I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Twelve

Zach’s POV

“Dude, she’s changed you,” Matt smirked the next morning as me and Syn joined him and Val on their journey to school.

“Shut up you,” Val frowned, hitting him lightly on the arm. “I think it’s cute.”

Upon hearing her say this I made a noise kinda sounding like ‘pfft’. I hated the word cute.

She rolled her eyes. “Well fuck you then Vengeance!” she exclaimed jokingly.

“Anyway,” I started as I remembered the original conversation starter. “She hasn’t changed me.”

Next to me Syn laughed. “Shut the fuck up Zacky!” He smiled, placing a hand on my shoulder “She has and you know it!”

Cady POV

I smiled as I leant against my locker, my cellphone lay flipped open in my hands as I re-read the text message I’d received as soon as I’d got home the night before.

Have a great night’s sleep hon. Just checking Syn got you home okay :). See you in school tomorrow. Zackler xxoo

Then, once my phone was back in the pocket of my jeans, I raised my head to begin walking to my first class of the day.
And that’s when I saw him.

Walking towards me was Zach. Hands shoved casually in his pockets, a peaked trucker cap covered his dark hair and shielding his eyes from any bright light they may come into contact with.

Someone has a hangover,” I smirked when he finally reached me.

“Oh, you’re so funny,” he replied sarcastically, a smile tugging on the corner of his lips to let me know he was joking.

“I know,” I smiled, flicking my hair over my shoulder.

“C’mon slacker,” he said, his voice a permanent mumble “Let’s get to class.”

“Ok,” I nodded. Then muttered “Geography here we come!” with fake enthusiasm.
Next to me Zach shrugged “Whatever you say.”
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry i didnt update over the weekend.
had some sucky news about a closeclose family friend
and had to look after my best friend over the weekend with my other best friend cause of stuff.

hope these two updates make up for it :D

Sam xo