Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Humorous Blood-Lust

Harley closed her eyes like Ivy had taught her and took a quick step to the left. She let out a shaky breath as she felt the wind from his arm holding the knife slide across her face. The Joker let out a small noise of surprise realizing he missed. He chuckled and grabbed her by the throat.

"What the fuck?" French stood in the doorway, surprised, she couldn't recognize Harley without the jester costume, a flash of jealousy went through her.

"I found our pet, Sugar," the Joker replied, tightening his grasp, "She wasn't dead."

French's hands clenched in anger, blood-lust enveloped her body and she clenched her teeth, "Harley. But how, I stabbed her in the throat? How long have you known?" she felt betrayed, how long has he been keeping her here?

"Now, now, Biscuit," he giggled, "She just came here, I thought she was dead."

"I'm good at pretending and that fork completely missed anything important, you should have stuck around, Ivy found me-"the Joker squeezed her throat tighter, closing her airway.

"Shh, you are not allowed to talk," he purred, "We never, ah, said you were equal."

Harley tugged on his fingers, her lungs felt like they were going to collapse, he let her go, she fell to the ground, and in between coughs she said, "I see he's gave you some scars," she looked straight at French, "I bet he gives you two more months then he'll finish-"

French slammed Harley's head against the wall, "Bitch," she grunted, she could see 4 little round scars from where she had stabbed her in the neck with the fork.

Joker grabbed Harley by the foot and dragged her towards French's plush room. French pushed the cart full of clothes, pregnancy tests and female items out of the room. The Joker left Harley, unconscious, next to the puke, where French had thrown-up earlier. It was starting to smell. Then, he locked the door and followed after French. He didn't let her know that he followed and watched, curiously, as she sat on the bed, sighing. Her blonde hair was still matted with blood and she was bleeding again. Then, she placed her head in her hands and closed her eyes. The Joker smiled at her anguish, my Bloody Jax is upset.

"Biscuit?" he asked, a smile was spread across his face.

"Yeah?" she mumbled, not bothering to look up at him.

"You want to have some fun?"

"No," she growled, "I don't want anymore fucking 'fun'. You know what I want?" she didn't give him time to answer, "I want to kill that fucking bitch, I want you to leave me alone, and I want to murder. Then, maybe, I'll be up for some fun."

The Joker found her anger hilarious, "We are going to do two of those, but now we are going to go provoke the mob," he licked his lips, "Maroni hasn't received punishment for betraying me, yet."

French sighed, knowing that what she said just rolled right over his shoulders, "Whatever."

He grabbed a couple of knives and handed her her black one that he'd given her, "Tell them to be ready in five minutes," he turned from her, expecting her to leave. When he turned around to see she was still standing there, hatred filled his veins, "Now," he pushed her towards the door.

Annoyed, she made her way down the stairs, "Joker says be ready in five minutes," she told them, now I have to get ready.

She went up the stairs and started picking out some clothes. French smiled finding another mini-dress, it was white, of course. Then, she washed her face and hair. She didn't apply much makeup and ran out to meet the Joker and the goons, "Nice of you to, ah, show up," he sneered.

"You're welcome," she flipped her wet-hair to make him madder.

The Joker and the goons got in the van, she took her time getting into the passenger seat, the Joker honked the horn angrily, "Do you have something up your ass?" he demanded, whipping the van out of the driveway.

"Other than you?" she rolled her eyes and looked out the window, she heard a couple of goons snicker, "Something fucking funny?" she demanded glaring at them.

They didn't say anything but they jumped like she had stung them, she smiled to herself. The Joker pulled up to an abandoned warehouse. A couple of black vans were outside the front of it, "Bloody Jax, come with me, you guys do it," he barked, hopping out the side.

French followed after him, easily keeping up with him, unlike the last time they had ran together. When they reached the door, he looked at her fiercely and pushed her up against the building, one of his gloved hands touched her bare thigh, he slid his hand up to the side of her underwear, she felt something cold and metal go in between her leg and the material, his lips pressed against her sore neck, "What was that?" she whispered, barely able to talk, he made her so flustered.

"Your little gun," he giggled, pulling away, "now come on."

She followed after him, her heart was still beating fast, he made her wait outside of a closed door and he disappeared behind it. Maroni was standing next to a table full of money and a table full of cocaine, "We need to talk," Maroni spun around his face full of fear, "I know, I know, short notice but I couldn't have you running, could I?"

"What do you want, Clown?" Maroni asked, crossing his arms.

"I know you gave my Bloody Jax some goons," Joker laughed.


"That doesn't please me, Maroni," he started to laugh, then the windows all crashed, glass flying everywhere, The Joker's goons came jumping through the broken glass. They were all carrying various weapons. Maroni's men ran forward, Joker's men ran towards them. The Joker took off after Maroni. Joker's men were easily taking down Maroni's. Maroni threw a vase at the Joker and it busted across his forehead, making it bleed. The Joker cornered Maroni and brought him down. Then he knocked him out. The goons were done slaughtering Maroni's men and they brought him out. French's eyes went wide when she saw the Joker's forehead bleeding. She had never seen him hurt before.

"We're going to play a game when we get home, Jaxy, get dressed accordingly," the Joker told her, getting frustrated by her worried stare.
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Is it coming along, okay? I miss the feedback :/