I'm in Love With a Fool

Part Four

We had been sat under the tree for half an hour. Monique talking about homework that was due in the next day, Debs informing us on the latest gossip and me? Well, with risk of sounding like a stalker…I was watching.

Watching as countless cheerleaders attempted to engage in conversation with the gorgeous green eyed guitarist and his – single – friends.
None of them walked away successful.

“What were you listening to when we first arrived Cady?” Debs asked. Her and Monique weren’t music people, not like me anyway. They always had ‘more important things to worry about’.

But I knew where she was going with this.
I sighed “The Misfits.”
A grin stretched across her face as I muttered the two words.

“Hey, wasn’t Zach wearing a shirt with that on it before the holidays?”
I rolled my eyes and sighed once again. “Debs, no one from his group are interested in me, I doubt they even know who I am let alone Zachary Baker himself,” I smiled, leaving the ‘hi’ I’d got off Valary this morning out of it. “God sometimes I could swear it was you with the ‘crush’ on him,” I added jokingly.

“Hey Val, just leave if we’re boring you!” Brian called sarcastically from the tree next door.
I heard Valary’s soft laugh as she replied “You’re boring me Synnie!” Then saw her wander over to our direction out of the corner of my eye.
“Hi Cadence!”

My head shot up from the piece of grass I had been pretending to study. “Oh, h-hi Valary.”
She grinned “Can I sit here?”

“Um sure,” I said, moving my bag so she could sit beside me. Desperately trying to ignore the looks I was receiving off Debs as I did so “Er, this is Debs and Mon by the way,” I added pointing to each of my friends as I said their name.

“Hi!” Valary smiled “I hope you don’t mind me intruding, but there’s only so much time one girl can spend with them guys! Zacky and Johnny just split from their fuck buddies and the only other girl-mate I have here is my sister Michelle.”

“I-its fine,” Debs said, looking as though all her birthdays and Christmases had come at once.

“So!” Valary said clapping her hands together “Where did you get that awesome top Cadence!?”

“Hottopic, where else?” I giggled “And you can call me Cady if you like,” I added wondering where all my confidence was coming from.
Valary laughed “Only if you call me Val. Valary sounds too old…”


“C’mon Val!” Matt shouted as the bell rang at the end of our lunch hour.
My eyes darted to the ‘Hello Kitty’ watch adorning my skinny wrist, not wanting the hour to be over so soon.

“Yea Screamin’ Demon Girl!” Upon hearing Zach call this my head shot back up. “We’ll be late!”
“Fine fuckers!” she shouted back “I’ll be there in 2 secs!”

“HA! Val just said sex!” Jimmy exclaimed jumping up and down on the spot like a small child.

Val rolled her eyes as she got to her feet. “Cya girls,” she smiled “Come over and see me tomorrow lunch, yea?” she added then, without waiting for our reply, she ran down the hill to catch up with the five guys shouting “I made some AWESOME new friends!” as she did so.

Debs smirked at me when the three of us had collected our things and were heading to class.
“Don’t know who you are my ass!”
♠ ♠ ♠
Comments make me smiiile

Sam xo