Infinite Love, Infinite Hope, Infinite Faith


life isn't fair, it doesn't give you the chance to choose who you are or who your family is or where to live.

you just born and have to accept what you got stuck with. don't get me wrong, I love my family and friends it's just that, sometimes, I want to have someone else's life, I want to have a different name, I want to live in another place, not just this little town where everyone knows each other and there are not secrets .

but before I go on... I think I should tell you my name and who I am. I'm Efigenia.I know it's a weird name but I love it.I think is irish; so I'm seventeen and I live with my mother; my parent got divorced when I was about 4 because my father was cheating on my mom, and I go to high school, doesn't everyone?, I'm the popular girl at school , just as my best friend, which means I'm friends with everyone; you'd think that's a good thing but it's not, you never know who your real friends are.

truth be told, I don't even know why I'm writing this,I mean I love to write but never have I written about me, I usually write about people who doesn't exicts but, I guess there's always a first , right? I guess what actually moved me to write was the fact that for the fist time my friends had something I didn't have and I wanted it, which is something that usually doesn't happen.

that thing, believe it or not, was love; they all had boyfriends and were so happy together, that it made me feel jealous! can you imagine that? me, the girl who always accepted what she had, was jealous! that was simply ridiculous. it's not like I had never had a boyfriend, because believe me i have, it's just that my relationships never lasted more that 3 months! I was more than tired from trying. I didn't get it, every guy said I was beautiful and they all wanted to get me, but none of them seemed to be the one.

and for that reason, I simply decided to quit trying, and then my story begun.