I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Fourteen

That was shockingly shite,” Brian announced an hour and a half of pure boredom later.

I giggled at the looks a few of the staff were giving him as he said this.

“Aw, come on…it wasn’t –” Kirsti stopped mid way through her sentence “…okay yea – you’re right it was that bad.”

As I laughed along with them I felt Zach squeeze my hand.
“You wanna go get some food?” he asked “We could eat it on the beach.”

I smiled “That’s a great idea Zach.”

“How about you two?”

Brian and Kirsti nodded in agreement as we reached the cars – Brian’s parked a little better than Zach’s.

“We’ll follow in my car,” Brian said, raising an eyebrow at Zach’s parking.

“We were late!” he exclaimed jumping to his own defence as I climbed into the passenger seat.

“To the food place!” he grinned when he finally joined me in the car “And I’ll drive better this time – I promise.”


“So what school do you go to Kirsti?” I asked once we were all sat, legs stretched out, on Huntington Beach with our food on our lying in each of our laps.

“I start Huntington High on Monday,” she replied with a wince.

“Rad,” I nodded “At least you’ll be able to hang round with us,” I added, a cheesy grin on my face.

“You’re such a block of cheese!” Zach exclaimed, pausing easting so he could poke me.

I put on a shocked face “A block of cheese?”

He shrugged “I happen to like cheese.”

“Zach likes anything edible,” Brian’s voice piped up “He wasn’t always fat you know.”

“Aww,” I frowned “Zach isn’t fat! He’s…cuddly,” I added, ruffling Zach’s hair.

“I hate you all,” he mumbled “Well…apart from you Cadence.”

“Who’s the block of cheese now eh?” I smirked as he hugged me.

“So, how long have you two been dating?” Kirsti asked, breaking a silence that had fallen over the four of us all of a sudden.

“We aren’t,” me and Zach answered together, both blushing.

Yet,” I swore I heard Brian whisper to Kirsti.


“I had fun tonight,” I smiled, Zach had insisted on walking me to my front door from his car.

“Me too,” he grinned “We’re having another band practise over at Matt’s again tomorrow if you’d like to come. Starts at 2.”

I nodded “I’d like that.”

“Good,” he answered, grin still in place “I’ll see you tomorrow then,” he added before kissing me on the cheek and heading back to his car.


Half an hour later I heard my cell beep from inside my bag.

Once I had crawled out of my warm bed to retrieve it I saw that I had two text messages.

Cade! How’d it go chick? If he jumped you cause of the outfit I’ll kill him xD. O/j Zacky wouldn’t do that. Anyways me and Lea will be at yours 4 1pm 2morrow. The guys have band prac at 2. love ya! Val xo

I rolled my eyes at her rambling. Deciding I’d text her back in the morning I clicked onto the next text in my inbox.

Sweet dreams baby. You block of cheese you. Zack xo <3
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I agree with Danni :D

Sid and Michelle = love!
