What If We Didn't Know

Chapter Three

I woke up in the morning to my cell phone buzzing angrily on the pillow next to my head. Feeling not so pleasant myself, I snatched it and flipped it open, holding it up to my ear. "What?" I snapped into the receiver.

"Oh Mikey-Mike, please tell me you're not still sleeping," Gerard sighed on the other end. I sat upright as soon as I heard his voice.

"Oh hey, Gerard, what's up?" I asked, voice squeaking slightly, which caused me to grimace.

He chuckled, answering, "You do know it's almost two o'clock in the afternoon, correct?"

"Yeah, whatever. I like to sleep," I retorted, smirking slightly. It was nice to wake up to his voice.

"Okay well in approximately five hours you and Frankie Bee are coming to my house for the annual summer kick-off epic sleepover, got it?" He pretty much commanded.

I laughed. "Alrighty, you're the boss. But you have to promise me that you and Frankie aren't going to fight today."

"Promise!" Gerard exclaimed.

"Okey dokey, well I'm going to go feed myself and Frank and I will be over at seven," I told him.

"'Kay, bye Mikey! Love you!" He said, causing me to blush.

"Love you too, Gerard." After that, we hung up.

I tossed my phone into my sheets, stretching and grinning happily. Then I climbed out of bed and made my way precariously around all the shit that Frank and I had dumped all over the floor before I got to the door and left the room. I meandered sleepily downstairs and to the kitchen, where I once again came upon Frank and a bowl of cereal. Him and his crazy addictions...

"Fronk!" I shouted, pretty much glomping him. He giggled beneath me, and I pinched one of his cheeks before I got off him and went to the refrigerator. "Guess what?"

"What?" He responded through a mouthful of cereal. I noticed it was the sugary kind and cringed slightly. He was going to be bouncing off the walls very soon.

"Annual summer kick-off epic sleepover tonight at Gerard's house!" I exclaimed, taking the carton of orange juice out of the fridge.

"Sweet!" Frank grinned. "Why do you have the orange juice?"

I looked down at the container. "You know what? I don't know. Coffee time."

Frank laughed. "What time are we going to Gerard's house?"

"Seven," I informed him, sliding in my sock feet across the floor toward the coffee pot. "And you two aren't allowed to fight."

"It won't be a problem, Mike 'n Ike," Frank mumbled sullenly.

Frank stood up, so I decided it would be a great idea to jump on his back. He squealed loudly, and I planted a kiss on his cheek. "Chillax, Frankenstein," I laughed in his ear, then freed him from my clutches and went back to the coffee maker.

"Ugh, I don't feel good," Frank muttered, as I poured myself a cup of coffee. "I think I ate too much cereal." I looked over at him and saw that he was clutching his stomach.

"Go lie down," I advised, sipping my scorching coffee contentedly. "You can't be sick for the sleep over tonight."

"Okay," Frank sighed, then left the room.

I spent the next few hours zoning out on the couch and watching Star Wars until it was six thirty. Then I decided it was time to go gather my shit together and tell Frank it was time to go. I turned off the television and went upstairs to our room.

"Frankie?" I called as I swung open the door. The room was dark, and I could see that Frank was curled up in a ball beneath his blankets. There was a bucket next to the bed, and the room was rank with the scent of vomit. "Oh Frankie."

"Mikey? I'm sick," He muttered from under the covers.

"Yeah, kiddo, I can see that," I sighed, trying not to gag at the smell. I went to the window and opened it to try and clear out the air.

"You go to Gerard's without me," He told me.

"Are you sure? I should stay home and take care of you," I said, biting my lip. As much as I wanted to be with Gerard (especially alone with Gerard), Frank needed me.

"No, go have fun. If I'm feeling better in the morning I'll come be your personal wake up call," Frank giggled, but broke off to cough violently.

I grimaced, then crossed the room to kiss him gently on the forehead. "Okay, Frankie, hope you feel better. If you need anything just call my cell. I'll have it on all night." He nodded, closing his eyes, and I snatched some clothes off the dresser, stuffed them inside a bag on the floor nearby, and left the room.

"Bye, Frank!" I called as I exited the house through the front door, and I heard him return a feeble goodbye before I shut the door and dashed madly down the block to Gerard's house. On his front porch I took a second to brush my hair off my forehead with my fingers and wipe my face with the cuff of my sleeve. Running to Gerard's house was a bad decision on my part, but I was just so damn eager to see him. Once I deemed myself somewhat presentable, I knocked on the front door.

Hardly three seconds passed before the door swung open and a person (I could only assume it was Gerard because he moved too fast for me to see) jumped on me with a squeal. "Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey Mikey!" He shouted, wrapping his legs around my waist, and I blushed.

