What If We Didn't Know

Chapter One

"Fucking finally!" Frank hollered, slamming the front door of his house open and parading inside. "Summer didn't come soon fucking enough."

I laughed, following after him and dropping my bag on the floor next to the couch. "Jesus Franklin, watch your fucking language!" I mock-scolded.

"Both of y'all need to watch your mouths," Gerard drawled from behind us, and I turned to see a smirk adorning his face. "This is no place for such vile obscenities."

Frank raised an eyebrow at him. "My house, my rules," he stated, then stuck his tongue out. "So go make love to a fruit cake or something."

Gerard chuckled and draped his arm over my shoulder. "How come you didn't bitch at Mikey-Mike when when he told you to shut up but I got told to violate a dessert?"

"Because I like Mikey better," Frank retorted, crossing his arms and plopping down on the sofa.

"Well I like Mikey better too," Gerard laughed in my ear, his arm sliding down to my waist to give me a quick squeeze. I felt myself blushing slightly and hoped that he didn't notice. Luckily, his attention was still mostly on Frankie.

"Why don't you make love to him then?" Frank snapped, pouting. I blushed harder, and when Frank caught sight of my reddened cheeks, his eyes grew wide momentarily. I gave him a look, and he bit his lip.

"I really don't think that raping Mikey would be a very nice thing to do," Gerard answered calmly, unaware of Frank and my little exchange. He tugged me over to the couch and we sat next to Frank, his arm still around me.

"Okay, let's cease this discussion," I finally intervened, snatching the television remote from the coffee table in front of us. "What're we watching to celebrate the end of the school year?"

"Batman!" Frank shouted, but soon squealed when Gerard pinched his arm firmly.

"Shut your fat mouth, Iero, we've watched Batman so many times in the last ten years I want to puke," Gerard countered.

Frank gasped. "What did you just say?" He asked, eyes huge.

Gerard sighed. "I'm just bored of the same old thing. Besides, you always get to pick. Let Mikey pick for once."

I looked around, startled. They mentioned me a once in awhile when they were bickering, but never before had I been brought into it like this. "I don't care what we watch," I said, eyebrow raised.

"See, Mikey wants to watch Batman," Frank stated smugly, tugging the remote from my fingers and switching on his favourite show.

"Hey, that's not what he said!" Gerard countered indignantly, grabbing the remote and returning it to my hands. "God, Frank, you little control freak!"

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, let's not call names," I quickly interjected, but they ignored me.

"You think I'm the control freak? Ha!" Frank exclaimed, shoving Gerard in the arm roughly.

"Yeah I fucking do," Gerard replied, shoving him back.

"You guys, stop it," I pleaded, but once again, to no avail.

"Yeah, Gerard, stop being such a fucking prick," Frank sneered, and Gerard stood up, pulling me up with him.

"Alright, asshole, I've had it with you for today," Gerard huffed, moving to the door.

"Well thanks for stopping by," Frank answered sarcastically. "But I'm afraid you're going to have to leave Mikey here. You know, since he lives here."

Gerard laughed. "What does that matter? He'd rather be with me anyway."

"No he wouldn't! Wouldn't you rather be with me, Mikey?" Frank asked almost frantically.

I stared at him, wide-eyed, so confused by this sudden fight. "I don't--" I started, but Gerard interrupted me smoothly.

"Frank, it's not fair to make Mikes play favourites. Besides, I don't really think you'd like the answer anyway." He chuckled, then yanked open the front door and whisked me outside.

"What the hell is wrong with you two?" I questioned angrily as he led me toward the park down the street. "You guys have been best friends for as long as I can remember; why are you suddenly fighting over nothing?"

Gerard heaved a sigh and sat on a park bench. "Because... oh it's stupid. We just had a minor disagreement about something the other day. It doesn't matter."

"Well clearly it does," I disagreed, sitting next to him, "If it's causing you to fight like this and drag me in the middle of it for no reason."

Gerard mumbled quietly, and it sounded like he said, "But there is a reason."

"Come again?" I prompted, and he looked up with a blush.

"I said you're right, this is stupid. I'll talk to him tomorrow."

"Good," I smiled. "I don't like this squabbling thing."

Gerard grinned back at me, and I was momentarily dazzled by his wide smile. Perfect, smooth, plush lips pulled back over bright white teeth; storm-hazel eyes sparkling with warmth. It had never escaped my notice what a ridiculously beautiful person he was.

"Now I'm going to go talk to Frankie," I informed him, getting up off the bench after we'd sat there for a few quiet minutes. "See you tomorrow."

"Okay," He said, standing up too. "Bye Mikey-Mike."

Before I could do anything, he placed a delicate kiss on my forehead, then spun on heel and walked in the opposite direction of our houses. I stared after him for a moment, confused by the uncharacteristically intimate gesture, then turned to go back home.