I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Twenty Three

Wednesday 11th February.

I sat watching Zach, Brian and Johnny practise baseball instead of sitting beneath the usual tree.

Matt and Jimmy sat either side of me, both trying to explain the rules of their beloved game...and neither making any progress. The girls were due to join us in a few minutes.

"I just don't understand!" I exclaimed, a mischevious smirk on my lips as Matt and Jimmy became more and more annoyed with my baseball stupidity.

"Yea, well, I don't understand your face," Jimmy replied, sticking his tongue out at me.

"Oh very mature!" I giggled as a shadow cast over us, blocking out the sun.

Stood before us was a girl of about our age - one word described her; stunning. Long pink tipped raven black hair lay on her shoulders. Her sparkling ocean coloured eyes glared down to where me, Matt and Jimmy were sat.

To our left Zach also glanced up. Upon noticing the girl his grip became loose on his bat as he stared - an unreadable expression on his face. The ball Brian had just thrown went unnoticed as Zach ignored it, sending it rolling past him slowly.

Fear squirmed in my stomach as I recognised who the mystery beauty was - Danielle Culver; Zach's ex girlfriend. The one who he had dated for a year. The one who had broken his heart.

A sarcastic smile came to her lips as she asked "Cadence right?"

I nodded slowly, too scared to speak to the girl with a 100 times better social status than me. Beside me, Matt and Jimmy moved closer to my side. Almost protectively.

"Zach Baker's new," she paused for a second, her head tilting to the left making her grin seem more sarcastic than before. "Girlfriend?"

She didn't have to use air quotes - the way she said the word was enough.

"Uh-huh," I managed, my voice even more high pitched and squeaky than usual.

She laughed harshly, hitching her bag so it rested higher on her shoulder. She bent down slighly, her hair falling into her face. "Not for very long sweetheart," she snapped "He still has a thing for me. In fact, he was on the phone with me for 2 hours only last night He isn't gunna stay with a dog like you for too long."

Behind her Zach was still staring, his bat lay on the floor as he ignored Brian and Johnny's shouts,

Tears sprung to my eyes immediately. My worst fear voiced by the one person I didnt want to hear it from.

Matt and Jimmy jumped to their feet, both telling Danielle where to go.

As Danielle argued back, Matt pushed her shoulder lightly, attempting to turn her around.

Thats when Zach stormed over. An angry expression on his face.

A tear rolled down my cheek as he did so. Seeing I was going unnoticed anyway and turned and ran.
♠ ♠ ♠
Nearly over =O

Mibba keeps telling me that I've had no readers for the past 4 chapters.


