Infinite Love, Infinite Hope, Infinite Faith

what's wrong with you?

“I don’t get it! It’s too difficult.”
We were at Emma’s house, sitting on her room, studying history; well I was studying and she was trying. We had been studying for 2 hours now and she still had no idea what we were talking about.
“No, it’s not. Look, answer this: Marat started the second revolution because…?” I asked her.
I looked at her expectantly, waiting for her answer; when she opened her mouth to answer, I couldn’t believe the words that left her mouth.
“Ugh! Who the heck is Marat?!”
Emma never, ever swore, and when she did it was a sign, it meant she was fed up and you didn’t want to confront her when she was like that. I sighed this was impossible.
“You know what? Why don’t we take a break?”
She closed the book and tossed it in the ground. Then she looked at me and smile.
“So… how was it?” she asked.
A smile grew into my face as the memory of that night came, I was about to speak when someone interrupted me.
“Yeah, nia how was it?”
My smile automatically fell and I grunted at the nickname “nia” I hated it. Only one person called me that and it was infuriating I mean, why couldn’t he just call me Efi like everybody else?
I turned around to find him smirking at me. He had light brown eyes that were shinning, but I assure you they weren’t shining for excitement, and dark brown hair. He was leaning against the doorframe.
“What do you care?” I asked him.
He walked towards us and sat beside me.
“Well I happen to be your best friend, of course I care” he smiled at me, not a smirk a smile. The one I loved and I returned it.
Emma looked at us and laughed
“I swear you guys fight like a married couple. I can’t even understand why you’re friends”
This time the three of us laughed. He put his arm around my shoulders and said” so how did it go?”
“The truth?” they nodded and I continued “well, it was great and I really like him and everything but…•”
“But?” Emma said.
She was mad; you could see it in her eyes.
“Efi! You always say but! Why? I mean, john is a great person; he’s funny, cute, nice and sweet! What could possibly go wrong?”
“I’m starting to think you like him.”
Taylor said and I laughed he joined me and soon enough we were both laughing so hard it hurt. But then we looked up and found Emma glaring at us, that made us to stop laughing and look at her.
“Sorry” I muttered and she just nodded. ”so you were saying…?”
She raised an eyebrow. Crap. I was supposed to know.
“Right… the thing is… he snorts when he laughs and he isn’t taller than me.”
I looked down embarrassed, yes I was embarrassed wanna know why? Because it was the fourth time I had gone out this week and there was just something I didn’t like about this guy. It wasn’t the fact that he snorted when he laughed, and it wasn’t the fact that he was shorter than me either, although that was something that annoyed me, it was just that we didn’t have chemistry, we had nothing in common, he liked science fiction, I liked romance, he liked to be on the internet all the time, I liked to read, he didn’t like music, I loved it, he was a nerd I wasn’t. I didn’t even understand why he hang around us; we were the popular kids the ones everyone wanted to be , and the only thing he had in common with us was that he had “the looks” and that he played football; that was all!
“You’ll stop dating him because his shorter than you! I can’t believe you!”
I rolled my eyes, I was tired of this.
“What’s wrong with that? I’ll date someone else and life as we know it will go on” I said that with a sarcastic tone and Emma noticed it.
“They’ll call you whore, you’ll see” she said and that really pissed me; people already called me whore, and I didn’t care, I mean what do they now? But the fact that it was my best friend the one who said made me really angry.
Then we had a staring contest until Taylor, being Taylor, stopped us.
“Em, she can stop dating him if she wants. If she doesn’t like him, you can’t make her”
She looked up to him and smile then she said” of course, and better for you if she doesn’t love anyone, right?”
I furrowed and looked at her, then looked at Taylor, he was furrowing. What?
“Em? What do you mean? He has Leila and he loves her right Tay?”
He nodded “yeah, Emma I love her. And, what about you? You seem pretty worried about this john.”
Here we go again. Don’t get me wrong I love them but god! We fight a lot, and then we burst out laughing because of the same fight, it was always the same. Emma, Taylor and I had been best friends since I had memory, the three of us were neighbors and we ruled the school, he was the captain of the football team, and Emma and I were the popular girls. I looked around the room while Taylor and Emma were bickering about how they were so happy with their girlfriend and in Emma’s case boyfriend and how Emma wanted me to have one and everything, it made me roll my eyes, anyway I was looking around the room when my eyes fell in the clock, it read 8.00. F*ck I was late for dinner! Mamma was gonna kill me!
“I gotta go” I said.
That made them stopped and looked at me.
” what? Why?” they both asked and I smiled.
“Because I say so, now goodbye”
I was about to leave but then they said something that stopped me
“You aren’t mad right?”
I turned around.
“What? No!”
“Ok, then I’ll go with you”
Taylor got up and said bye to Emma and then he followed me we went downstairs and got out of the house.
“Well, bye Taylor”

“You do realize you’re late, don’t you?” Justin said and I glared at him.
“Yes, and I’m so sorry… it’s just that I lost track of time and”
My mother interrupted me before I could go on.
“It’s okay honey, but don’t let it happen again:”
After that my parents and brother started talking about college and I ignored them. I looked at my brother, he had dark eyes and dark brown hair, you could say he was good-looking.
Justin. Ugh. Why did he have the normal regular name and I got stuck with the weird one?
Efigenia Marie Gomez, yes that was my name weird right? Don’t get me wrong, I loved my name but I hated the fact that no one could pronounce it the right way, which led to the nicknames “Efi” or “nia” and believe me I didn’t like those at all , I mean Efi was okay, everyone called me that so I was used to it. But nia? Ugh I hated it, it sounded like a negation and I didn’t like that.
Only Taylor called me that and thank god! Because I don’t know what I’d do if the rest of the people I called me that.
Taylor. The football player, tall, muscular but not too muscular, had brown hair with light brown eyes. Funny, sometimes a jerk, and my best friend.
I love him, and before you ask, I’m not in love with my best friend, that’d be too cliché like.
But I do love him and I know that he loves me too. That got me thinking…
Emma had said he was happy about me being single, what did that mean? Did she mean something about me and Taylor being together?
She didn’t exactly say anything about you being single…
Now that was true, she just said he was happy about that. Maybe he was happy about me not getting hurt, right? RIGHT??