Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Flirtatious Face-Off

The Joker woke up full of regret, Bloody Jax, will you get the fuck out of my head? He smacked his self on the cheeks, then he started pacing around the room, putting his clothes on. He grabbed his favorite knife and some more knives and left the room. His goons were lounging on the couch half of them were asleep. The other half was playing some sort of video game involving cars and beating up pedestrians. The Joker rolled his eyes, "You have ten minutes, get the stuff loaded," he demanded.

The goons jumped up as if the Joker had started the ticking of a bomb. This made him laugh a little and he started readying his self. After everything was loaded, they all jumped in the van and he flew off towards the last bank left in town that Bloody Jax hadn't robbed. Silly girl, only in it for the money. He shook his head, as if in disappointment and started laughing. When they pulled up to the bank, he could see a random van left open setting in front of the bank. He smiled, she's here. He pushed open the doors, his goons followed right behind.

"...and if anyone has something to say, tell me the fuck now," she was saying.

"Well, hello, Beautiful, I see you've been busy," the Joker pulled his knife out and casually strolled over to her side, "I heard something nasty about you, someone told me you were going to try to steal Gotham from me, hmm?"

She reached out and grabbed him by the balls, she squeezed tightly, making him lose his breath, "It's happening, what are you going to do, run away, you're very good at that," she snapped, his mouth was in the shape of an "O" and he couldn't talk. She pushed him to the side

He laughed hysterically leaning over in pain, "Ooh, Jaxy, you better run," he giggled, still deeply in pain.

"You wouldn't do much, probably just scar me again," she rolled her eyes, "Anyways, back to where I was-" A gunshot stopped her mid way through, she turned to look at the Joker, as one of her hostages fell to the ground, "These are mine, go kill your own hostages."

"No, they're mine," he growled, starting to recover, he came towards her.

She darted to the side, too late, he grabbed her, "Fuck you," she spat.

"Thanks for the offer but not right now," he replied, he pressed the knife against her throat.

The cold metal sent familiar shivers go down her back, she tried not to let him see the pleasure he was bringing her, "I missed this," she taunted.

He let go of her and she rammed against him, his knife slid across the floor. He shook his head and wagged his finger at her laughing maniacally. Then, he slapped her across the face. It turned into a fight then. Both groups of goons ignored it and just kept the hostages in line. The Joker and her were throwing punches at each other and wrestling on the ground. He was on top of her now, his hands around her neck, "You cant beat me, my little Bloody Jax."

She laughed, despite the lack of air she was receiving, "No one owns me."

"Do you not remember who gave you those scars?" he asked, sliding the knife's edge up and down her neck.

Then, he was hit in the back of the head by one of her goons, she sat up and sighed, "Come on, guys," her goons followed after her.

The Joker's goons picked him up and carried him to the van. Bloody Jax drove home, feeling accomplished and proud. When she got home she ran up the stairs and puked. It was the first time she had smelt or saw the Joker for a while. It was like a wave of nostalgia. It made her nausea's. How could someone she hated, make her feel so connected to him? She cursed herself as the tears began to fill her eyes. They started to drip down her face in a fast steady pace as she cried tears of abandonment and pain.

The only thing that made the Joker pleased when he woke up was the sight of Cat Woman waiting outside of his "borrowed" mansion. She looked excited and almost weary, "You look like shit," she commented, looking at the way his clothes were messy.

"Can it, Cat-lady, what do you want?" he licked his lips.

"I found her hiding spot," she smiled, showing most of her teeth.

"You want to, ah, take me there now?" he asked.

"Sure, but I'm not going to help you capture her."

"I'm not going to take her yet."

A few minutes later, they were in front of an abandoned warehouse. Men were coming and going from it over and over like it was a regular store on the side of the road. He rolled his eyes, not conspicuous at all.

A van pulled up and Bloody Jax popped out of it, a few goons followed after her carrying large duffel bags probably filled with money. She was ordering them around and then she disappeared into the door. The Joker smiled, "That's all, thanks Catty, but that's all I'm going to, ah, need you for from now on. I just want you to let me know what her usual schedule is."

They drove home, the Joker planning and she just set there painting her nails.
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