Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Lust and Explosions

~One Month Later~
Bloody Jax had made herself clear, she was not giving up unless the city was hers. She had, yet, to run into the batman, he was too busy with the Joker. The Joker was trying to stop her. This made her laugh, it made the Joker crazy. His own creation trying to defeat him.

After the goons put five drums of gasoline and some explosives into the back of the van, the Joker watched with skeptical eyes, mumbling the whole time, Little Bloody Jax thinks she's going to take over, hmm? No, I created her, she is mine. She will never defeat me.
The goons were done, so he jumped into the front and squealed out of the mansion's garage. He swerved all over the road, on purpose. His goons were in the back thudding against the walls, cussing and shouting. He laughed hysterically and pulled up to Harvey Dent's hideout. It was a small dirty hotel on the outside of town. The Joker had spent a long time following Harvey just to find it. He thought, with Harvey being a smart man, the location would change. It never did. The Joker ordered the goons around and they carried the big drums into Harvey's hotel room. I'm sure Mr. DA will like the surprise. Let's see Jaxy beat this.

After everything was put inside, well-hidden, they left. Harvey wouldn't be there for another two months, when his campaign for re-election would get tough. The Joker wondered if Harvey was OCD at times. He was always there around the same time or he was trying to get his jollies with a random girl. Harvey was a good guy, a great DA, tall, handsome, but under it all, the Joker could see who he really was. Who he could become.

They were now driving back to the mansion, the Joker wanted to get Bloody Jax's room cleaned and readied for her. They were now living in a different mansion on the outside of town. He couldn't stay at the one they had found together. The hate for her lingered in every room and it was a bit too much to bare. Her room was almost finished, there was white padding all over it, much like a padded-cell. There was no furniture. There was no windows. The door had three deadbolts on the outside of it. Along with just a regular lock. There was no way she would be able to get out of that. He had thought about killing her but the hate he felt for her made him want to make her suffer. It wasn't the type of hate he had for Harley. Harley was different, weak, not the best thing to look at, and annoying.

When they finally arrived a woman adorned in black-leather was waiting outside her arms were crossed and she was casually leaning against the mansion's outside wall, "You are late, Joker, I don't like people who are late. Is the rest of our business going to be like this, if so, I can leave now," she purred.

"So you are the Cat-lady!" he laughed once, loudly, "You are just as the News describes you to be, toots. Welcome to the team."

"Excuse me, but we haven't went over the agreements yet," she sounded annoyed.

"Okay, hmm, you do what I say or you are dead, how about that?"
Cat Woman made a disgusted face, "I demand pay, if not pay, free room and board. That includes food."

"Fine, now come," he grabbed her by the arm and dragged her up the stairs to his office,

"What or who do you want to find?" she asked.

The Joker smiled, "I like a woman who gets straight to the point. Too bad I'm not into bestiality," he eyed her body, "I want you to find Bloody Jax's hideout. I do not care how many people you have to, ah, kill to find her just do it."

"You care about this little doll, don't you?" her eyes were full of bewilderment.

"No, I hate her, I want her to be here so I can, ah, torture her," he licked his lips, "You have three days or you are out, Cat."

She smiled, cat-like, "You can count on me."

The Joker waved her away, then, he needed a little sleep. He took off his trench-coat and then his vest and tie. The familiar tugs of his clothes coming off made him think of the hate he had for Bloody Jax. When he was just in his boxers he laid down, suddenly bone-deep tired, as if he hadn't slept for days. His eyes were heavy but his mind was soaring in different directions. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he hated her and how much he wanted her to be there to torture.

Bloody Jax smiled, blood dripped down her face, she beckoned for him to follow her. So, he did. He had his knife in his hand. He was going to give her another scar. She pulled him into the bed with her, he pressed the knife against her throat and he nibbled on her neck. She let out a sigh of pain and pleasure. He jumped up in the bed, breathing heavily, "Fuck you Jaxy."

Bloody Jax pulled out her small gun and pointed it at her goon, "What do you mean you lost the hostage?" the smallest one of her goons stood in front of her, she sighed, "Man, I really liked you Benny," she cocked her gun.

"Wait! We found her, she was hiding," one of the goons came over, dragging a petite blonde woman.

The goon sighed in relief, "You are lucky," she growled, pushing him away, "You, come here," the woman hesitantly walked over, her eyes on the ground, "You know why I wear all white?" the woman shook her head, "So I can remember it and see it every second of the day, all the blood I've shed in the day," she looked down her outfit, "See how bloody I am, already? It's only three pm."

"Put her down," she heard a low gruff-voice demand.

A smile slid across her lips, she turned to look at the batman, "There you are, Babe, I was missing you," she shot the girl in the head and pushed her corpse to the floor, laughing, "Why have you been avoiding me, Batty?" she asked, mockingly.

"Stop it, Jax, you can stop it now, if you come with me," he begged.

She rolled her eyes and smiled innocently, "Stop what? Girl's just want to have fun, you know?"

"Fun? The murder of hundreds of people is fun?" he sounded outraged.

She laughed, "Hundreds? You insult me, try thousands. Batty, I like you, so you know what I'm going to do? I'm going to take my money and run," she pulled one of the clouders she stole from the Joker out of her pocket and threw it to the ground, "Back to the van," she barked before the clouds went everywhere.

She ran towards the exits and made her way to the van. Her goons were right behind her. They got in and she took off down an ally. When she was confident no one was following, she headed back towards her new hideout. She divvied up the money and laid down. She was full of anger. Her stomach lurched and she couldn't stop thinking about and longing for the Joker's strange scent. Her index-finger absently followed the rough lines of his name forever scarred on her breast. She sighed, pulling in a sad-breath. I should just kill him. She knew there was no way she could really kill him. It made her angry. Maybe I do belong to him.

Instead of falling into a deep dark pit of no hope, she started planning. Her planning went well into the night and most of her plans included killing Batman. She smiled, kill batman.

The next morning, chaos was all over the city. Five buildings had exploded and Harvey Dent was rushed to the hospital. The Joker card was everywhere in the city. This outraged Bloody Jax, he was really making her mad. She knew that the next time she saw him there would be a war.
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