by you computer... for an hour?"

She gave an irritated sigh before grabbing her purse and walking towards me. "I'll be home by ten. He should be in bed before I get home. Got it?"

I nodded. She walked out the door.

Now... how can I watch my brother without having to sacrifice my social life?

I ran upstairs to my brother's room.

"KRISTIAN!!" I shouted in a sing-song voice.
He jumped and glared at me. "What?"
"Could you be a doll and not do anything stupid so I don't have to watch you?"
He rolled his eyes. "You're the one who does stupid things."
"Oh, so I'm the one who almost burned down the house?" I put my hands on my hips.
"It was a small fire! And it only happened because YOU wouldn't feed me!"
"Well why couldn't you have just gotten some chips or something instead of trying to use the stove?"
"I wanted dinner, not a snack. I don't see why you even bother to babysit me. You're horrible at it."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Am not."
"Are too."
"Look, Kristian, we can go back and forth with this, but in the end, I am still your babysitter."
"Not for long. Mom said that if you mess up tonight, she's gonna let me pick a new babysitter."
I rolled my eyes. "Good luck with that. I'm not gonna screw up, and all babysitters are evil."

I turned my back and went back into my room. Throwing myself on my bed, my phone immediately buzzed and lit up with new messages.

Please don't think I'm a bitch for not taking better care of my brother, but come on - he's ten and he's a lot more responsible than I ever was at his age. He's never done anything incredibly stupid, so it's not like I have to watch him like a hawk, I just can't let him in the kitchen unsupervised. Besides, who really wants to watch their little brother? We have absolutely nothing in common and the only time we get along is on family vacations where we don't have to be near each other. I love Kristian with all my heart, but we just aren't meant to get along.

I don't know how long I was on the phone messaging my friends, but apparently it was long enough for the kitchen to explode. I heard metal hit the floor downstairs.

Ohhhhhhhhhh..... crap.

I nearly tripped over my feet running downstairs. I stood in the doorway of the kitchen, staring at Kristian. He was smiling smugly, his hands covered in jelly. There were pots and utensils all over the floor, an open package of bread on the counter along with a jar of peanut butter.


He grinned and started running from me. He put his sticky hands on everything - the counter-tops, the wall, the faucet, the refrigerator. I tripped on a pot and fell halfway into the living room. He dashed around my body on the floor and ran upstairs, locking himself in the bathroom. I growled, pulling myself up from the floor.

I was going to kill that boy.

I ran up to the bathroom and started pounding on the door. "KRISTIAN! GET OUT OF THERE SO I CAN KILL YOU!"
"That doesn't sound like a good idea." He laughed.
I growled. "Listen you little sack of evil - if you don't come out of there yourself, then I'm coming in!"
"I'm so scared." He said sarcastically.

I glared my eyes at the door, trying to burn a whole through it. Unfortunately, I didn't have heat vision (stupid Santa). I went to my room and got my I.D., then tried to slide it through the crack in the door to unlock it, but it was too thick. I got a ruler and tried to pry it open but it just ended up smacking me in the arm. Cursing under my breath, I resorted to simple brute force, pounding and kicking the door. Nothing.

I took a deep breath and mustered up the sweetest voice I had. "Kristian..." I sang. "If you come out of there, I'll clean up the mess and you won't get in trouble."
He snorted. "I'm not going to get in trouble. It was YOUR job to watch me, and you failed. Mom knows you suck at babysitting but she didn't think she had any other choice, but now she's letting me get a real babysitter as long as I get rid of you. After mom sees the kitchen, and the mess I'm making in the bathroom, you'll be grounded for so long you'll need your own babysitter."

I was speechless. My baby brother was so evil and conniving! (It would have made me proud if he didn't use his powers against me).

I grumbled under my breath and sank down the the floor. I was no match for my brother - why fight him any longer? At least I wouldn't have to give up my free time to watch him.