Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open


French's door slammed open and a tall man in a clown-mask stood above her. Another one was waiting outside of the door. The one standing above her was holding a lunch tray, "Boss says you're supposed to eat," his voice was low and shaky, she tried not to look at the fork on the tray.

She took the tray and sat down on the bed, picking up her fork, "So, how much does the Joker pay you guys?" she asked.

They looked at each other, "He gives us life and he gets us out of Arkham," the one in the doorway replied.

The taller one turned to glare at the one in the doorway, French stood up, picking up her fork and ran at him. She shoved the fork deep in his neck, letting out a cry of giggles. The other one came running at her, she laughed and dodged him. Then, she brought the fork down through his throat. Blood began to squirt from his jugular, drenching her. The other man lay on the floor gasping, she had missed. She laughed at the torture she was bringing him and kicked him in the stomach. She had her back to the door, she heard a slow clapping coming from the door.

"Very good, Biscuit," the Joker purred, licking his lips, looking at her bloody mess, "So, a little birdie tells me, you've been to Arkham before," he giggled, "French Jaxon, is it, hmm?"

She rolled her eyes, "Impressive, you know how to steal files from an insane asylum."

"Don't patronize me, Biscuit," he warned, grabbing French by the face, "I don't like people who think they are...ah, smarter than me."

"What about the people who are, do you like them?" she teased.

"I'm tired of this small-talk," he pressed his knife to her cheek, "Let's get to the...ah, real business. I have a proposition for you. Harley is going to entertain the batman, while we make a little noise."

"Fun, does this involve murder?"

"Lots," he smiled, devilishly, "Let's go."


The Joker left her on the bottom floor with the hostages and three of his goons. He took five goons and disappeared running up the stairs. They were in Wayne Enterprises. The Joker was trying to take down the biggest firms first. French could hear guns firing above her. She laughed, maliciously. I'm supposed to keep one alive, hmm, which one? She took a quick jaunt around the room and found a woman in one of the uniforms, an employee, perfect .

"Kill them all boys, except for this group over here," she told the goons.

She laughed as the hostages began to cry out and the sounds of bullets flying everywhere escaped in the room, then she pointed her gun at the three goons and shot each one of them in the back of the head, "Oops," she giggled, as they fell to the ground, blood spraying everywhere. She turned to look at the rest of her hostages, "So, who works here?" Three people raised their hand, "Alright, you three, go over there and stand," they slowly got up and ran to the other side.

Then, she pointed her gun at the rest of the hostages and watched, laughing madly, as blood covered everything, she was even drenched in it. Giggling she grabbed the three hostages and shoved them together, "Group-hug," she giggled, as they grabbed each other in an almost hug-like embrace. She wrapped a rope around them and tied it tight, "There, silly goons, don't know how to tie a knots," she laughed murderously, as she kicked the nearest goon's lifeless body.

"You don't have to do this, the Joker doesn't own you, Harley," one of the worker's said, he had a bald head and his mustache was greying. When he said Harley, a shiver of anger went through her spine.

"What, did you just fucking call me?" she spat, pressing her gun to the side of his head.

"You are Harley Quinn, aren't you?" he stuttered, his eyes popping out of his head.

"How important are you to this company?"

"I'm the mailman, ma'am."

She laughed hysterically, "What? The mailman, the mailman?" she laughed even harder, "Okay, Mr. Mailman, don't ever fucking call me Harley again. She is a worthless little bitch, who the Joker uses to toy with the batman," she spat, "On second thought, I don't think I'll give you the chance to ever call me that again," she pulled the trigger and watched his head explode, greedily.

The two women hostages screamed out in terror as the blood splattered their bodies. French rolled her eyes and crossed her arms, bored. Will he hurry up? she thought, thinking of the Joker.

Like he could hear her thoughts she could hear someone running down the stairs, giggling like a madman. He appeared at the bottom of the stairs, he was holding a Manila envelope. His eyebrow raised an amused expression crossed his face when he saw all the carnage, "Well, Sugar, aren't we a little selfish, I was just going to blow the building up. What were you going to do with...these two, ah, women?" he asked.

"They work here," she shrugged, "Do you want them?"

He laughed, "They're yours."

She pulled up her gun and shot both of them and laughed as their blood splattered her again. Then, she chased after the Joker and jumped into the back of the van with the rest of the goons. When the goons got out at the Joker's home, she put the gun against the side of the Joker's temple, "Now let me go," she said.

He laughed, "Oh, Biscuit, do I have to take away your privileges now, too?" he asked, "I'll be generous and you put the gun down and I will forget this little mishap, hmm?"

She thought about it, she did just have a lot of fun with the senseless murder of the people at Wayne Enterprises, "Let me kill your little Harley."

He started to laugh, "All in good time, my little Bloody Jax," he turned to face her and lick his lips, "I'm going to have so much fun, breaking you."

She put the gun down, "Ha, like you could, I'm the one whose going to be having all the fun. Like I told you before."

The Joker licked his lips, Oh, little Bloody Jax wants to play, hmm? This is going to be too much fun. he snickered out loud, she's too much like me, I should kill her. I hate her.
"Go to your room," he growled, grabbing the gun away from her.

She didn't move, Little Bipolar man , she thought, laughing. The back of the van opened and he pulled her out roughly, with most of his force, he wanted to break her bones, but he knew that he shouldn't, "I said 'Go to bed'," he growled.

He dragged her up to her room and pushed her in. There was blood everywhere in her room already. She giggled as she remembered killing the two goons. Their bodies were not in there anymore.

In the next room, she could hear Ivy humming, she knocked on the wall, "Yes?" Ivy asked.

"Is little Harley home, yet?" French asked.

"No, and you cant touch her," Ivy warned, "The Joker will you kill you and then I'll kill you again."

French started laughing hysterically. I hope they try.
♠ ♠ ♠
So thanks to all my subscribers!! And Thanks to Fashion of His love; for making this delicious layout for me...
Isn't French just the bomb?
And to give you a little comedy, I listened to Somebody to Love, Bohemian Rhapsody and Crazy little thing called Love by Queen, while I made this Mwuhahaha