Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Child Games

The Joker captured three children. He had them bound and gagged and brought them back to the Mansion. He had his big wheel out, ready for them. He took the smallest one and strapped him to the wheel, then he removed the gag from the boy's mouth, "Do you like to play games, hmm?" the Joker asked, the little boy started crying, the Joker rolled his eyes and turned to look at the other two children, he took out their gags, "Now who wants to go first?"

The bigger one timidly raised his hand, "What are we going to do?"

"We are going to play, a, ah, little game," the Joker told him, "So do you want to go first?" The boy nodded, feeding into the Joker's lie, the Joker smiled and undid him, then handed him a butcher's knife and laid four butcher knives down on a little table, "Now, when I say go you start throwing these, don't worry that kid up there is just a dummy," he lied.

He skipped over excitedly and started spinning the smallest boy's wheel and he came back to stand next to the bigger boy, "Go," he purred. The boy through the knife as hard as he could, it hit the boy's leg. Blood splattered on the board. The Joker clapped his hands together and laughed. The boy picked up another butcher's knife and threw it towards the spinning little boy. It landed right in the boy's stomach. The little boy let out a loud wail, it made them all grit their teeth. The bigger boy didn't reach for the next knife, he was starting to not believe the Joker, "Don't you want to end his suffering?" the Joker growled.

"You lied to me," the boy whimpered.

"Tough tits, welcome to life," the Joker licked his lips in frustration, "Finish him."

The little boy unsteadily picked up another knife and threw it, it missed the boy's neck and got his earlobe. Then, the boy picked up the last knife and threw it. It hit him, right in the forehead. His forehead opened like a watermelon, his screaming halted with a gurgle. The biggest boy stared at him, tears filling his eyes. The Joker rolled his eyes, grabbed the bigger child and went and grabbed the small one, then he dragged them both towards the stairs.

He threw the big little boy into the little girl's old room and dragged the bound and gagged one with him, "Why aren't you walking?" he threw his head back in maniacal laughter. Then, he threw the boy onto a wooden chair and removed the gag, "Do you"

The boy stared at the floor, terrified, "Yes."

"Good," the Joker purred, he handed him a detonator, "Don't press the big red button until I tell you to," then he disappeared out the door.

He went into the little girl's room and grabbed the boy by his throat and pulled out his knife and placed it against his throat, "Please," the boy choked out.

"Oh, come on, life is going to be shit anyway, hmm? You meet a woman, she takes away your freedom, nags you to death, that's why in the vows it says, till death do us part. Then, you die," he smiled menacingly and pressed the knife tighter to the soft-skin of his throat.

The boy whimpered and cried, the Joker slid the knife across his throat, blood spilled everywhere, the Joker threw him to the ground and walked over to him and back to the other boy's room. The boy was setting in the same spot and started scooting away from him, still holding the detonator, "Leave me alone," the boy cried.

The Joker grabbed him by the arm and started dragging him towards the house's door. He put him and the van and squealed out, "Do you like the, ah, Batman? Do you think he is a good guy, hmm?" the Joker asked, threateningly, he didn't let the boy answer, "Of course you do, every little boy loves Batman. He's the good guy."

The Joker pulled up to an old abandoned warehouse and dragged him up the stairs to the very top. He tied him to the lightning rod. The boy cried the whole time, the Joker pulled out his camera that was connected to the News Station, so when he was recording it'd go live, "Oh, hello, Batman," the Joker laughed, "I have a young fan here, needing your, ah, help," he pointed the camera at the boy, "You have ten minutes, or the boy and the building will be in pieces," he shut it off.

The boy looked at him, fearfully, "Leave me alone please."

The Joker rolled his eyes and took the detonator from him, "See ya on the other side, kid," he hopped off the side of the building on to the ledge and made it to the ground without a scratch. When he was far from the building he hit the button. There was a loud boom and he could see debris flying everywhere and a heat licked at the back of his legs.

He didn't fall into a fit of laughter like most explosions made him do, but instead, he just walked on, mumbling to his self and got into his van and drove off.

French stood outside the door, listening to the Riddler talk on the phone, "He gave me the girl with no fight," he bragged, "Oh, yes, at first I was a little apprehensive but nothing happened."

French opened the door then and slipped up behind him and put the shard of glass against his throat, "Tell them good bye and hang up now," she whispered, menacingly.

"I'm going to have to talk to you later," the Riddler said, then he hung up the phone.

"Now, what did you want from me?"

"I just wanted the satisfaction of letting Gotham know who was the ultimate supervillian.Not Ivy, not Scarecrow, not Cat woman and not the Joker."

"Since you are not, then who is?" she asked, pushing the shard tighter against his throat.

"Well, I guess you are, currently, but it only stands if you kill me and you are not going to kill me," he chuckled as if this was impossible.

She pulled the glass far from his neck, he let out a relieved sigh, then she drove it deep into his jugular. He let out one last final gurgle and slumped to the ground. She kicked his body and stepped over him. Then, she left his house and headed towards the clothing store. In the distance she could see smoke rising, I guess the Joker's out partying, excited about finally getting rid of me, she smiled deviously, he has another thing coming.
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I know, the last 2 have been short...sorry