Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open


"Good morning, Biscuit," French woke to the sound of the Joker's booming voice, "It's time to play some games."

"Great, I can't wait to fuck with your little annoying pet some more," she smirked, thinking about Harley.

"No, Sugar, all in good time," he gave her a devilish-grin, "I'm going to give you a little...test, hmm?"

"Fun," she rolled her eyes and stood up.

He was in front of her face in an instant, he grabbed her face in his hand and pressed a knife to her cheek, "Im not a bother am I?" he growled, "What with all the...ah, eye-rolling, I could swear that's your opinion."

"No, you're just a bucket of sunshine," she replied.

He laughed hysterically and then shoved her onto the floor with most of his strength, "Get up, now, and let's go," She picked herself off the floor and followed him down the stairs. He didn't seem to care that she was behind him and unable to watch her. With a sudden thought, she giggled and gave him a hard push. He fell down a couple stairs and then popped back up, laughing like a maniac, "Oh, I like play-things with a little fight."

She continued to walk down the stairs until he was in her way, he grabbed her by the hair, "Clever, I've never seen this before, guy grabs female by the hair and drags her down the stairs."

"I don't know what you are talking about, I was thinking more of, ah, well, you'll see," he whipped her forward and laughed manically as she fell down the stairs, "Why use all my strength to drag you."

"Puddin' are you okay?" Harley rounded the corner to stare at the Joker with afraid eyes.

He rolled his eyes and picked up his unconcious play-thing. Then, grumbling to himself he carried French to his inside gym. Harley tried to follow but he slammed the door in her face, "Leave me to my work," he bellowed.

She left the door, pouting and went up to see Ivy. She was awake and caring for some of her plants, "He's completely ignoring me, now, because of this new-girl," she whined.

"Don't worry, she is just going to be like the rest of them, he'll grow bored and then come back to you," Ivy replied.

French began to wake up, something atrocious-smelling was invading her nostrils, she sat straight-up coughing. The Joker had been holding smelling-salts in front of her nose to wake her up, "Welcome back, Biscuit."

"So, what little game do you have for me?" she asked.

He smiled, "It's easy, make this bomb," he threw a box of stuff at her, "you have ten minutes, go."

She laughed at how easy this was, she made it in three. He frowned, angrily, She just made that bomb faster than Scarecrow can, , she yawned, "Anything else?"

He scowled, "No one likes a show-off. Show-offs get there faces bashed in. And no one would want this little pretty face to be bashed in. Now would they?" he was grabbing her from around the neck again.

She pulled back her fist and punched him as hard as she could, "Dont put your fucking hands on me, ever again."

He didnt pull back, instead he began to laugh for a very long-time and then pulled out his knife and placed it against her throat, "You know what I think is hysterical, hmm?" he waited for her to answer, inspecting her eyes for fear, none showed, "Little play-things with bad attitudes."

"Then, I'm going to be hilarious," she replied, not phased.

She was starting to make him mad, "I'm going to give you a scar, every pretty little doll-baby needs a scar," he pushed her down on the ground and sat on her back, keeping her down and then he cut open the top-back of her shirt. He placed the knife to her upper-back and carved in the word, Funny.

He was disappointed by her lack of response, she didnt make a noise the whole time he did it. Then, he forced Harley to take her upstairs and lock her in the kid-room, "We're going to kill you. Harley," French told her.

Harley's eyes bulged out of her head, "Y-you dont know what you're talking about," she said.

After Harley left the room, French laughed at the face she was making for another hour and then fell asleep. There's nothing else to do.
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