Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

The Rise of Bloody Jax

Bloody Jax slammed the door open, a couple of the Riddler's goons were behind her, "Well, hello Boys," she laughed, holding her large-gun, pointed towards the air. Maroni and his men looked up from their stacks of money and reached for their guns, she giggled and snapped her fingers, her goons came to stand around her, cocking their guns, "You don't want to do that. Now, I'm looking for some men."

Maroni looked her up and down as if she was a joke, "What do you mean? Do you think I'd give a little shrimp like you my men?" he waved his hands and his men lowered their guns.

"I'm taking over this city, I'm taking it from Batman and the Joker," she smiled, calmly, patiently.

Maroni laughed as if she was telling him the funniest joke ever told, "Listen, Baby Doll, I am a very successful business man. I don't have to put up with some little blonde, painted up like a porcelain doll," he smirked, looking at her fake eyelashes, painted white skin and solid white clothing.

She had a knife pressed up against his throat in an instant, "Oh, I thought we could be partners but obviously this is going to have to be the hard way," she smiled tenderly up at him and heard about fifteen guns cock, "If they kill me, you die, we wouldn't be getting anywhere would we?"

"Put them down," he was sweating a little, "Fine, how many?"

"Fifteen, I want them strong, fast and I want them to know people. In case I have to expose of them," her response was short and fast.


"Do they all have friends?"

"Yes," his answer came out breathlessly.

"Fine, I want them here at three fifteen tomorrow, waiting outside," she backed away, "No funny business or your family is dead."

Then, she jumped into her freshly hot-wired van with her goons and squealed off. No one followed after them. The goons were quietly talking amongst themselves, she'd catch little fragments every once in a while, "...think she will really kill us?...she killed all Joker's men....Joker is scared of her...her scars..." she smiled, devilishly to herself. Fear meant respect. They pulled into the bank, then, she slammed the door right in, shot all the security and a few pedestrians. Then, she slaughtered everyone just for the fun. She kept one alive to open the safe. She took all the money she could hold in three duffel bags and jumped in the van.

The Joker watched the news, a dissatisfied frown slithered across his face, Bloody Jax...Who is she? it said across the bottom, "Joker's formal lead-girl is on a rampage. There has been three bank-robberies and countless killings, just tonight. Is this the Joker's doing or is this her own doing? In one of the Joker's last videos, he referred to her as 'just a play-thing.' He told the Riddler to keep her. Full details have not yet been uncovered about the mention of the Riddler-" she was cut off, "We'll be back after this short break."

"She thinks she is going to take over my reign, hmm?" the Joker growled, standing up, he pulled out his camera and stomped out to the purple and green beetle. He drove off towards the bridge. There was a skinny, dark-colored girl standing at the edge of the bridge smoking a cigarette. She was pretty enough. He got out of the car and grabbed her by the wrist, roughly, "You are coming with me."

She put up no fight as he dragged her to the car as if she was a rag-doll. Since French, he had been killing alot of girls resembling a doll. No one came close, he couldn't wait to have her blood all over him, to cherish the last moments as his Bloody Jax took her last breath. He shuddered in delight and pulled into one of the abandoned warehouses. He dragged the girl up the stairs, he could see her track-marks, he rolled his eyes, he couldn't stand junkies. He tied her to the chair in the middle of the room and pointed the camera at her.

He flipped on his camera that automatically fed into the News Station, giggling, "Now, tell Gotham your name, beautiful."

She rolled her head to one side and blinked at him, "My name's Trust."

"Trust, ooh, such a plot-twist," he hopped a little excitedly, "Well, you see this beautiful attribute to the city? She only has a few minutes of life left. I just wanted to use her blood to paint a message and I wanted the cops and batman to know where to find my little message. Oh and, Bloody Jax, you are still mine, just because you've robbed a few banks doesn't mean you are free."

Then he proceeded to cut the girl longways from the top of her neck to the bottom of her breasts. The floor around her covered in blood. He turned off the camera and started painting the words, 'Kill Bloody Jax,' across the floor. Then, he wrote 'ha' all over the walls and smiley faces were everywhere, "Such a bloody message you leave, Trust!" He giggled, playfully punching her shoulder as if she was alive.

French rolled her eyes at the TV screen, "Don't worry, you'll be mine in no time."
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