Ginger's Special *** Msytery

The Middle

Ginger approached the bottle cautiously. There was a note: "if you value your life, you will stop cooperating with the police. The next time they see you, which I am sure will be fairly soon, you will tell them that you have received another letter from the supposed dead man claiming that so and so had killed him. I have placed the letter at your workplace. P.S. I know where you live."

With trembling fingers, Ginger picked the bottle up and immediately set it back down. She slid down and bumped her head against the cabinet. What did these people want from her?! She was only a humble writer working for a humble company that wasn't even anywhere on the radar of respectable reading. She was nothing... nobody! Seeing little alternative, Ginger went to bed for another restless night, but not without taking her insomnia medication.

After a long night of consideration, Ginger decided to cooperate with the murderers as no strager's life was more important than her own. Especially if said stranger was already dead. She headed to work to get the letter and as the dangerous murderer had predicted, the detectives were already there waiting for her. She decided to play the part of an individual who has been harassed by the legal system for long enough and brushed the detectives aside with a snide comment about coming to interview another innocent soul in order to allow the real murderer to walk free another day. The detectives were unfazed by this, as they have heard this quite frequently, perhaps more than they would like. Ginger walked over to her desk and found the letter. She played her role perfectly; she looked at the letter and dropped it in shock. One of the detectives bent down to pick the letter up for her and when he caught a glimpse of the handwriting, he dropped it as well. He was an expert at recognizing handwriting as he was a forensic documents analyzer before he was a detective. The female detective picked the letter up and placed it onto Ginger's desk before looking at it and gaped. How was this possible? The man was dead!

So now they reacehd the point of the homicidal case where the victim is not very dead. Now things just became very complicated. The detectives took the letter back for a more detailed analysis per protocol and as luck was not on their side, they've found that the handwriting coincided with that of the dead man's. The female detective, Ana, hypothesized that another person was involved in the case and that this man may have had this all planned out prior to carrying out his supposed suicide. Or perhaps he backed out at the last minute and the other said individual simply had to kill him.

This new development was like a fountain that pumps pure gold for an aspiring reporter like Ginger. She quickly snapped a photo of the letter with her cellphone without alerting the detectives. Ginger asked if she could please examine the letter to see if the literary style were similar to the first letter that she had recieved from this supposed dead man. The detectives handed Ginger the letter and she examined it greedily. Ginger used her four year English degree to help her analyze the letter. Just because someone was able to immitate a correct font does not mean that they can immitate a correct writing style.

And to her complete not surprise, the writing styles did differ! Which means that someone else was involved. And if they were involved, they weres till invovled with the dead man as they still needed him to write the darn thing. So now there's someone else involved in the whole mess who's trying to scare Ginger into something. At this point she is only a pawn in the game. But what could the motivation even be? Just then, the sound of a window smash behind her broke the silence. Ginger turned with a start to find another wine bottle that has been thrown through the window with a note inside of it.

Ginger looked at the detectives and they went to pick the bottle up. Ana removed the note from the bottle and handed it to ginger. The note was made up of letters cut from magazines and newspapers, it read : You will pay. Ginger was scared, but at the same time she was excited. This would be a huge story, front page even. The detectives looked at Ginger and demanded that she explain herself. Ginger lied and said she had no idea why the murderer would be targeting her. Ana looked skeptical and her partner did as well. They offered to escort Ginger to her apartment but Ginger declined, stating that she did not think that this vandal meant any harm.

"Well of course it could mean harm!" Ana sighed loudly. Somebody is following you wherever you go. They know where you live and where you are at all hours of the day. You're not safe, case closed. So after more pointless arguments, they escorted her back home. They waited until she locked and barred her windows and doors before leaving her for the night with a curt, good night. The next morning, the detectives returned to tap her phones and be on the look out for any more of the annonymous harrasser. It seemed as if nothing would happen as there were no more attacks. Suddenly, at approximately six in the evening, the phone rang. Not expecting any calls from an "unknown" number, Ginger hesitantly answered her phone.

"Hello, Ms. Stone," rasped the voice on the other end of the line, "I see you have completely disregarded my instructions and have helped the authorities in their investigation. I am willing to give you one last chance. Tell them that you are going to visit your parents and that you prefer to go alone. I have placed a plane ticket in your refrigerator for a flight to Las Vegas. The plane boards tomorrow evening." The man on the phone promptly hung up. Ginger was completely ecstatic. She just knew that this story was going to put her on the radar of some of the larger news publications in the U.S. And , if she were to perish from this story, at least her name would be out there. That is, if she so happens to survive the whole thing. The detectives and her agreed that the best thing to do now was to head over to Las Vegas while a team is being assembled to nab the guy. It was agreed that Ana would escort her there and come to her defense whenever necessary. Things were about to get very dangerous. And Ginger was more than excited about the whole thing.

However, just as Ginger and Ana were about to leave the Las Vegas Airport, Ginger decided to give Ana the slip and head to Las Vegas on her own. Ana had no idea where the rendevouz point was, as it was written in her refrigerator with ketchup and Ginger had cleaned that before the detectives could lay their eyes on it. Ginger had jumped in a cab and told the man she would pay him double if he stepped on it and gave the cab Ana had gotten in, the good ol' slip. Ginger felt like she was in an action movie. Before long, Ana's cab was nowhere in sight. Ginger directed her cab driver to the hotel Cosmopolitan and paid the man as promised, double the fare. He thanked her and helped her with her luggage before driving off. Ginger walked into the hotel and checked in with the name Amar Reporteuir as she was instructed to do and went up to her room to await this mysterious murderer.

Several hours later, there was a light knocking on the door before it was opened. A masked man stood there before her, he had a gun in his hand. She also caught a glimpse of his buddy who was standing in the hall before he closed the door and adressed her. He greeted her and made a gesture for her to sit down on one of the beds. Ginger was dying to know who this masked man was. He sat down on the second bed in the hotel room and faced her. He told her that he did not want to harm her but if she did not cooperate, he would not hesitate to do so. She nodded her head to show him that she understood perfectly. Ginger sat there like a docile puppy dog while he went on and on about the dead man and how he did not mean to kill him, how it was an accident, how he had meant for the bitch to get her punishment. Ginger was not really listening to him; she was waiting for a prime moment to do what she had been waiting to do since this man walked into the room. Before he could react, Ginger reached over and pulled off the man's mask to reveal features that were identical to that of the dead man's.