Infinite Love, Infinite Hope, Infinite Faith

and things keep getting better and better... note the sarcasm

It’s been a week since john and I are together and not much has happen; Taylor went to school the next day just as he said he would, but things weren’t right, at least not a the beginning, Leila and him would be all tense and I just kept having this feeling that was telling me something was off but every time I asked they said everything was fine so I simply shrugged it.
Emma and matt were really happy together, they just had this spark that made it obvious that they were in love and I found it really cute; I loved Emma she was my best friend we shared every thing, told each other every thing and had the best of times, matt on the other hand was completely different, he had been in our group of friends since we were all 13 but not once have I bothered to know him and I mean like really know him and now I regretted it, he was this great guy who had this great vision of the world, just like Emma, and he was really good at football and he was smart! You don’t see things like that every day!
It was a Friday night and I was getting ready because john was going to pick me up any minute now and I, as always, was late.
I was putting on my shoes when the bell rang, I ran to the door and opened it, expecting john to be the one behind that door but I was incredibly wrong, there standing like she regretted something was Leila and, next to her, Emma.
“Well, I wasn’t expecting to see you here” I said looking right at Leila.
Keep calm; she hasn’t done anything to you… yet.
“I know this is weird but we kind of need your help.” Emma said which made me look at her and raise an eyebrow.
“Just listen okay?”
Emma then turned around to look at Leila who was glaring at me.
“Fine… let’s go to my room” I said before Leila could say anything which won me another glare from her. God! What have I done to her so she’d hate me so much?
I was looking at Emma and Leila in pure shock; I couldn’t believe what they were saying. They couldn’t really expect me to do that, could they?
I got up from the bed and started to pace around my room, thinking.
They definitely lost it.
“You want me to what?!”
Leila grunted and glared at me again, well I’ll tell you something, if she keeps looking at me like that I won’t help, that’s for sure.
Emma sighed and looked at me with pleading eyes.
“Please, Efigenia you’re the only one who can help us!”
I stopped and turn to look at her in disbelief, one eyebrow raised.
“Dramatic much?” I said with pure sarcasm.
Oh yeah I was pissed.
“You know what? When Emma told me you’d help us I agreed because she was full of hope.”
Leila said, speaking for the first time; I turned around and glared at her as she continued.
“But truth be told, I knew from the second you open the door that you were going to be the selfish fucking bitch you are and you wouldn’t help us.”
Okay, now she did something to you… kill her now.
Ugh. I took a deep breath and looked at her blankly, then looked at Emma who was apologetically smiling, on her eyes there was hope.
I sighed “fine… I’ll help”
Emma squealed and Leila, believe it or not, actually smiled.
What have I gotten myself into?
I started to pace around my room again thinking in a way to help them when the bell rang and I froze, for all I knew it could be john but it could also be the queen of England coming all the way up here just to tell me it was all a dream.
Now that was a good idea, maybe it was a dream, maybe I fell asleep while getting ready for my date and made this up.
So not likely.
“Efi! John’s here!” I head my brother yelled from down stairs and I left out a breath I didn’t know I was holding.
“And that’s our cue to leave”
The girls got up from the bed and went down stairs, I followed them and said good bye to them then I turned around and smiled at john.
“Hi, how are you?”I asked leaning to him.
He lent down and kissed me hungrily and I did the same, I put my arms around his neck and started to knot my fingers to his hair. Soon enough we were having a mini make out session on the porch of my house.
We broke apart and he smiled down at me.
“I’m good, ready to go?”
I nodded and laughed out loud, I don’t know why but I felt good, I was happy.
All worries about what the girls had asked me to do or about what Taylor wasn’t telling me or about finals they were all left behind, they were forgotten.
We were now at a restaurant, having dinner and talking about silly stuff.
“So do you want to have pizza? We can share it!” said john, smiling at me.
I laughed “really? Pizza?”
“What’s wrong with that?”
“We are in a really fancy restaurant and you want to order pizza?” I asked in disbelief.
He laughed at me and took my hand the he came closer and whispered on my ear.
“It’ll be our secret”
He kissed my cheek and I flushed. Wait a minute, flush? I never flush!
You are growing weak, he’s melting you…
Oh, shut up.
I’m just warning you…
“Well then, pizza margarita?” I asked with a smile and he grinned at me.
We ordered the pizza which got us a nasty look from the waiter, and then continue talking.
“Why were the girls at your house?”
I froze; did they want me to tell him? I wasn’t sure so I just lied.
“Oh! Nothing, they just wanted me to give them my notes; they’re having a bad time with history” I lied so easily.
I was good at lying and I don’t really know if that’s a bad or a good thing, sometimes it was sometimes it wasn’t.
He nodded and we ate quietly, I guess we were both hungry; I didn’t like silence because it was in those silence that I kept having this feelings of emptiness that kept reminding me It didn’t matter how much fun I had or how nice he was with me, our thing was pure attraction there weren’t any feelings here, I mean yes, of course I like him but he has this things I don’t like, I don’t know what it is, I just can’t put my finger on it but whatever it is I don’t like it.
After dinner he drove me home; thank god we did talk in the car because there’s nothing worse than being in a car with awkward silence.
“What are you doing on your birthday?”
I shrugged, I wasn’t sure and I really didn’t want to know.
“I’m not sure… what about you? What are you doing?”
“I think I’m throwing a party or something”
I sighed; his parties were really boring; well I guess I’ll have to make up an excuse or something. Maybe we won’t be together by then, right?
That’s mean.
“Is some thing wrong?”
Ah, he was trying to make conversation, how cute… not.
The car stopped and I opened my door, gave john a quick kiss on the lips.
“Nothing’s wrong.” I said before getting out of the car and going to my house, not even bothering to look back.
I had lied again.
Every thing was wrong.