Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Loving Abandonment

The Joker was shaken awake by French at three in the morning, she was just in a bath-towel, "Joker," the water from her hair was dripping on him.

"Yeah?" he asked, looking at her, confused, how did she wake up before me, that never happens.

"I can't sleep," she mumbled like a small-child.

He rolled his eyes, "So?"

She flopped down on the couch and laid her head in his lap and flicked the TV on, "I needed to smell you," she whispered, embarrassed. She felt him stiffen, so she didn't say anything and just into a deep sleep.

"Get the hell out," French jumped awake to the sound of the Joker's growl. He was not in the living room anymore. She sat up and started searching for him. She could hear screeching laughter coming from the upstairs.

"Oh, come on, Joker, I thought we were friends," she heard someone giggle, she opened the door to the main bedroom, a man in a green skin-tight one piece with question marks all over it stood across the room from the Joker. Poison Ivy was at his side, "I'm running the show from now on, Oh! Bloody Jax, it's nice to finally meet you. Ivy here has told me so much about you."

Ivy had the Joker in a web of green, "Your boyfriend's a bit tied up right now," she purred.

The man in the green snapped his fingers and someone grabbed French from behind, then she realized that it was more of Ivy's plants. "She is mine!" the Joker growled, fighting against the plants, "I'll kill you, Riddler!"

"She's mine now," the Riddler smiled and turned towards the Joker, "I have a riddle for you, Joker, where do people land after walking on the sea? You have three days, Joker, figure it out or she dies," He snapped his fingers and started walking towards the door, "Ivy don't kill him, just bring Jax, here, with us."

Ivy sighed annoyed and her plants started moving with her, taking French and leaving the Joker, "Joker!" French cried out, "Don't worry, I'll be home before you even notice it, this fag-" one of the plants covered her mouth.

The Joker didn't say anything, why do I keep her around? She just needs saving all the time. He had been thinking this for a while now, ever since he had to pull the rose thorns out of her back. She's just a minion, replaceable. I can just go out and find another girl like her, he started to grumble to his self and slammed the back of his heel against the wall, causing the knife in the bottom of his shoe to jet out. He cut his feet free and started slicing everywhere until one of his hands loosened up. Then, he cut his arms free and pulled his self off the wall. He went to the abandoned warehouse to find his goons. He didn't want to save French again but he wanted to kill the annoying riddler.

"Okay, get all the explosive devices in the van, ah, now. Make it snappy or I'll kill everyone of you," he growled, stomping off to his office, "That riddle was so easy, the docks," he rolled his eyes, he thinks it will take me three days. He paced back and forth planning ahead, pretending like French didn't exist, like she wasn't the one he hated enough to save. Then, it hit him, "Why do I have to save her?" he asked his self out loud, "Cant anyone else do it?"

He slammed open his door, "Stop!" he shouted. The goons stopped and turned to look at him, "Let's go out on the town, Boys, go, go, go kill ten people each."

The goons looked at each other, confused. They were all having a communal thought, he was losing it. She has said many times, she doesn't need me, I don't need her, I guess this is the end of our little relationship. He pulled out his video camera and pointed it at his desk, then he sat down, "Afternoon, Gotham. I'm not really here to, ah, talk to you lovely people. I am here to send The Riddler a little message. I know you are still a little, ah, bitter about Harley targeting Wayne Enterprises with you and doing a better job than you did. I don't care. Harley was just a pet. To your dismay, Bloody Jax is just a little play-thing, I have picked up along the way. I do not care if you, ah, kill her. I will not be at the docks three days from now. As Jax has told me before, she doesn't need me, do you Jaxy, hmm?" He stood up and clicked the camera off.

Then, he personally delivered it to the News Station. They showed it a couple of minutes later. He laughed, excitedly, curious of what French was going to do.

The riddler slapped French awake, she had a killer headache from the night before, "You are mine now," he giggled, "I am so much better than the Joker, believe me, I could do whatever I wanted, if I wanted to. Oh and the Joker has given up on you."

"What?" she couldn't wrap her head around what he was saying.

"The Joker gave up and just gave you to me, he obviously saw how much more intelligent I am," he laughed and threw the tape at her, "Watch it, I like to record my victories.

French pushed the tape in and pressed play, The Joker sat down at a desk, he looked like he was plotting something, then he laced his hands together, "Afternoon Gotham..." she watched the tape, anger swelled in her body as he started comparing her Harley. She let out a screech, "I fucking hate him!" she yelled, pushing the TV off it's stand. The TV fell and busted.

The Riddler laughed, "I am so smart, I broke the Joker," then he disappeared.

Ivy slithered into French's room, "Aw, what's the matter, Bloody Jax, hmm?" she purred, going to touch French's face, "Did your boyfriend break up with you?"

French felt her hands clench into fists, "Don't fucking touch me, Plant-Bitch."

"I can do whatever I want, Doll-Baby," she laughed, "You are just as much mine as you are the Riddler's."

French had grabbed a sliver of the broken glass from the TV, it was in her left hand, "Really?" her voice was suddenly calm, as her fingers slid over it's cool glass.

She turned, quickly and shoved the shard of the TVs screen deep into Ivy's jugular, Ivy let out a scream. French laughed and punched her as hard as she could, sending Ivy down on the ground. She pulled the glass out of Ivy's throat and laughed as the blood sprayed everywhere like a garden-hose, "I fucking hated you," French spat, she kicked her body and left the room, still clutching the sliver of glass.
♠ ♠ ♠
Plot Twist!