Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Disappearing Act

The Joker licked his lips annoyed and stared directly at one of the guards, the guard started shuffling uncomfortably from foot to foot, "Hey ya," he smiled, finally something to do, "Do I scare you, hmm?" he pretended to be sympathetic.

The guard didn't look at him, "Don't talk to me."

"Don't talk to me," the Joker copied, making his nasally but low voice even higher, he giggled and started touching the small detonator attached to his back tooth with his tongue. When he was patted down, the metal detector went off over and over on his mouth and the examiner mistook it as a filling, "I have a joke," the Joker purred, "I can't wait for you to see it."

A couple of nights before, when French was locked in the padded cell, the goons and him had broken in and filled the place with bombs. The whole place was buzzing with excitement now, the Joker was behind bars and the tape of Maroni and Harley had just been partially shown on the news. Batman hadn't stayed long, he was looking for Bloody Jax. The Joker was confident that he wouldn't find her, he had made one of his goons take her back to the mansion with a promise that he wouldn't be killed. Of course, the Joker had lied to him about that. He rolled his eyes, I guess I can't let her die now. He was somewhat angered by the fact that he couldn't kill her if she disobeyed him again.

"I have to pee," the Joker complained.

"There's a toilet right there," a guard replied.

"I don't want the other guys to get jealous or have any other ideas," he laughed.

"Either go in there or don't go at all."

The Joker stood up and walked over to the nearest prisoner. All of the prisoners were cowering away from him. He put his hands over the prisoner's shoulders like he was going to hug him and then with the handcuffs perfectly hooked around the prisoner's neck, he swung around him and started choking him. The Joker let out gurgled noises of surprise. The guards were shouting and running up and down, coming towards the cell. The Joker laughed excitedly as the prisoner let out his last gurgling breath and became completely motionless.

The Joker was dragged away by three guards, one of them was a goon of his, they took him to the back of the building where a cell was all by itself. He started laughing, the goon put a key in the Joker's pocket discreetly and then they all left. The Joker started unlocking his self and snuck out. When he was outside, using his fingernail he pressed the button on the detonator. Then, the prison started to shake and large clouds of smoke started to fill the air and the whole building exploded. He giggled excitedly and ran down a side street.

He ran to the waiting van and jumped in. The goon in the driver's seat moved so he could drive. He drove back home and parked in the garage. They got out and flooded into the house, the goons started to celebrate and he walked up the stairs, "Honey, I'm home!" he called, laughing at his own private joke.

She wasn't in any of the rooms, like he hoped she would be. He opened the door to his room. She was setting in the middle of the bed, her arms were wrapped around her knees, her forehead was touching her knees. Horrific sobs came out of her. That strange feeling welled up in his stomach again and he leaned against the hallway wall, hoping she didn't notice that he had saw her. He peeped in again, she was only in her bra and underwear, her long blonde wild hair draped down her body like a river. The Joker walked in then, his heart throbbing as if he was in pain.

"Biscuit?" he asked.

French sat up then rubbing her face and sniffling, embarrassed, "Your back, have fun in jail?" she asked.

"Yeah, ah, why have you been so...girlie lately?" he didn't bother to disguise the disgust in his voice.

"Does that make you hate me even more, hmm?" she asked, a flash of anger went through her.

"Nothing you do, will ever change how much I hate you."

"Same here."

They didn't say anything and the Joker crossed the room and sat on the bed, "Is it the baby?"

"You don't really care, it's just freaking you out that I have emotions," she rolled her eyes, then her face crumpled.

The strange feeling went through the Joker again and she fell forward sobbing into his chest. The heat from his body enveloping her. She didn't even need him to wrap his arms around her to feel comforted. She just needed his smell and the feeling of his body. He pulled her tight against him then, slowly sliding his hand up from her hip to cup her face, he placed his forehead to hers and sighed. Then something happened. Something that he hadn't done since he was eight years old and his mother had died. He didn't want to let her go, just like he didnt want to let his grandma go as she sobbed over the still corpse of his mother. That strange feeling was even stronger and he wanted to pull away but something in him made him not want to. French was kind of shocked, he had never comforted her before, she looked up at him about to say something and then his lips crashed against hers.
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Welcome 2 new subscribers. I love yew <3 As well as my other subscribers.
I feel like I shouldnt have made him cry...what do you guys think?