I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Nine

Zach’s POV

“I can’t do it anymore.”

The locker door I’d been speaking to slowly closed – revealing a very confused looking Syn.
“What?” He asked “You can’t do what?”

I sighed in frustration “The movies with Cady.”

He rolled his eyes “Why?” I just stared back at him, not wanting to say what was going on in my mind.

It took him a few seconds, but when he finally realised a smirk appeared on his face.
“You like her!” he gasped.

“She’s smart, sweet, cute and now the girls made her hot!” I whined. “Which is exactly why I can’t have you playing me to date her!”

The confused look was back. “Then double date with me and Kirsti without me paying you.”

“I have no money,” I mumbled in reply, feeling deflated.

“Then I’ll give you the money,” he shrugged.

“The movies don’t cost what you were willing to pay Syn…”

“Just don’t tell her where you got the money then,” he smiled “Listen – if you don’t get these new strings the band will suffer, if you let Cady down we’ll suffer cause Val would KILL us for not including her and you’ll never grow a pair of balls to ask Cady out again cause you just ended a year relationship with The Bitch…”

“She wasn’t a bitch,” I murmured, interrupting his sentence.

He rolled his eyes. “She was Zacky, you just can’t see it cause you liked her for some reason,” he said “Anyways. Just don’t tell anyone about the money and we’ll be fine.”

I sighed “Okay. But if this comes back to bite me on the ass in the future – you’re taking the blame.”

He shrugged as he turned to walk away calling “Whatever!” over his shoulder.

Cady’s POV

Walking into my History class I noticed Debbie had moved u a chair, into my usual seat.

I frowned to myself as both Debbie and Monique ignored my entrance into the room – keeping their heads covered with a text book as they spoke rapidly to each other behind it.

A shout from the back of the room caught my attention, I glanced up to see Leana waving at me to go and sit next to her.

Taking one last look at my two friends hiding behind a book, I sighed and made my way over to Leana.


Placing my art homework on my desk – a sketch of a instrument of our choice, mine being a guitar – I opened my bedroom door and headed downstairs. Hunger finally taking over and distracting me from my art.

As I lived in California the weather seemed to be hot almost all year round so, when I arrived home, I swapped my black skinnies for some shorts of the same colour. Also discarding my trainers for a pair of grey flip-flops.

I rolled my eyes when I noticed Britt was already in the kitchen by the time I reached it. Accompanied by 2 of her jock friends – Scott and Cal.

Ignoring their presence I grabbed myself a packet of prawn cocktail crisps, a galaxy chocolate bar and a bottle of Dr Pepper.

As I exited the kitchen to get back to my Art I heard one of the guys turn to Britt.

“Your sister’s so hot.”

Well, that was a change.
♠ ♠ ♠
This one sucked.
prawn cocktail crisps [how british], galaxy chocolate and dr pepper = love.
thanks for all the comments, I havent been on this site for a while and it's nice to see people still kinda like what I'm writing :D

Sam xo

btw, ILoveLisa :D