Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Roses and Homicide

French was so glad to be around the Joker and his strange smell, she let out a sigh. They were currently on their way to the mansion she had found. The Joker was ignoring her and staring straight-ahead. She was in one of his honey-comb patterned button-up shirts. She only had leggings on underneath it. The Joker looked over at her and licked his lips, "You want to go shopping first, hmm?" he asked.

French rolled her eyes, "Are you being nice, Mr. Supervillian?" her eyebrow raised, teasingly.

"Shut up," he growled, jokingly, "I'm picking out the clothes."

He whipped the van into the parking lot of the nearest clothes store, he hopped out of the side and dragged her out, she was still having trouble walking and he didn't care that she could hardly keep up, "Slow down, damn."

He laughed evilly and started walking faster, "Why are you going so slow?" he sneered. He picked the lock and they went in. He disappeared, so she sat down, trying to rest her unwilling legs. He came back with a cart full of white clothing, most of it was frilly. She could see three pairs of red fishnets and a lot of white fishnets. She rolled her eyes, of course it's all white and sexy, "Now go pick out your girlie under-things," he giggled waving her forward.

She rolled her eyes and wobbled towards the bras and underwear, she could feel him following her. He was afraid to let her out of his sight, it kind of made him mad at his self, because he shouldn't be worrying about someone he hates. After, she had five bras and five packs of underwear picked out, he made her get in the cart and he pushed her towards the van. Then, they drove to the mansion. The Joker smiled, thinking of her killing a family, when he saw the children's toys outside, "Oh, shit, They're probably in there stinking up the place," French said, remembering the way she left them.

The Joker giggled and got out of the van and ran in. He ran up the stairs, sure enough a rotten stench was coming from one of the rooms, "Ooh, for our reunion, we are going to have some fun," he thought of French and his self slaughtering another family and giggled madly.

~A few short hours Later~

French was covered in blood, she came out of the mother's room dragging her and the daughter behind her, the Joker met her in the middle of the living room, "Welcome to our new house," he giggled, he was dragging the oldest son.

"Did you hear her?" French asked, trying to hold back laughter, "No, don't, my babies need me, my babies need me."

The Joker just nodded, annoyed that she almost made him laugh and started dragging the son to the van, he tossed him in the back and grabbed the little girl and the mom from French and then sat the cart full of clothes on the ground next to French. She rolled her eyes at all the white and started pushing it towards the house. When she was inside, she found the most revealing outfit. A small white mini-skirt and a see-through white vest-type shirt, it only would go to the top of her belly button. She smiled mischievously and went up the stairs and started a bath. She made the water so hot that it could almost scold her and she sunk into it, letting out a little sigh. The Joker wouldn't be gone long, so she started washing quicker. Then she threw on her clothes. Luckily, the single mother had a wild side. She found some vodka. There was a vase of roses setting on her dresser, the thorns were still on them. She smiled thinking of the possibilities. She was a little drunk already so her body was warm and she was laughing about every thought that popped in her mind.

She heard a car squeal into the driveway, instead of the usual white van, it was a blue mini-van. The Joker came lumbering out of it. The Joker's driving a mini-van, she giggled. She laid out a couple of roses on the bed, shut off the light and hid in the bathroom. The door opened and the Joker came in and threw his purple trench-coat on to the bed before he flipped on the light, it covered the roses, "Jaxy where are you?" he sing-song called.

French came out, his eyes popped out of his head, the water from her hair had dripped down her, making the shirt even more see-through than it was, "I wanted you to know how grateful I am for saving me," she slurred.

He looked at her amused, "I thought you could have made it out yourself, I read your file before I went and got you."

"Oh, yeah, I could have, but I'm glad I didn't have to," it sounded like her top-lip was heavy.

The Joker realized what was wrong with her, she was drunk, "Biscuit, what have you been doing?" he asked, in a fake-disapproving tone.

"Just getting the house ready," she purred, drunkenly, she walked towards him and staggered and fell. He didn't grab her but he felt his self kind of lean forward. She used him like he was a pole to stand up, then she grabbed the sides of his vest and crashed her lips against his.

He kissed her back, usually he was not his self when kissing her but this time, he had control over his self. He didn't kiss her back with as much enthusiasm as she was kissing her. Then, she pushed him on the bed, forgetting about the roses and climbed on top of him to straddle his waist. He couldn't wait to disappoint her. He rolled so that he was on top of her and started nibbling on her neck.

"Holy fuck!" she screamed, pushing him as hard as she could. The Joker leaned back completely confused. She sat up in the bed, two of the roses had stuck through the coat and was now embedded deep into her skin, "Get the fuck off me!" she screamed.

He jumped up, completely confused but amused, his coat came up with her. Then, he saw the roses sticking through the coat, "Lay on your stomach," he barked.

She laid down and pulled in sharp breaths every time he pulled them out. He threw his coat to the side and looked at her bloody back, kind of smiling. He was suddenly very in the mood. He placed his hands on her back, giggling as she winced when his hands touched the sore spots, and slid them around to skim across her breasts, she jerked away, "No."

Then, she ran to the bathroom and puked. There went my night, they both thought simultaneously.
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