Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Burn the Kiddies

Something from inside of the hole-in-the wall in the Joker's room caused a small beam of light to hit him directly in the face. He got up rubbing his face and walked over to it, he peeked in, he could see one of his plainest knives dangling from in between the insulation and the dry-wall. He started to laugh My little Bloody Jax wants a knife, I should give her one. He took it out of the wall and sat it on his dresser. Then, he went downstairs and filled up a bucket of water and ice. Giggling he walked down the stairs to his basement.

French was on her side on the ground still tied to the chair. He laughed at her discomfort and threw the ice and water all over her. She woke up gasping for air. Then, she glared at him, Ooh, she's still mad about being tied up all night, he giggled, "I see you are still a bit...tied up, do you want me to help with that, hmm?"

"No, I love being chained to a chair all night," she spat.

He laughed even harder and started undoing her chains, "I like when you are makes me, hate you less," he smiled at the scowl on her face, "I found your stolen knife, Biscuit."

For the first time, she had been there she felt kind of scared, she didn't dare look at him, "Oh, and what knife was that?" she didn't know how he would react to her stealing

He could tell he had scared her and he laughed and pinned her to the ground, "Don't lie to me, Sugar, I know you stole it from me," she would not look at him, he grabbed her by the face, "Look at me," she looked up at him, "Why are you, ah afraid?" he purred.

"I'm not afraid of you," she replied, through gritted teeth.

He laughed, maliciously, "Oh, Biscuit, when are you going to learn, it's best not to lie to me," he flipped her over, still pinning her down, then he pulled out his knife and pushed up the back of her tank-top, "Now, hold still." he laughed, cutting down into her skin, he cut the word Liar into her back, "Now, everyone will know what type of person you are," he flipped her back on to her back, sending sharp-pains through her.

"Another scar, yay," she mumbled, rolling her eyes, she was no longer scared.

"Get up," he spat, getting off of her, "It's time to deliver our tape."

She picked herself up off the floor and followed after him. She could feel the blood dripping down her back. Now my clothes are going to be bloody again, dammit , she thought. The Joker dragged her to the van and threw her in the back. He pulled up to the news station and dragged her out.

"Take this to them and tell them to play it now," he giggled, "You have five minutes."

It was still dark outside so it took French a while to find the door and the nearest employee that wasn't security, "The Joker said to play it now, you have three minutes or he's going to explode the building," French told him, pushing the tape towards him. Then, she turned and ran back out the door.

The Joker giggled insanely when he saw her stumbling out the door and sprinting towards him. He pressed on the gas and pulled forward as fast as he could as soon as she got near the van. She let out a little scream of anger, he laughed and pressed on the brake again, "Get in, why are you, ah, taking your time?" he asked, laughing at her frustration.

French jerked the door open and got in, glaring at him. Then she put on her seat belt and he squealed tires, leaving the place. He drove towards the nearest elementary school, mumbling to his self. She ignored him and stared out the window. He squealed his tires to a stop and grabbed a black bag from the back. Then he got out of the van, French jumped out following him into the school. He pushed three bombs at her and grabbed three of his own. Then, he went to the left and she went to the right. She planted them in three different classrooms and then went out to the van. A few seconds later, he came running out, giggling.

"I cant wait to see the big boom boom," French giggled.

The Joker tried to ignore her and squealed into his driveway and jumped out. She rolled her eyes and hopped out, following him inside. He flopped on the couch and turned on the TV. She sat down on the other side of the couch, "Now, about that knife," he purred, smiling demonically, "Were you planning on killing me?" he giggled, as if that was impossible.

"Why would I want to kill you, you are just a regular old bucket of sunshine," she giggled.

He scooted closer to her, pulling out his knife, "I don't know if I believe you," she scooted away from him, "Sugar, you know you find me irresistible why lie to yourself, it only hurts my feelings," he giggled, placing his empty hand on her leg and scooting closer to her, "I wouldn't say irresistible," she replied, he pressed the cold blade to her cheek, she felt a shiver of want go down her spine, she tried to hide the joy he was giving her, but he could read it all over her face, his face was inches from hers now and her lips tingled, wanting his kiss. He could see the smear of lipstick on her neck from the night before. He giggled and pulled away. He completely stopped staring at her and looked at the TV.

