Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Heinous Escape

French sat across from her new lady psychiatrist. The other one was too afraid of her, this made French proud. She was giving her scrutinizing look, "I'm not a fucking insect."

The lady jumped a bit, "No, you're not, sorry, I was just looking at your bruises," she coughed nervously, "I am Dr. Dunn, I am going to be the one treating you from now on. So, I'm going to start by asking you some questions take these seriously," French rolled her eyes and waited, "When were you born?"

"March 13," French replied.

She scribbled on her paper, "Now, are you currently sexually active?" "Yes, but what does that have to do with anything?" French snapped. Dr. Dunn ignored her question, "Have you ever been in an abusive relationship?" French started laughing abusive.

"There are three definitions of the word abusive, one, using, containing, or characterized by corrupt or harsh language. Two, treating badly, being harsh or physical. Three, wrongly used. Which one do you mean?" "All three of them." "Okay, let's see the Joker, for example never calls me anything bad, he just calls me 'sugar,' 'biscuit' and 'Bloody Jax', so no on that one. Let's see, does he treat me badly, um, no, he buys me new clothes, gives me the type of pleasure I want. He does use me for his own benefit but now in a wrong way."

Dr. Dunn stared at her, kind of irritated, "Okay, do you think he's going to come after you?"
"I'll be out of here in less than a week," French replied, easily, if he doesn't come I'm leaving anyway. "I'm going to start asking you some different non-Joker related questions, now, why did you kill your father?"

French smiled maliciously, "Oh, Daddy, mmm, it was nice watching his blood cover the sheets. Too bad, my Mom wasn't there to see it. You want to know why I killed my father, let's see. He was fucking crazy, you think I'm crazy, huh? You think the Joker is crazy? Has the Joker ever raped anyone? Has he ever abused children? No, he just kills them. He doesn't get his jollies first."

"So your father raped you?" Dunn asked.

French laughed hysterically for a couple of minutes, "Suddenly, every one cares," she said in a sing-song voice.

"Okay, what about your mother? Why did you kill her?"

"Because I'm a psychopath," French replied, now tired of playing with Dr. Dunn, "I'm done for the day, I'm not going to answer anymore questions."

Dr. Dunn nodded once and went to her door and the two guys came in to get her, "Good session today, French, looks like we are getting somewhere."

French rolled her eyes and let them carry her to her room. Where is he?

The Joker looked at his goons, it had been three days since his Bloody Jax went missing. He was sure she was in Arkham, "You, you, you, and...ah, you, come with me," he barked, pointing at four of them. They followed after him into a little room off to the side of the warehouse, "We are going to make some noise," he giggled, hopping from one foot to the next, "Now, tie each other up." He picked up some rope and went to the most timid goon, a little mousy guy. He shook the whole time the Joker wrapped the rope around him.

After they were tied up, he left the room and picked up his video camera and went back into the room, "Good Afternoon Gotham, it's always such a pleasure to see your, ah, bright and warm faces," he giggled, "Now, it has been three days since Batty stole my Bloody Jax, and even after I killed a hostage for her, he has not brought her back," he licked his lips, "Now, I'm ready to forgive but I want my Bloody Jax back or I'll take her by force. I have ah, four men tied up right now behind me," he turned the camera to point at them, "I want her back and for everyday, I don't get her, one of them will die. Amongst them are a lawyer, a dentist, a pediatrician and a cop," he pretended to act like he was thinking, "I'll start with the, ah, cop first," he turned off his camera.

"Why don't you just go bust into Arkham and take her instead of with playing with everybody?" one of his goons asked.

"It's not that simple," he purred, "I can't just waltz right in there and take her, no, where's the fun in that?" he laughed and left the room.

~Four Days Later~

"Guys can you just handcuff her today?" Dr. Dunn asked, when they came in with French for the next day's meeting.

They undid her straight-jacket, then handcuffed her, "Thanks boys," French giggled, stretching out her arms.

"Now, I'm going to do something a little different today," Dr. Dunn told her, "Now I want you to go lay on that couch," French smiled and went and laid down, it was better than her bed, "Now, close your eyes and relax."

I'll take a nap, so she closed her eyes, then she felt a pinch on the side of her neck, her eyes flew open, Dr. Dunn was standing above her, holding a needle, "What the fuck?"

"Just to relax you," Dr. Dunn smiled sweetly.

French moved her arm, it took a long time to move them, "You gave me a muscle relaxer?" she demanded.

"I see, it's working," Dunn replied, reaching up for the buttons on her doctor's jacket. She undid the buttons and tossed it to the side, then she took off her shirt. This bitch is crazier than me French thought, "I'm going to give you my own, special medicine," she told her.

Dr. Dunn was now completely naked and started pulling on French's shirt, after she got it off, she worked on French's bra. She gave up and just ripped it, the handcuffs were in the way. Her eyes widened a little looking at French's Joker scar. French couldn't move, but if she could, she would have knocked her out by then. Then, the room started getting hazy, good, now I wont remember this, French smiled to herself. Then, she noticed that Dr. Dunn started looking confused herself. Like she was going into a haze as well. Oh well, French let the haze wrap around her and she closed her eyes.

Then a loud slam made her jump awake. The door to Dr.Dunn's office slammed open and the Joker came walking in. His eyes popped out of his head seeing the naked Dr. Dunn. He looked over at French, she was laying on the couch without a bra or shirt on. Her hands were handcuffed and she was smiling at him, "Well, well, what do we have here, hmm?" he giggled and went over to Dunn, "Keys."

She frantically picked up her doctor's coat and dug for the keys and threw them at him, he smiled and went over to French and unlocked her handcuffs, "Thunk ew," she mumbled, her words weren't coming out right because of the muscle relaxer.

The Joker stared at her, confused and grabbed her by the arm, he was surprised to see she wasn't putting any effort into holding her arm back, then he dragged her out of the couch. She fell to the floor as soon as he got her out, "Come on, Sugar, we don't, ah, have all day."

"I gave her some muscle relaxers," Dr. Dunn told him through her sobs of terror, "Don't hurt me."

He rolled his eyes and grabbed her coat from her and threw it over French then slung her over his shoulder like she was a bag of potatoes and ran through the misty halls. His fog-machine was working very well, "I didn't know you were into that, ah, type of thing," he giggled.

"Um mot," she growled, "we trugged me."

He laughed at her mumbled words, they were almost to the van. He put her in the passenger seat and drove off. She slumped forward almost falling out of the seat, the coat moved and revealed some of her breast, he tried not to stare at her and drove on. When they got to the warehouse, he picked her up, one arm under her knees the other on her back and carried her to the couch and laid her down. He covered her with a sheet and then went to turn on the TV.

"The Joker's been reeking havoc all across Gotham, today. His goons have exploded four buildings and he seems to be nowhere. Word has just reached us but French Jaxon, better known as Bloody Jax has escaped Arkham..." the reporter went on and on for a while.

French had fallen asleep. The Joker left her alone, despite wanting to wake her up, just to be mean. A couple of hours later, her eyes opened, the Joker was standing above her, "Try to move, Biscuit."

She lifted her arm, it came up, shakily, "I want to kill that bitch," she mumbled.

"Did she treat you badly, hmm?" he asked, venomously.

"She was trying to rape me, before you came in," she struggled to set up and turn to look at him, "Set down, it's still hard to look up at you."

He sat next to her, "Even I don't rape people, but yet, I'm the crazy one," he said.

"Can we kill her?" French asked.

"Of course."
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