Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Quimsical Interrogations

French woke up to a bright light. She felt restrained. She tried to stretch her arms. Then, she realized what was wrong. She was in a straight-jacket, it brought back warm fuzzy feelings. She giggled remembering the Joker and his torn one. The door opened and two tall, muscular men grabbed her from both sides and dragged her out. She started laughing, this is fun, "I love it when two guys are rough with me at once," she giggled.

They ignored her teasing all the way to the interrogation room. Batman, the mayor and a female psychiatrist were waiting for her. They undid her straight-jacket, their eyes boggled when they saw the bloody dress, "What's your name?" the lady asked.

"Bloody Jax, I thought you would all know that, you did see me kill Gordon, didn't you?" she laughed.

"Your real name," the mayor replied.

"Bloody Jax, you want me to spell it for you?"

Batman slammed his fists on the desk, "Give us your name, Jax," he growled.

"Ooh, I like a man who demands and knows what they want," she purred, "the name's French Jaxon, I've been here before, for killing my father and mother. I escaped. You diagnosed me as a psychopath."

"Where's the Joker?" the mayor asked.

"Recruiting," she giggled.

"More goons?"

"Sure," she shrugged her shoulders.

"Where are all the adhesion's on your body from?" the lady asked, seriously worried.

"The Joker, we get a little rough sometimes, don't worry, he has some from me too, we share," she fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Where was he going to go to 'recruit'?" the mayor asked.

"Who knows, even if I did, do you think I'd tell you?" she retorted.

A couple of hours later, they tossed her back into her jail cell. She could hear the lady talking them outside, "...maybe a bit schizophrenic but she doesn't seem to think anyone is out to get her. We are just going to have to see."

French laughed and sat down on the flat-cot. It was uncomfortable in her straight-jacket. No wonder he hates this thing, she thought.

* * *

"What do you mean she wasn't at the building, I specifically told her to wait for us," the Joker growled.

"The beetle was there but I couldn't find her anywhere," the goon replied, shrugging.

"I guess, I'll just go, then, hmm?" he hopped in the van and took off. He found the beetle and he started calling for her, "Sugar?! Sugar?!" Batties probably got her at Arkham, he sighed angrily and hopped back in the car and drove towards the abandoned warehouse with the couch. He had to make plans.

The new goons were already there and were waiting for him. The goon that was supposed to take her and the stuff to the new house was in his way when he pulled in, so he just ran him over. The rest of the goons jumped back. Angrily, he started mumbling to his self and found his camera, "You," he pointed at one of the goons, "set in that chair, you," he pointed at a different one, "Tie him up," he turned it on, "Good Morning, Gotham, something of mine has been stolen, a certain little doll I have, named Bloody Jax," he giggled, evilly, "and I know who took her! It was Mr. Dark Knight, Mr. High and Mighty, Batman," he sneered the word, "He has her in Arkham, I bet, trying to brain wash her into not being like me. Well, guess what," he licked his lips, "She's worse than me, so you and all the little staff there, better watch out," he giggled, "Now, I have someone here who has something to say to you, Batty Boy," he pointed the camera at his goon.

"Please let her go," the guy cried, he was sincerely scared of dying, "He has my whole family."

"They die by noon, unless, I get my Jaxy back," the Joker warned, turning off the camera, he took the tape out and shoved it towards one of them, "Take it to the news, now. Tell them they have five minutes to play it, you have thirty to get there, run."

The guy took off. The Joker picked up his knife, mumbling to his self and paced back and forth. He was too angry to talk. Twenty-five minutes later, the guy was back, he was panting and he laid down on the ground, the Joker used his stomach as leverage and walked over him. He left the warehouse and went into the nearest house, no one was up. He turned on the TV and waited. Then, he saw his face on the screen and he left the house and went back to the warehouse. Now, it was just the waiting game. Four more hours, he thought, licking his lips, in frustration.

* * *

French was shaken awake again and dragged to a small office. The lady was setting behind the desk, "Good Morning French," she smiled warmly, "You've caused a bit of chaos. The Joker just threatened Batman over you. You must be something special, like Harley, huh?"

The name, Harley sent a flash of anger through her body and she stood up, "Don't compare me to that fucking piece of shit!" she yelled, coming around the desk at her.

"Security!" the lady yelled, running from her.

French felt the side of her neck get caught on fire and she passed out. They had just tazed her.
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Questions/Comments? Sorry its a cliff hanger..