Infinite Love, Infinite Hope, Infinite Faith

fine... i'm going to give it a try.

School. A real jungle, if you ask me. There are the nerds ones, the ones that are always high, the artists, the emo ones, the loners and the populars. It’s incredible how us people let ourselves be influenced by what other people say and we divide ourselves in these social groups.
I understand the difference between us but why can’t we try and be all friends? Or at least treat each other the right way?
Kind of hypocrite, don’t you think? Yesterday you said you didn’t like john because he was a nerd.
That was true… oh no! Was I becoming like one of those shallow girls that only think about themselves?
I think so.
I mentally slap myself, what was wrong with me and my conscience?
I drove into the parking lot, parked and got out of the car. I was saying hi to everyone as I walked to my locker when someone called my name.
I kept walking but the person kept calling for me, something in my head was yelling at me to stop but for a reason I didn’t until…
I stopped, surprised that someone had finally said my name correctly and turned around to congratulate them (note the sarcasm).
When I turned around I saw john walking towards me. Upss! I was ignoring my current “boyfriend”, not good. I smiled sweetly at him and he put an arm around my shoulders.
Isn’t this a little bit ironic? I was thinking of him and suddenly he appeared….
Speak of the devil.
“John, hi! I’m so sorry I didn’t turn around when you were calling for me it’s just that…”
My voice started to fade while I was talking. What was I going to say?? “I didn’t stop because I didn’t recognize your voice”? Yeah, that would be perfect. I had know this guy for two months? Yes, two months and I’ve been going out with him for a week now, I was supposed to recognize his voice.
I was thinking of a lie to tell him when he gave me a peck on the lips that surprised me, I mean it’s not that he hadn’t kissed me before because he had; but we hadn’t kissed in school, in the middle of a corridor full of people who were obviously looking. He broke apart and looked at me then kissed me again, the difference was that this time it wasn’t just a peck, no this time it was a real kiss, and man! Should I say it! It was a really good kiss. Who’d say a guy like him could be such a good kisser?
We broke apart and I couldn’t help but smile, what? I’m romantic and when someone does that I melt!
“What was that about?” I asked.
He looked me in the eyes and rubbed the back of his neck with his free hand, suddenly I saw a little flush on his cheeks.
Awwwww he’s flushing! How cute is that!
“Well, um, it’s just that I wanted to kiss you… but if you want I won’t do it again!”
He rushed the last part and I laughed as I gave him a little hug.
“No! It’s just that you’ve never kissed me here” I said motioning to the hallway.” Does this mean we’re like together now?”
He furrowed and I almost had a heart attack when I realized what I had just said, he thought we were together and I had questioned that fact.
Way to go girl! I understand you don’t love the guy, but why hurt him?
“John, ugh! I’m sorry! I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately. We are together. Forget what I said”
I said that so fast that I didn’t even knew if he had understand me, but apparently he did because he let go of my shoulders and grabbed my hand and started walking.
“Don’t worry… so your first class is history right?”
I nodded and he led me to the classroom and kissed me gently on my forehead before leaving to his class, chemistry I think.
I went to my seat and thought. What did just happen?
You got yourself a new boyfriend.
Yes… and how the hell did that happen?
You were afraid of hurting someone, your soft side came in and you got yourself a boyfriend!
Shit! I was thinking of breaking up with him, telling him this wasn’t going to work and how I’m going to do that now?!
You could always give it a try…
Not helping.
I watched as Emma walked into the class and sat beside me, she smiled and I smiled back, I had to tell her, right?
“Emma! Hey how are you?”
“I’m fine, I guess. What about you?”
I sighed, here we go.
“Well, you’ll never guess what just happened…. John and I are officially together now”
She squealed and I laugh, she was about to ask me something when the teacher came in and the class started, we were talking about world war II and spent all the class counting the minutes that were left for the bell to rang.


I jumped from my seat and rushed to my locker, Emma close behind me. Emma had the locker that was next to mine.
“I’m so happy! I knew you guys will end up being together for real!”
I laughed as I got my books for my next class: math II.
Yes, I was intelligent, smart, whatever you want to call it, and I like it that way.
“Hello, gorgeous.”
We both turn around to see matt smiling down at Emma. Matt as you can guess was Emma’s boyfriend. Matt was tall and blonde with blue eyes and most importantly he was hot, the bad thing? He could be a bit of a jerk but all the boys in this school were, including Taylor.
I looked around but found nothing, confused I turned to Emma.
“Em, where’s Taylor?”
Emma was looking at matt and she either ignored me or didn’t hear because she didn’t answer, I tried again but nothing.
Oh well, I’ll talk to her later.
Before I knew it, it was already lunch; Emma, matt, Leila, john and I were sitting, eating and chatting when I realized Taylor was nowhere to be seen, I furrowed. Where was he?
“Leila, where’s Taylor?” I asked and I watched as everyone looked around to see Taylor was nowhere to be seen.
Leila looked at me and scowled
“He’s home, I think he wasn’t feeling very well”
After she said this she turned around and kept talking to Emma.
Wonder why she acted like that? You see, Leila and I don’t like each other very much, we don’t hate each other but we just don’t seem to get along or agree in anything. She’s green then I’m white. You get the idea?
The rest of the day past pretty quickly and soon enough I was home; I was lying on my bed, bored as hell, when I decided I’d call Taylor to see if he was fine.
“Taylor… how are you?”
“I’m fine… why you ask?”
I furrowed, wasn’t he supposed to be sick or something?
“I thought you were sick… I mean you didn’t go to school…”
“Oh that! I have a stupid cold, that’s all…I bet school was really boring without me”
I laughed at this but it didn’t last long because he was trying to change the subject and it wasn’t like Taylor to miss school because of a cold.
“You’re right… any way, are you coming to school tomorrow?”
“Yeah… nia? Leila is waiting for me; I was actually leaving when you called…”
I caught the bite, he wanted me to hang up so I did it, but not before I said goodbye.
“Don’t worry, bye Taylor “I said and press the little red button that read end.
I lied on my bed and I was slowly falling asleep when something clicked on my mind, if he was sick enough to not go to school, then why would he go out? I mean it was freezing out there!
Maybe he’s hiding something! Maybe he got arrested because he killed someone!
Nah, that couldn’t be; maybe he was feeling sick and then got better, right?
Yeah, probably.
I sighed; this town was so boring that it had me jumping into conclusions before even knowing the whole story!