Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Strange Robbery

French turned to look at him, her eyes full of rage, "It's not fucking funny."

He laughed hysterically and looked at her with an amused expression, the side of his mouth twitching trying not to laugh at her anger, "It is, ah, very funny."

She looked at him, angrily, "Fuck you," she wiped her mouth and walked past him and out the door.

"You might want to put some clothes on first, hmm?" he stood up, grabbing his pants, following after her. French stopped in her tracks and looked down at her naked frame and turned around, annoyed at herself, "We're going to go shopping," the Joker giggled, walking down the hallway to his room.

She looked after him and started getting dressed, "At three in the morning?" she mumbled to herself. She pulled on a white mini-skirt and a white tank top and caught up with him at the bottom of the stairs.

He looked at her, grabbed her arm, roughly, and started dragging her to one of the stolen cars, "You dont have to fucking grab me so tight, dick," she mumbled.

The Joker looked at her face, the cuts on her cheeks were cracking again and blood dripped down her face, he watched it drip down her shirt, sliding across the exposed skin of her breast, "You're bleeding," he licked his lips.

"No shit," she wiped at her face, smearing it worse.

"Your tone is starting to make me mad, Biscuit," he replied, shoving her into the open passenger seat, finding amusement in the way the blood was staining her tank top.

She rolled her eyes, "What are we going to buy?"

"Buy?" he scoffed.

They pulled into a closed Walgreen's. He got out of the car and walked right in. A few minutes later, he came running out laughing maniacally, holding two plastic-bags full of boxes. He jumped in the car and zoomed off back towards the house. French reached for one of the bags and looked inside, a whole bunch of pregnancy tests filled both bags. At the very bottom there was a box of condoms. She rolled her eyes, it's a little too late for that. He peeked over at her sideways and pulled into the garage.

French went and got a large plastic-cup and went up the stairs. She peed in the cup and opened three of the pregnancy tests. She dipped the end of each stick into the cup and then poured it out. The Joker knocked on the door, "Leave me alone," she snapped.

He opened the door and went to join her, "Do you know yet?"

"No, it's only been like 30 seconds."

They waited and then French looked at the sticks, "They're all positive," she mumbled, terror spreading through her body.

He showed no emotion and stomped back to his room, something deep inside of himself was happening, it had been so long since he had felt this emotion. Perhaps, it was fear? He flipped on the TV, Joker spotted stealing pregnancy tests. The Joker growled and mumbled to his self, angrily.

"Why do they have to pry in people's lives so much?" the Joker spun around, the hairs on the back of his neck sticking up in confusion, "Miss me, puddin'?"

Harley crossed her arms and an amused smile found its way across her face, "Harley Quinn, I was wondering where my pet has been."

Harley was in normal clothes, her hair was up in piggy-tails though, "I bet," she rolled her eyes, "Where's Bloody Jax?"

Hate rippled through his body hearing her speak his Bloody Jax's name, "What do you want Harley?"

"You know, a little closure, our break-up was a bit quick and unexplainable, wasn't it?"

The Joker lunged for her, knife-in-hand.
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Sorry theres so much dialogue