‹ Prequel: If You Only Knew

I Knew I Loved You


I sat on the couch, channel surfing. Dad had told me that Adam and the rest of the band were coming over soon and to get the door cause he was downstairs, working on some mixes.

I wasn't really looking forward to this. I thought I was done dealing with him when I left the studio, but I guess not. Instead I had to welcome him inside my house.

"Knock knock." I heard a voice say as they knocked on the door. I groaned and got up, walking to the door. I opened it and moved out of the way.

"He's downstairs." I said, not looking up at them. Jesse and the rest of the band walked downstairs while Adam stayed put.

"Look Dillon, I forgive you for your little tantrum the other day." He said, matter of factly. I looked up at him, glowering.

"You forgive me?" I snapped. "You? Forgiving me? If anything, I should be forgiving you." I glared. He smirked.

"Okay, thanks. So we're good now?" He asked. I paused.

"That's not what I meant!" I shouted, shutting the door. "Just go." I pushed past him and went into the kitchen.

"Your dad can wait." He said, following me. I opened the fridge and got a water bottle. "Cute dress." He smirked, his eyes scanning my body. I tried ignoring him, looking out the window. He walked in front of me. "Come on, you have to get over it eventually."

"Mm, no I really don't." I said, crossing my arms over my chest. He put his hands on my waist and nodded.

"Mhm, you can't stay mad at me forever." He smirked, his cocky side showing again. I rolled my eyes and moved his hands.

"Yeah, I can." I said, pushing him away from me then walking to the living room. Once again, he followed me. "Stop it!" I shouted, throwing my water bottle at him. He caught it.

"Feisty." He smirked, tossing it between his hands repeatedly as he walked over to me. "Come on Dill, you know you wanna forgive me." He leaned over so he was towering over me with his arms on either side of me.

"I don't wanna, no." I said, turning my head to look away. He sat on my legs, straddling me. This is what a girl would do to a guy. "Oh my gosh, you're so fat! Get off!" I tried shoving him off, but to no avail.

"Nah, I'm quite comfortable." He had an amused smile on his face.

"Adam." I whined.

"Yes darling?" He smiled innocently. I tried pushing him off again.

"You're heavy! You're breaking my legs!" I groaned. He smirked and stood up again, pulling me up with him. "Now what?" I looked away again as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Come on, I miss you. Give us another shot." He pulled me closer to him, and watched me. I bit my lip awkwardly and looked up at him.

"You can let go. I'm not saying yes." I said stubbornly. He stayed quiet for a minute as he opened the water bottle with his teeth.

"Say yes or I'm dumping it on you." He smirked, holding it over my head. I looked up at it as a bit fell on my head.

"It's water Adam. Not acid." I looked back at him. "I'm not scared of it."

"But it's ice cold water." He said. "See?" He pressed the bottle to the back of my neck, making me instantly tilt my head back to push it away.

"Adam stop!" I whined as he held it there.

"Say yes." He smirked, watching me. I shook my head a little to try and knock it from his hands.




"Say it!" As soon as he said that, I felt warm lips hit my neck. Damnit. "Say yes Dillon." He smirked against my skin.

"Mnm." I mumbled, trying to push him away, yet again. And once again, it didn't work. Shocker.

"Then you're gonna have a pretty little hickey on your neck. And maybe other places." He smirked, gently sucking on my neck.

"Okay fine yes!" I shouted, caving. "Just stop." I groaned. He pulled back a little and smirked down evilly at me.

"Fine." He let me go, letting my fall onto the couch. "By the way, nice hickey." He winked before walking downstairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
Adam is so fine. Mm.

I feel really awesome cause I can't hear properly, and I lost my voice last night from screaming so much at a concert. And of course, since I was at a bar, everyone thought I was drunk when I said "I feel like my hat is floating. I, I feel like I don't have a head." I PROMISE I WAS SOBER.
Alcohol hasn't touched these lips in a month. *dances*

Errr, comments? If I can get 20+ comments, I'll update sooner. ;3

Also, the band I went to see was Sophmore Jakes (@SophmoreJakes on twitter//friends band) and they're always super nice to mee. :D I got a song dedicated to me. ^__^ <3 <3 <3

-Ashley Dawn

P.S. I was originally gonna make Adam all "KISS ME BABY." and controlling. :C