Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Antic Punishment

After a week of preparation, the Joker was ready to get what was his. He was finally ready to take her back to his mansion and unleash all of his hatred. His goons mingled with her goons, he made sure they were more afraid of him than they were of her, to avoid betrayal. They found all of her hiding spots around the city. Many of her goons joined him. Cat Woman found out when she went to sleep and reported back to him.Then, as if she knew he was planning on killing her, she disappeared.

When the van was packed with guns, mainly for Bloody Jax's difficult goons, they left. It was three in the morning, Cat Woman had told him, Jax would be asleep. The Joker mumbled to his self, letting little bouts of laughter escape his mouth every now and then. The goons were buzzing with energy, they were afraid of her more than they were ever afraid of robbing the banks. She, unlike the police, would kill at the drop of a hat. When they pulled up to the abandoned warehouse, a couple of goons came out to meet them.

"Be quiet," the Joker snapped, quietly, grabbing a large black bag full of gasoline and matches, "I want you to go, ah, kill the others. Don't show mercy, hmm?"

They didn't reply and just disappeared in to the building. The Joker counted to twenty, then followed after them. He snuck past the floor where his goons were slaughtering her goons, as fast as they could. Alot of her goons had turned on her and were attacking each other. They were surprisingly quiet, except for a couple screams of curse-words. Blood was soaking the light-blue carpet and the Joker was pleased to see that they were winning. He made his way up the stairs, his knife was in his hand, one finger stroked the metal, almost lovingly. A smile rippled across his face when he neared the door at the farthest end of the top-floor.

Bloody Jax's eyes shot open, it sounded like her goons were having a mosh-pit on the floor below hers. She sat up, reaching for her knife, that had once belonged to the Joker. A wave of sadness crept over her, along with some nausea. Every time she thought of the Joker it made her stomach lurch and she almost puked. The incredible longing she felt made it worse. Made her want to find him and beg him to keep her prisoner again. The whisper of his lips against her skin, the way he would glare at her.

"Good morning, Jaxy," she turned, gripping her knife tighter, "Miss me?" a sinister smile spread across his face, as he soaked her in.

"Of course, who wouldn't miss you, Mr. Bucket of Sunshine?" she teased, playing with the knife, twirling it in between two index fingers.

"I like watching you play with knives," he smiled, "almost as much as I like cutting you with them," he quickly made his way across the room, shoving her hand to the side, "Do you really think you could kill me, Sugar?" he pressed his knife to her throat, "How could you exist without me, hmm? I couldn't even kill you, if I did, I wouldn't have any baby dolls to play with."

She pushed at him with all her strength, somehow losing the knife, "Get the fuck off of me, Joker," she growled.

He laughed hysterically, "Oh, come on," he teased, "this is all you got?" he rolled so that she was on top of him. She pulled away from him jumping off the bed and ran towards her knife, he grabbed her from behind and dragged her back. He back-handed her, "You are and always will be mine."

Then, she passed out. Her body and mind wasn't able to try to fight back, they were drained. The Joker looked at her curiously and then threw over his shoulder. She was heavier than usual. Ten goons were waiting for him, he looked around, "I came with eight, I said, 'no mercy.'" He pulled out his gun and shot two of the unfamiliar goons.

When they got home, he tied her to the padded-walls of her bedroom. She slumped to the side but her arms remained up in the air. He smiled at the uncomfortable pose and then locked the room. He didn't return until the next day. She was standing up and her head just hung forward, like she was looking at the ground.

"What?" she said, quietly.

He was holding his camera, "We are going to make a video and you are going to be a star."

"So, you're going to kill me in front of Gotham?"

"Kill you?" he laughed as if she told him a joke and then jerked her chin up to look at him, "Now, look all pretty and smile for the camera, Biscuit," he turned on the camera, "My Bloody Jax here recently decided to, ah, take over Gotham, isn't that right?" she nodded, "Well, this is what happens when you try to overthrow me," he put the camera on the floor but made sure they were still in sight.

French waited for it, the ensuing death, she knew that was coming, she welcomed it. Almost longed for it. She felt the knife press against the bottom of her cheek bone, then a sharp pain spread through her face as she felt the knife slide down to kiss the left-side of her lips. Then he cut the other side. She smiled as the blackness wrapped around her. She was glad it was in his company, she took her last breath.
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