

It feels like time is somehow deceiving me. It's as if everything is rushing past me and I'm sitting perched up on a big hill, just watching everything go by like I don't even exist. Every day of life is crucial yet it's never taken seriously. Before I know it, another year will pass. What will I have to show for it? Maybe a few inches of height added; perhaps a new haircut or different music playing from my headphones.

They say they love me, but do they mean it? They say they need me, but do they ever show it? Never ending questions seem to bind me to a web of unhappiness that makes the time spent even harder to comprehend for a little dream catcher like myself.

A clock somewhere is ticking while someone is sitting beside it whispering, "faster, faster, faster," and we're stuck experiencing the time rush by all to quickly for our liking.

“Make it stop,” I’ll whisper, but by then it’ll be too late. The time will have already crashed in front of my feet and slowly everything will be gone.
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Was listening to Birdy when I wrote this and felt inspired. If you don't get the drabble, it's about how sometimes our lives seem to pass us by... and before we know it, another year has passed all too quickly.