"Don't I feel loved," I giggled, hoping that my face was still slightly red from running and hid my blush. "Now get off me, you big dork."

He laughed and clambered down. "You know you're just as excited to see me," He accused with a smile. Then he looked around and added, "Where's Frankenpyre?"

"He's sick," I frowned. "Poor kid. He ate too much sugared cereal today and puked up his guts."

"Aww, poor Frankie," Gerard sighed, taking my bag off my shoulder and leading me inside. "We'll have to have another sleep over with him later."

"Definitely," I agreed, kicking off my shoes in the foyer and following Gerard into the living room. "So what have you prepared for this evening?"

"Oh the usual," He grinned. "Mom bought you about thirty pounds of sushi, and lots of coffee for all of us, and skittles for Frankie that we can bring over tomorrow. And I rented us like ten thousand vampire movies so we can scare the shit out of ourselves."

"Sweet!" I cheered, plunking down on the couch and grabbing the stack of videos in front of me. "Which one are we watching first?"

"I was thinking we'd kick it off with a classic; Dracula," Gerard announced, heading into the kitchen.

"Sounds good," I called to him, and a second later he returned with a tray of sushi and some sodas. "Ohmygod so much sushi. I love you," I gushed at the sight. I loved sushi; honestly I could probably eat my weight in it.

"Yeah you'd better," He chuckled, setting the tray in front of me. I dove right in as he put Dracula on.

We ate sushi and drank caffeine and watched our vampire movies for hours, all of which was accompanied by some form of snuggling. For instance, during Dracula, Gerard put his head in my lap and let me play with his hair. And in the next movie, he put his arm around my shoulder and I cuddled into his side. It was nice.

When it was nearing three in the morning and we were on maybe our fourth movie, we decided it was finally time to go to bed. I pretended to be too tired to get up, so Gerard swung me up into his arms and carried me to his bedroom. I almost swooned at the thought.

When we got to his room he set me gently down on his soft bed and tucked the covers around me. Then he changed into his pyjamas, and I pretended not to watch. There was moonlight shining in through the small window in his room, and it landed on him in a way that made it look as if his skin was glowing ivory. I wanted to reach out and touch it, but then he pulled a black t-shirt on and crawled into the bed next to me. I took a deep breath to calm myself.

"Good night, Mikey," he whispered, face half a foot away from me on the pillow, dark eyes glinting. "Sleep well."

"You too, Gerard," I returned softly, feeling bold as I moved my face forward to press a kiss to his cheek. When I pulled back he was still looking at me, but this time his eyebrow was raised, and I could see hope in his eyes. And then we were kissing.

Our lips moved roughly together, half open, and I gasped, "Oh, Gerard," as he ran his hand through my hair and tangled his fingers in it at the back of my neck. I reached out to take his face in my hands so I could keep it close, and he shifted so I was halfway on top of him. Our breathing was heavy as we kissed almost frantically, hands soon roaming everywhere as if we were trying to memorize each other as quickly as possible with our fingers. I swung one of my legs over his waist so I could straddle him, and his hands trailed down my back to grasp my rear firmly. "Ger," I breathed as I brushed his hair off his face, and I kissed my way over the side of his face and down his jaw to his neck. He moaned quietly and arched his back as I began to nip at the pale skin of his throat. I grinned to myself as I did it, loving that noise and knowing that the mark I was putting on him would stay there for at least a week. I licked at it gently, then kissed back up his neck and returned to his lips.

"Mikey," He murmured, cupping my cheeks with his palms and slowly flipping us over so he was on top. "Oh Mikey, I love you."

When he said that he froze, thinking he'd made a mistake by saying it, but I smiled blissfully against his lips and wrapped my legs tightly around his waist, returning, "I love you too, Gerard."

Our movements softened after that, and we kissed quietly in bed for a while longer until Gerard finally shifted off me with a sigh. I kissed his cheek, curling up against his side, and he wrapped his arm around me and rested his head on top of mine.

"Gerard, be my boyfriend," I whispered after we were quiet for a few minutes. "Please." He tilted my face up so our eyes met, biting his lip. "Please," I said again.

He smiled and placed one more loving kiss on my lips. "Of course. Always." I flushed happily and tucked my face into his shoulder, hardly daring to believe that this was anything more than a dream.

We drifted off to sleep cuddled up like that, and right before I finally faded into dreams of Gerard, I realized that I had never been happier.
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I would really appreciate some comments, since I haven't gotten any so far. Just a hello or a you suck or a good job would be fine :)