I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Ten

Val laughed when I told her about the encounter in my kitchen when we met up the next morning at her locker.

“It’s cause you are hot!” She exclaimed adding “Girl, do you own a mirror?” When she saw my uneasy expression.

I nodded “I just don’t see it!”

She laughed and shook her head “Well, Zacky obviously does,” she mumbled shutting her locker and beginning to walk away.

“Wait, what?” I asked running to catch her up.

“Cady – I know Zach Baker. I’ve lived next door to him my whole life! I know when he likes someone and he definitely has the hots for you!”


“Britt?” I whispered, knocking softly on my little sister’s bedroom. Tuesdays being the only day her friends had other places to be.

“Come in,” she sighed.

I slowly pushed the door open and wandered into her immaculately clean living space.
She was sat in the far corner, her laptop on and a word document open.

“I’m not interrupting anything am I?” I asked, my voice still a whisper – I hadn’t spoke to my younger sister, properly, for days.

“No,” she shrugged, tipping her laptop screen so she could give me her full attention.
I slowly sat myself down on her bed, trying to decide on which words to use to fix the rift that had somehow appeared between me and her.

But, just before I opened my mouth, she got there first.
“What’s happened with you?” She asked, frowning slightly.

“I…w-what d’you mean?” I answered, confused.
“Your hair, clothes – they’ve changed. You haven’t spoken to Debbie and Monique for days and haven’t even tried to! You’re different Cadence.”

I shook my head, not believing what was coming out of her mouth. “In other words – you’re jealous that I’ve managed to break into the group of friends everyone wants to be with!” I snapped, unable to stop myself.

She laughed – winding me up even more. “You’ll soon see Cadence. Zach doesn’t like you for you. There’ll be a catch in there somewhere, he’s jus looking for someone to fuck with cause he split from Danielle.”


Brittany’s words rang in my ears as I wandered the school corridors the next day.
Along with Val’s.

I know Zach Baker. I know when he likes someone and he defiantly has the hots for you…

He’s just looking for someone to fuck with cause he’s split from Danielle.

I skidded to a halt as I rounded a corner. Zach was stood slouched against his locker, listening to a very beautiful, very blonde cheerleader chat away flirtingly.

As I watched her place a tanned hand on his shoulder my heart sank, beginning to believe the little speech Britt has spouted out the night before. Especially when he smiled as she whispered something in his ear.

Then the atmosphere changed.

The look on her face switched from happy and flirtatious to shocked and, almost, upset.
My heart leapt as he brushed her hand off his arm, mouthing sorry.

The cheerleader sighed, her shoulders slumped in disappointment as she turned and stormed away.

Biting my bottom lip I took a deep breath and continued my journey to class.
As I glanced up my eyes met Zach’s, a grin coming to his lips – lighting up his whole face.

“Cady!” He called, making his way over to my side of the corridor.

“Hey Zach,” I replied, unable to stop the grin from coming to my own lips.

“Can I walk you to class?” he asked, taking my heavy English textbooks off me.
♠ ♠ ♠
Jared Leto is a pretty man.
In cause you havent noticed.


Sam xo