I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Two

“I’m home!” I called throughout my home once I got back from school.
Dumping my backpack on the sofa I flicked the TV on and headed for the kitchen.

“Hey sis,” a voice mumbled from the door to the left of the kitchen entrance.
A glance in that very direction told me that my younger sister, Brittany, and her friends had taken over the house.

“Hey Britt,” I mumbled back in reluctance.

She may only be 15, compared to my 17, but Brittany had High School way more sussed than I ever had.
Blonde hair cascaded down her skinny shoulders. She cruised through the hallways as a cheerleader. Most people knew her name.
But, if you think that took some pressure off of me, you would have thought wrong.
Totally wrong.

Britt decided to ignore the fact that she had an older sibling during school hours. If she could change her last name I’m positive she would.
Not that I blame her.

Placing my earphones in my ears I continued my quest to the kitchen.

“Your sister’s such a dork Britt!” I heard one of Britt’s friends smirk.
I suppose I cant argue with that one.


Why are you two here again?” I questioned handing Monique and Debs a diet coke can each as they lazed on my bed.
We usually met up anywhere but my place, which was always abducted by Britt’s cheerleader, jock friends.

Ignoring I’d even muttered a syllable Debs sat up.
“You know, you and Zach Baker aren’t that different,” she stated, glancing around the posters that adorned my walls as Monique shifted through my CD collection.

“You’ve well and truly lost it there Debs,” I replied, sitting on my lilac carpeted floor.

“No, hear me out!” She grinned. Sighing I shrugged to let her know I was all ears. “You have the same music taste, same dress sense…”
I smiled as her list stumbled to an end.

“I’d forget it if I were you Debs,” I giggled getting to my feet to replace my CDs back beneath my bed.

“How did Valary know your name?” Monique’s hushed tone asked.

“Now that I have no idea about.”


The next day was almost a complete repetition of the first.
They all swarmed round the school entrance as per usual, gossiping about new hairstyles or ‘crushes’.
When I reached my locker the usual wave of relief was spoiled as I noticed the note stuck to the metal door.

Cady. Meet you in class. Debs and Mon xxoo

I sighed as I ripped the paper down and shoved it in the pocket of my grey skinny jeans.
After pushing my backpack into my locker (and also placing my phone and mp3 in my jeans pockets). I smoothed down my Iron Maiden tank top and retrieved my English book and a pen.

As though they were on a schedule the usual chaos of Zach and his friends’ arrival broke loose.
Rolling my eyes I flattened myself against my locker to make sure I was well and truly out of the way.

“Hey Cadence!” A soft voice called over the shouts I raised my head to see Valary DiBenedetto smiling and waving in my direction.

“Hi,” I managed to mumble, raising my hand in a small wave back.

“Nice shirt,” she winked before turning to laugh at one of Matt’s jokes.

I stayed glued to my spot watching as Zach, Valary, Matt and the others disappeared from view.

Then, clutching my book to my chest, I made my way to class.
A grin stretched across my pale face, as I ignored the unattractive squeaking my pink and black Babycham trainers were making.
♠ ♠ ♠
If anything about the school if wrong in this story I'll apologise [[for future reference as well]]

Im British so dont know much about American High Schools "/

Sam xo
