Status: Active; We're working on another though so we'll update as much as possible.

Runaway Love


Mady Rae

I've been abused my whole life. My Mom's a druggie and my Dad's a Drunk. My Mom was always abusive but it got worse, way worse, when I told her that I was a lesbian. My Dad on the other hand, he's molested me all my life, but now that I'm older and I refuse to even be near him he gets physical. The beatings from my Dad started when I stood up for myself and told him to leave me alone. I've decided I was going to pack my things and run away. I was standin in my room stuffing shit into a back pack. My Mom was out getting money for her fixing while my Dad was out getting shit faced drunk, I was glad they weren't home. That would only make it worse if they saw what I was doing. I sighed and wrote a note, simply saying.

'I'm gone.'

I set it on the table and left. I put my hood on over my tangled hair and put my earphones in, blasting Alesana as I paced quickly down the road. I turned into the alley so no one would see me and started running. I was a good mile or two away from my house - that wasn't my house, I'm not sure what it was. Shelter, I guess? - I slowed down a bit and kept walking. When I left my 'shelter' it was almost two a.m. I sighed and began running again. I walked farther and farther. I thought to myself that I would sleep during the days and run at nights. That way they wouldn't be able to find me. I just have to get as far away as I could before sun rise.

'What doesn't kill me makes me stronger.'

I smiled to myself. That has been my life saying for as long as I could remember. Things never change but now, now they're going to. Nothing is going to bring my back to the people who created me. I couldn't call them parents, parents were suppose to protect you from danger not put it into your life. I walked faster and noticed the sun was rising. I looked around for a good place to sleep but didn't see one. Not the smartest idea, I know but it's better then being in that hell hole. I looked around and noticed there was a park on the corner of the street and walked over there. I sat on a bench and fell asleep.



I sighed and walked through the park. I let my thoughts take over my mind as I continued walking. I stopped only to find a girl, maybe 16 or 17, sleeping on the bench. It wasn't safe for her out here. I wanted to wake her put didn't want to frighten her. I sighed and shook her awake.


"Uh . . . hey?"

"You shouldn't sleep here. You're not safe sleeping in the day." I told her.

"I have to sleep in the day. I can't let them find me. If I sleep at night they'll find me."

That's when it clicked in my brain; She was a run away.

"Run away?"

"Yeah. I'm Mady Rae."

"I am too. I have experience. I'm Steven."

"You have experience? What do you mean?"

"I mean, if you want to be safe you'll come with me. I know my way around."

She tilted her head a little and looked at me carefully before getting up. She put her back pack on and I started walking. She walked beside me with her eyes fixed on the ground the whole time.

"What'd you run away for?" She asked me, eyes still glued to the ground.

"They abused me."

"Same here. I'm a lesbian they didn't like that. My dad molested me."


I noticed how much we had in common considering the fact that she was abused because her parents didn't approve who she was. Nothing was easy in her life, I could see that. I took one look at her and knew the pain she was feeling, like it was my own.

"You got a motto?"

"Yep. You?"

"What doesn't kill me makes me stronger."

"Nice. Tortured souls left for dead."

"I like it."

"Yeah. I wrote a song and that was my favorite line."

I told her.

"So, how old are you?"


"I'm seventeen."

Damn this girl talked a lot. I haven't had a conversation with anyone in the longest time. I forgot how good it felt to socialize with people. We walked farther away from the park in silence. All the way to another city. Tampa, Florida is where we ended up. I sat down and she sat next to me.

"Let's make some cash." I told her.


"Can you sing?"


"We'll sing."

I started singing and she went along with it. I placed my old hat out and people started throwing dollars in and smiling at us. I nodded thanking them and kept singing. After singing for a good hour my voice started to hurt so we went and got food. We talked the whole time, getting to know each other just becoming friends. I needed a friend, and she did too.


What do you guys think? Let us know!! ♥

I know I shouldn't have rushed the meeting so quickly but I thought it might be better for the story; This story was all Porno Mime 's idea. We planned it out together but most of the ideas came from her.

She's a great co writer, and she MY co writer. I hope you guys don't try to steal her. haha. Let us know what you think.