Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Joyous Abduction

The Joker had four duffel bags filled with bombs, most of them were made by French. Most of the goons were gone, only three remained behind and they were putting large tanks of gas and machine guns in the back. The Joker stood by them barking orders. After French finished the last bag of bombs, she dragged it into the living room. She didn't stay, she didn't want the Joker to think she was waiting for him to talk to her. Instead, she went up the stairs to her doll room. The Joker had left her some more clothes setting on the bed. It was a white mini-dress and some white leggings. She rolled her eyes, of course it's white. It was sleeveless and it had white material that scrunched up around the neck and down it's front. It was comfortable despite being so close-fitting, pervert.

She picked up the makeup bag he had brought her and looked in the mirror, I want a secret identity, she pulled out her ivory compound and started rubbing it all over her face. Instead of doing her makeup like a clown she accented her already doll-like face. She only put lipstick in the center of her lips, making them look smaller. She put fake eyelashes on the bottom and top of her eyes. After she applied blush to make herself look fake, she smiled at her reflection. Then she teased her hair making it look fluffy. She laughed, now I just need a name, baby doll? No, too stripperish.

"Bloody Jax, move your ass!" the Joker yelled up the stairs, giggling, "The commissioner is waiting for us!" Bloody Jax...

She climbed down the stairs, pushing a knife into the top of her leggings, she had a small hand-gun in her bra already, "Don't boss me, I'm not yours," she snapped.

He pushed her up against the wall, "I like your new disguise ," he sneered, "In case, you don't remember you are mine, just look at your scar," then he let her go and spun on his heel and walked to the van.

French followed after him and hopped into the van. The Joker sped away, tossing her and all the supplies in different directions, he laughed maliciously as she glared at him and held on to the straps holding the barrels of gas down. They pulled up to the warehouse where his video camera and other recording equipment was. The goons were waiting there. All 12 of them hopped into a van and followed after the Joker. They came to another building and started unloading the barrels of gas.

After the Joker was done rigging them with explosives he pulled out the video camera, "Evening Gotham," he sneered, "I'm back," he let it roll out in a sing-song voice, "miss me?" he laughed hysterically, "Now, you see, it makes me, ah, angry when you think you have me because I'm in some padded cell, didn't contain me, did it? Luckily, I had my Bloody Jax here to get me out, hmm? Although, I could have made it out myself," he licked his lips, "Now, as for your punishment, I'm going to, ah, surprise you," then he clicked it off.

He grabbed her by the arm and dragged her back to the van and pushed her into the front-seat, "I know how to walk," she complained, slamming the van's door, hoping to catch his finger in it.

He jumped into the driver's side and spun out of there, "Now, I have a very special job for you, Biscuit," he purred.

"What?" she snapped.

He giggled, "Mmm, temper, temper, Sugar," he wagged his finger at her, "Now, I want you to uh, blow up as many buildings as you can without getting caught," he skidded to a stop, "Uh, now."

She rolled her eyes and picked up one of the duffel bags and hopped out of the van. He wants me to get caught, she giggled, he feels that threatened. So, she decided she was not getting caught. She unzipped the bag and found the detonators, glad she had thought of making them. Then, she set about her work. She had placed at least one bomb in each building, there were fifteen all together, all the buildings were at least one block apart from each other, she ran very far away and sat off the first one. A loud noise and the sound of cement going everywhere graced her ears and she giggled madly as she ran, the duffel bag was flopping against her side. Then, when she was very far away, she sat off another. Sure enough, she saw something in the distance, a black cloak. It moved across the buildings, Batman, her cells tingled with excitement as she saw which building he was about to jump on next, she set off that ones explosion and giggled crazily as she watched the black cloak jump back on to the previous building. She did this three more times, laughing, finally he just jumped off the top of the building and she couldn't see him anymore.

The Joker pulled up the Commissioner's house, he could hear explosions somewhere in the distance and when he thought about the way French would laugh as each explosion caused fireworks, made a flash of hate go through his body. He shook it off and picked up his M16 and walked towards the house's front door. He kicked it open, no one was in the living room, he rolled his eyes, that's right, most people are asleep at three in the morning he giggled. He stomped his way upstairs and opened the first door, a little boy was asleep on the bed, perfect, he grabbed him and cupped his hand over his mouth, "Shh, or I'll kill your mommy," he whispered, soothingly.

