Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Doctor Abduction

The Joker didn't break the kiss as he roughly pushed her down against the mattress. His hands gripped her hips tightly and slid up her sides, pulling the shirt off of her. He pressed his lips to her breast tracing the joker scar with his tongue. Chills slid up and down her body. She reached for the sides of his vest and she tried to drag him back up to her lips. His trench-coat was already thrown somewhere on the floor. He made a low sound in his throat and started to nibble on her neck. Instead of giving into the kisses she started unbuttoning his vest and pulling on his tie. He set up, pulling her with him, this made her dizzy and the world seemed to tilt.

"Fuck," she pushed away from him and jumped off the bed.

He let out a groan of frustration when he realized what was wrong with her because he heard her vomiting, "Brush your teeth, Sugar," he mumbled, getting up out of the bed, "I'm bringing Dr. Crane over."

"He's not a doctor," she gasped in between heaves.

The Joker rolled his eyes, ignoring her, "Fine, I'll steal one."

The door shut and French closed the toilet lid and turned on the bath tub's water. It was one of those big jacuzzi-type of tubs and the frothy water brought her into a wonderful zen. She closed her eyes and let out a sigh. She really wanted to kill somebody. It had been two days since her last murder and the closest she had gotten after that, was holding the knife against Harley's throat. That's what's wrong with me, she thought.

A while later, when she was laying in the bed, the van pulling into the driveway woke her. She had heard some explosions and sirens before that, so she knew the Joker was out causing some sort of chaos. She didn't bother to get out of the bed and just laid there, annoyed that he hadn't thought of taking her to cause some destruction. A couple of breaths later, the bedroom door swung open and the Joker came in dragging a woman with long dark hair. The woman seemed to be a little Hispanic and her eyes were large and round. They were full of fear. French started laughing looking at the fear that shown all over her.

"Bloody Jax, meet Iva, she's going to be your, ah, doctor. She delivers babies all of the time," the Joker said, pushing the woman closer to the bed.

French started laughing, "But Joker, the baby wont be coming for another 7 or 8 months."

"Then, she will have to stay here, hmm?" the girl tried to pull away from him and he placed his knife against her throat, she let out a stifled sob, "Or maybe, I should just kill her."

French flipped a strand of hair, dismissively, "Whatever," she shrugged, "I guess keep her, I need some help."

Iva smiled gratefully, "Thank you, Bloody Jax, thank you."

"Yeah, yeah, are you going to check me out or what?" French asked.

"Yes, yes, but I need some supplies," she looked nervously at the Joker, "Do you think-"

"I'll get whatever you need," the Joker giggled, "Make a list," he pulled out a notebook and pen and threw it at the woman.

She scribbled down a large list and handed it to him, "Do you need me to tell you what this stuff-"

"Don't worry, Doc. I'll get everything for my Bloody Jax," with that he disappeared out the door.

Iva looked at French skeptically, "Do you have any STD's?" French shook her head, "Do you know who the father is?" French nodded. Then, Iva asked her many more questions like that. She didn't seem surprised when French told her that she had been raped by her father.
"Yeah, most people who fall victim to Stockholm have been raped by a family member before," she said.

"I don't have Stockholm," French growled, angrily.

"I'm sorry, I just assumed you were being held here and then...I don't know, excuse me."

French swallowed back the murderous thoughts that filled her brain and she reminded herself this is for the baby. Iva seemed to know she got off easy. A while later, the van pulled in and then the Joker's room became French's personal hospital room.

After dozens of tests, the baby was deemed okay and had a healthy heart-beat. Then, the Joker locked the doctor up in another room. He went up the stairs and climbed into bed with French. He wrapped his arms around her tightly and pulled her sleeping frame over to him, then he fell into a deep sleep.
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Sorry it's short...I love yew guys :3