"No way, you big tease," she said, grabbing him by his tie to pull his face only centimeters from hers.

He tried not to smile at her roughness and placed both his hands on her shoulders than slid them up her neck, right under the bottom of her head, "Liar," he whispered, crashing his lips against hers. Their lips moved together in synchronization, she tried to hold her own in the kiss and tried to not think about the way her body was reacting, then too soon for both of them she let go of his tie and pushed him away. He snorted in surprise and a little bit of anger and then looked at the TV. She smiled, triumphantly, she was in command at that moment. He rolled his eyes and started watching the TV. At 5:45, the mayor stepped on to the podium, "That's all we have to see, they are not doing what I asked, typical!" he stood up, abruptly and grabbed her arm and dragged her with him, "Let's go make them another tape."

She let him drag her into the van, he threw her into the back again and flew down the road, giggling the whole way. They pulled up to another abandoned warehouse. He dragged her in, "Wipe off your face," he giggled, "It looks like you've been kissing, a umm clown."

There was another video camera and a chair set up, French went and sat in the seat and waited as the Joker fumbled with the camera, "Well, Good Morning Gotham!" he exclaimed, laughing, "Me and my, ah Little Bloody Jax thought we'd let you know more about your punishment."

He pointed the camera at French, "Well, since Gordon wasn't ballsy enough to apologize to the Joker, here, we're going to start up a good old fashioned Kiddie-fry. Don't even try to apologize now, Mr. Commissioner, we will still be having the cookout."

"You heard my Jax, didn't you?" he started to laugh, "Let's put a little twist on this, I'm not going to let you know what school, I'm blowing up." With that he pressed the off button.

A couple of his goons had started to show, they kind of shrank away from French and Him, she giggled at their fear. The Joker started ordering them around, she watched him, mesmerized by how well of a strategist he was. Even though he always said he didn't have plans, she could tell that he had thousands of plans, "Sugar, get in the van, there's a umm, costume in the back for you."

She got in the back of the van and found a garment bag hanging up. She unzipped it a pin-stripe ladies suit and a bag of make up was inside. The makeup was very plain, not at all her style. The Joker got in the front and started driving, he watched her in the rear view mirror as she took off her shirt and pants. He ended up pulling over. She felt his cold leather gloves touch her back where the word liar was it was still very sore and it caused bittersweet pain to go throughout her body. He pressed his lips to the tender area and his hands went around her bare waist. She leaned her head back and closed her eyes in pain and in pleasure. With the Joker, there could never just be one. His hands moved back to her side as he planted kisses all up and down her back, mostly in between the two scars she had. Then, like always, too soon he pulled away and went back up to the front. She shook her head and got dressed. Then, she went back up to the front seat and pulled her hair back in to a tight bun. Then applied the plain makeup as well as she could with him whipping the van back and forth. He peeked over at her, wondering what had come over him, with her looking all professional, he wanted her to be a little bloody. He looked back at the road and pulled into the news station. Without a word, he handed her the tape and she went in.

They pretty much guided her to the producer's office. She laid the tape on the desk and left the room. No one looked at her like she wasn't supposed to be there. When she got back into the van, she pulled down her bun and shook out her hair, she hated having her hair pulled up. As if reading her mind, the Joker reached over with his knife and snapped all the buttons on the front of her suit and drove off towards the school. They went back to an abandoned warehouse that had a perfect view of the school, he parked inside this time and flopped down on a couch that had been left there, a cloud of dust came out of it, making him giggle.

"So, what are we going to do for the next two hours?" French asked, setting down next to him, he ignored her and started tossing the detonator in the air, "You're going to accidentally set it off," she said, standing up,

He just laughed at her and stretched out on the couch, where she had just been. She rolled her eyes and opened the back of the van. She searched for her tank-top and jeans. Instead, she found a brand new white tank-top and a blue-jean skirt barely long enough for her, even though she was short. She rolled her eyes, pervert. She changed in the back of the van, not allowing him to see her change. He tried to pretend not to notice when she came out in her mini-skirt. He had set the detonator down and was now tossing the pillow up in the air. She pushed his legs out of the way and sat next to him on the couch and crossed her legs. He sat up and scooted close to her.