The little boy started kicking his feet but the Joker ignored him and slammed open the next door. Commissioner Gordon and his wife jumped straight in the air, right out of sleep, "Joker," Gordon said, sleepily and worried, "Please put down my son."

"No, no, no," the Joker giggled, "If I put him down, you'll shoot me, now, you come here," Gordon stared at him, hesitantly, "Now!" he bellowed.

Gordon took a step towards him and his wife stopped sobbing and screaming for a second to shout, "No."

"Shut up," the Joker snapped, "this is between two men, well and a half," he grabbed Gordon by the arm and pointed the gun towards his wife, "Now, you stay here, Beautiful, and I will give you your son back."

The Joker dragged them both down the stairs and threw Gordon at his goons. The goons wrapped him up in the rope and tied it and gagged him. Then, the Joker pulled out his knife, the little boy was crying, "Don't hurt Daddy," he whispered.

"Aw, Don't hurt Daddy?" the Joker mocked him, "Go to your Mom, now," he pushed the kid towards the house, making him fall over, he giggled then jumped in the front seat and squealed tires leaving the house.

French ran back to the abandoned warehouse as fast as she could, letting off different explosions every couple of feet. Then, when the last one was exploded, she took off. The empty bag flopped against her side and soon she was there, barely out of breath. The Joker squealed in around the same time. A couple of his goons popped out of the back carrying a bound and gagged Commissioner Gordon. The Joker jumped out of the front and grabbed her by the arm, letting his hatred grab her even tighter. She let out a small gasp, barely able to be heard. The Joker smiled in satisfaction and dragged her towards the warehouse.

"Will you fucking quit with the dragging me all the time shit?" French demanded, pushing at him.

He growled and pushed her down, gravel cutting into her back he stuck his hand around the front of her throat and pushed her tighter to the ground, cutting off her air passages, "I can do whatever I want to do with you, you. are. mine," his eyes were full of venom and then he let her breath, she gasped for air, "Just because we had a little, uh, thing, doesn't mean you are worth anything to me. You are still nothing."

"Who said anything about our little thing?" she sneered, "it sounds like you are the one obsessing over it."

"You have me mistaken for someone who obsesses over things," he told her, pulling out his knife.

"Yippee, another scar now?" she asked.

He smacked her across the face and flipped her onto her stomach. The gravel pressed into her face and it was a little hard to breath. He pushed up the back of her dress and then flipped her over again, her stomach was exposed, then he pushed the dress up to expose her bra. He pressed his knife into the soft tissue of her breasts and carved a deep J-O-K-E-R, then he ripped her up off the ground, pushed her dress back down and dragged her into the building. The goons had Gordon tied to the chair now and he had been knocked out. French went and sat in the corner of the room, angry, plotting her revenge.

The Joker turned on the camera grumbling to his self and pointed it at Gordon, "Surprise!" he laughed, excitedly, "Lookie, who I got. While my little Bloody Jax was exploding buildings and keeping Batty entertained, look who I got!" he danced happily around and then pointed the camera at his self, "So, you have until four pm today to save little Gordon here. If not, little Jaxy here is going to cut him up and give him a little smile," then he turned it off again and pulled out the tape, "take it to the media, now," he growled towards one of his goons, then he looked at French.

She was setting in the corner of the room, glaring at him, "When I kill you, it's going to feel so good," she giggled.

"Hmm," he picked her up by the hair and pushed her up against the wall, "Are you trying to intimidate me?"

"Are you trying to intimidate me? " She replied.

"Don't try this on me, Biscuit, I am the master of mind-fucks," he purred.

She rolled her eyes, "I like it when you say dirty things," she said, she pulled out her own knife and placed it against his throat.

"Ooh, someone's stealing tricks now, hmm?" he giggled, excitedly and placed his hand around her wrist and pushed on it some, "You are not pressing hard, it's not scary enough."

She put the knife back into the top of her leggings and glared at him, "Fuck you."

"Nice offer, maybe later," he giggled and started walking back to the van, she didn't follow, "Come on Jaxy," he turned towards her and stomped over to her and grabbed her by the arm and dragged her to the van, "I'm going to be on TV."

They didn't make it back to the house in time to see him. They argued all the way there. Mainly her screaming and him purring back smart-ass responses, "I don't know why I put up with you," he growled, disappointed for not seeing his self, he slapped her across the face again. She stood up and kneed him in the stomach, he let out a groan and started laughing, "Come here," he grabbed her by the shoulders and pushed her to the ground.

