I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Fifteen


I was woken by a shout of my name and someone landing on my bed.
I slowly opened my eyes to see Val and Leana.

“Is it 1 already?” I mumbled, squinting at the light Val had flicked on.
Leana sat up from where she had landed on me “Nope. Only 11.”

“Didn’t you get my text?” Val asked, throwing my phone at me from my desk when I shook my head.

Me and Lea cant wait for the goss. Will be over in half an hour. You better be up wench! Lvya Val xo

“So how was last night?” Leana asked excitedly.
I grinned “Perfect. We saw the shitest movie ever but it was still good if you know what I mean. Then we went to get food and ate on the beach.”

Val and Leana exchanged glances saying “You two are so cute!” at the same time.
“He sent me this last night as well,” I said, getting Zach’s text on the screen of my cell to show them.

“Aw!” they echoed one another.
“He’s fallen for you Cady,” Val smiled “Bad.”

“Fucking hell you three!” Brian exclaimed when we wandered into their practise half an hour later. “M, Jimmy and Zacky have been all a panic without you!”

Actually we’ve been waiting for Val so we can practise Art of Subconscious Illusion,” Matt stated, I threw a confused look to Val.

“Nice to know I’m loved!” She exclaimed sarcastically “Oh, I scream in one of their songs,” she explained to my confused expression.

“Where’s Johnny?” I asked sitting myself on the arm of the chair that seemed to permanently be Zach’s seat.
“He’s running as late as you three,” Zach replied, placing his hands on my hips so he could pull me onto his lap.

“Something about picking some Lacey chick up?” Jimmy said causing Val to squeal with delight.

“Have you been playing matchmaker again sweetie?” Matt asked, raising his eyebrows.
Val shrugged, trying to look innocent “Maaaybe.”
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