"Where'd you find the, ah, new outfit?" he asked, looking her up and down, licking his lips.

"In the back with all the other white t-shirts and tank-tops you got me."

"What can I say, blood shows easier on white and I like it when you are all bloody," he giggled, pushing her up against the side of the couch, his eyes were full of desire and it made her stomach tighten in anticipation.

He crashed his lips against hers, grabbing her by the back of the neck. He started kissing up and down her neck, she could feel the makeup smearing on to her. His cold-leathered hands found their way to her hips. He turned his body so that it was in between her legs and she wrapped her legs around his waist. Desire rippled through her body as she pulled him tighter against her, then the warehouse door opened. The Joker pulled away in a groan of irritation. French just sat there dazed, her body still tingling. His goons were there now, wearing their clown masks.

"Go clean yourself up, Biscuit," he told her pulling her up, slightly rough off the couch, "And put on some jeans."

She rolled her eyes and got back into the van and looked at herself in the mirror. Her face and neck was covered in black, white and red. She laughed at her reflection and took her skirt off and put on her other jeans. Then, she started wiping her face and neck off. When she got out of the van, they were hard at work, filling up another car with weapons. The Joker was calling out different commands.

By the time 8:30 had rolled around, everything was ready. The Joker and her would go to a nearby bank and rob it. The Goons would rob a different bank. Then, he'd press the detonator and let the school explode. French giggled thinking about all the slaughter that was about to happen.

They drove off towards a bank and the Goons turned a different way towards a bank. The Joker laughed excitedly as they sped down the road, "Ready for mass murder?" he giggled.

"Fuck yes," she replied.

He threw her the knife she had stolen, she smiled and opened it, admiring it's sleek blade. She had done a great job at stealing. The Joker slammed the door open and she followed after him, she pushed the nearest man up against the wall and took the detonator out of her back pocket and shoved in between his teeth, "Now don't stop biting or a school's going to explode," she giggled.

The guy squirmed in fear. The Joker went straight up to the front desk and walked around it, he pushed the lady down to the ground and took the keys. Then, he went to the vault and opened it. He laughed at the large stack of money and walked in. He threw a match on to it and watched as it slowly set on fire, laughing the whole time. French was still in the front slicing the throats of every human she was in reach of. The man with the detonator in his mouth was cowering in fear, "Ah tah tah Biscuit, why are you playing with the hostages," the Joker asked, coming out of the vault, "Its 8:59."

She smiled devilishly at the man and stabbed him right in the stomach, he opened his mouth in a gasp and she laughed murderously and twisted the knife. He screamed in pain and the detonator fell to the floor. Then, she brought the knife up with all her strength and laughed as the blood sprayed all over her arms, face and front. The Joker laughed at her enthusiasm and licked his lips, staring at all the blood, "Come on, now my little bloody Jax," he grabbed her by the wrist that was covered in blood, "Let's watch the fireworks."

As soon as they were outside of the bank they heard a large thud and felt the ground shake a little. In the distance, she could see pieces of the school flying up in the air. The Joker was suddenly grabbed from behind. He let out a devilish laugh. French turned around to see the Joker wrestling with Batman. The Joker laughed the whole time, while Batman threw him around, "Why would you kill children?" Batman demanded, kicking him in the stomach.

"Oh look at the irony, Bat-brains, you are asking me that question, that's almost like me asking you, 'Why are you so angry, hmm? Batty," He started laughing hysterically.

French picked up a heavy brick off the ground and threw it at the back of Batman's head. He crumpled forward, "Nice one," the Joker giggled, grabbing her hand. They hopped into the van and flew back to the house. The Joker was laughing, filled with adrenaline the whole time.
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So, I hope this chapter doesn't disappoint. I had written a very long chapter that was worked on from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm. I clicked submit..then Mibba logged me out. The first time, I've forgotten to copy it first in a long time. Sorry guys.