Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Friendly Warning

Minutes after finally succumbing to the want and lust they both had for each other, The Joker jumped up as quick as he could, like he suddenly remembered something, mumbling to his self. It startled French awake, she had just fallen asleep. He threw some clothes on and stomped out of the room. French rolled her eyes and stretched, she was more sore than she was the day before. Maybe I should just kill him now, she smiled to herself and went into his attached bathroom. She found another tank top and a blue jean mini skirt. He wouldn't like her wearing that, Oh well. She jumped into the shower.

The Joker slammed the curtain open half-way through, "Did I tell you to take a shower?" he growled, "Hurry up, we have to go somewhere."

She studied him, his hair was half-way sticking up on one side and his makeup was barely there, she could see skin, she grabbed him by the tie, "You should fix your makeup," he let her pull him into the shower.

Then he pressed her up against the wall, fire was burning in his eyes, he looked extremely angry, inside he was cursing himself for letting things go so far, "It doesn't change anything," he told her, "I still hate you. You still hate me, hmm?" he grabbed her by the face, cruelly, "That didn't make you, ah, fall for me?" he started cheering up then, the make up was now leaking off of his face. He had put on the shirt she had sliced up, he pulled that off, exposing his well-toned and scarred body and let go of her.

She rolled her eyes and admired the scar she had given him, it was still a little bloody but alot of it was starting to scab. He was ignoring her now, just scrubbing his face and the rest of his self. He had taken his pants off and was now naked, she tried not to stare at his body. It was full of tantalizing scars and the water running down his body made him even more appealing. French sighed and scooted around him to get out. He grabbed her before she went out and pushed her up against the wall again, "What?" she asked, annoyed.

"You never answered my question, Biscuit."

"What question?" she couldn't recall anything, he didn't have anymore face-paint and his face was handsome but she had to admit, he looked a lot more attractive with the makeup.

"You still hate me, right?" he asked, his eyes threatened her.

She started laughing, "My hate for you could never disappear."

He smiled, deviously, the scars tilted up, "Good," then he pushed her out of the shower, making her fall to the floor.

She picked herself up and picked up her clothes and went into his room. She changed into the tank top and the blue jean mini skirt and went into her doll room to retrieve the makeup he had given her. Then, she put it on, after she was pale and doll-like she went downstairs to explore the kitchen. The goons were all setting around the living room talking. They all got quiet when she walked past, she smiled at their fear and continued on into the kitchen. The bald-headed goon and the skinny one from the night before were in the kitchen.

"Is it true?" Baldy asked, looking at her from head-to-toe.

"What?" she asked, annoyed that he thought he was safe around her now, "And why are you suddenly so friendly, are we friends now?"

He shrank back like she hurt his feelings, "No, but is it true, did you kill him?"

"Kill who?" she opened the refrigerator and found a bowl of fruit, she pulled it out and set it on the counter, "You shy now, who?"

"The Joker," he asked, moving from foot-to-foot.

She started laughing, "No," she popped a grape in her mouth, "Your beloved boss is okay."

They nodded and ran into the living room, as if on cue, the door slammed open and in came Ivy. Her fiery red hair flowed down her body like a river of lava and she was in her usual green, "Where is he?" she asked, looking at French like she was trash.

"He'll be down in a minute, I wouldn't go see him right now," French giggled, thinking of how mad he'd get at Ivy for seeing him without his makeup, "Wait, go on, go upstairs right now and bust through his door," he'd kill Ivy.

Ivy looked at her through confused eyes, "Did you kill her?" she asked.

French felt a smile spread across her face and she started to laugh, "Of course, my little Ivy, but it was a mutual thing. I could never kill his pet without his permission."

The kitchen door slammed open and the Joker came in, his hair was wet and he was in a new purple suit and his makeup was fresh, he growled in anger when he saw Ivy, "Well, hello there," he licked his lips and looked at her body, he couldn't contain his self, "What tree did you go and, ah, hide under?" he giggled, a malicious grin spread across his face.

"I've been at the carnival," she replied, crossing her arms, "I was going to come and tell you I was never going to do anything for you ever again."

"Oh and why is that?" he purred, slinking an arm around her waist.

She glared at him and pushed him off of her, "Goodbye Joker, and, ah, Bloody Jax, is it? Don't cross my path again," then, she disappeared through the kitchen doors.

"Why'd you let her in, hmm?" he asked French, "I know you two are so tight."

He snickered as she pushed past him and into the living room, the goons all jumped up when they saw both of them walk in, French giggled crazily, "At ease, boys."

The Joker rolled his eyes and pushed past her, "Tonight, we are going to kidnap a certain commissioner. He goes by ah, Commissioner Gordon," he sneered.
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Okay, I know I promised and said Id do one more chapter tonight but I just got called in for work. I have to go for the night. Tomorrow there will be a long chapter posted, I really do promise.