She stood back up and pushed him, "Come on, let's do this, then," she growled.

He pushed her again, knocking her into the coffee table. The goons disappeared out of the room, when they saw it was about to get worse. She stood up, picking up the glass figurine of a dog and hit him across the head with it. He let out a wild giggle and kind of shook his head. Then he grabbed it from her and threw it across the room. He pushed her into the TV, laughing as it fell on top of her. She pushed it off and ran at him. Running into him was like running into a laughing steel wall and it knocked the wind out of her. He grabbed her by the shoulders again and threw her down to the ground. Both of them were breathing heavily. He pulled out his knife, she knew it was about to end, she didn't care. She couldn't wait for it.

* * *

"You are Daddy's girl," French was setting on her father's lap, she was about three, her father smiled down at her, she could feel all the warmness in the world enveloping her little body, "You know what Daddy's little girls do?" he asked.

"They get presents?" she guessed.

"Yes and other things," he stood up and startled unbuckling his pants, "Take off your little dress, Francesca, we are going to play a game."

She smiled, excitedly, and pulled off her dress. His clothes were off by the time she was out of her clothing. He stood in front of her, staring at her, growing as she came towards him smiling. He stroked his self, a little wave of heat traveled through his body, "What do we do now, Daddy?" she asked.

"Now we play the game 'Lollipop'," he told her, "You pretend I'm a lollipop and I'll pretend you are a finger puppet."

He pushed her head down and shoved his hand inside of her, she let out a gasp of pain. Daddy's games were never fun when Mommy wasn't around after that.

*14 years later*

French held the knife in her hand, her dad was asleep, laying in his suit from her mother's funeral. She had to kill her mom. She didn't want her mom to find out everything her father had been doing. She did it to make it seem like it was a suicide. Razor to the throat, suicide note, everything. Now, she just had to get rid of her "father".

"Daddy," she whispered, his hands were tied to the bed posts, "Let's play a game," his mouth was also duct taped, "It's called tree trim. I'm going to cut off your branches now," she giggled and pulled his pants off.

She put the knife near his penis and pressed the knife into it's soft skin, then followed through. She pulled it off and held it in her hand, he was writhing all around, blood was pooling on the bed, then she removed the duct tape and shoved it into his mouth.

She ran into the kitchen and dialed 911, "There's been an emergency, I killed my father."

* * *

The Joker saw something behind her eyes, it was something small but it paused him, startled him. Then, a tear trickled down her cheek, he knew she wasn't scared but something else had just happened. Confused, he stood up and pulled her with him. Then, he dragged her to the van, as she cried the whole way. The goons were nowhere to be seen, so he assumed they had went to the warehouse.

French didn't say anything, she just cursed herself for letting him see her cry, he probably misread that, thought I was crying over him. He was surprisingly quiet the whole way. He was trying to figure out the emotion he had just felt. It wasn't sadness or pity, he knew what those felt like from distant memories. Maybe she finally realized that I'm in control here and that was submission. He rolled his eyes and started trying to think about Commissioner Gordon. In less than an hour, he would be dead.

He pressed the detonator and the warehouse rigged with bombs exploded way off in the distance, almost on the other side of Gotham. They parked inside and the Joker pulled out his camera. Gordon was awake and trying to get out of the ropes when they made it up there, Joker turned on the camera, "Well, hello Commissioner," he purred, "My little Bloody Jax has something to say."

French stepped in front of him with her knife, "Thanks for your duty to the city of Gotham," she told him, an evil smirk spread across her face and she held her knife to one of his cheek-bones, "You are now officially terminated from your job," then with a quick slice, she killed him with a smile.

The blood sprayed on her dress. The Joker giggled and stopped the recording and pulled out the tape. He handed it to a goon and told them to go to the news again. French went ahead and got into the van after she killed Gordon and waited for the Joker. He finally came and then he drove home. They didn't speak the whole way there.

When they reached home, she went upstairs and curled up in his bed, she didn't care if he kicked her out or not, she just wanted his warmth wrapped around her, even if it wasn't him and just his blankets. After a while, he came in and stared at her shocked, "Did you take your gun and knife out of your clothes?" he asked.

She nodded her head and rolled to the side. He got into the bed and clapped his hands. The lights turned off and then he scooted close to her. He didn't touch her but he wanted to. Then, they fell asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Long chapter...hope it makes up for the lost time...Sorry.