Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Drown Your Pets

"Harley! Get Little Bloody Jax and bring her here," French was awoken to the booming-voice of the Joker in the next room.

"But, Puddin', she hates me and she'll try to kill me," Harley objected, French smirked to herself.

French heard a bang as the Joker pushed Harley up against the wall, Harley let out a little squeak, "This, right here, is the only reason I keep you around, Doll face," he growled, loving the fear in her eyes, "So be a good little pet and get my play-thing, hmm?"

"You just want to fuck her," Harley's little voice yelled.

He laughed hysterically and pressed the knife close to her throat, "I love it when you talk dirty."

Harley started to cry, "Everyone sees it, even your little goons, you want her for more than business."

French heard another slam as the Joker's fist came through the wall next to Harley's head, "Oh Hello there, Sugar," he laughed, looking through the hole he had created, "Now, go get her," he grunted towards Harley.

French picked up her bloody fork, laughing, Let's just scare her a bit, . When the door opened, Harley didn't even look at French, she was too busy crying, "He wants you," she sniffled.

"I cant wait to kill you," French sighed, standing up and walking past her, "Or until we're alone."

Harley started to cry again and ran into Ivy's room, bawling her eyes out. French laughed maliciously and went into the Joker's room, "Where's Harley?" he grunted.

"I didn't kill her, she's in there crying to Ivy now," French crossed her arms, "Why don't you just kill her?"

"I wonder the same thing, my little Bloody Jax," he laced his fingers together and licked his lips, "And tonight...we wont have to..ah, wonder."

French smiled, "Oh, I see, can I play with her first, please?"

The Joker laughed hysterically, "Yes, after I'm done with her. Just make sure she's dead this time. I don't want her magically appearing all over again, hmm? So, make sure she drowns this time. I cant poison her, Ivy made sure of that."

"I know the perfect place," French giggled, thinking of the lifeless body of Harley, "This wont make you...sad, well it?" she teased.

He glared at her and pushed her up against the wall, the knife pressed against her neck, "Don't try my patience, Sugar."

She started laughing hysterically, "Really, that's you being scary? Really?"

This made him even madder and he shook her by the shoulders, "Stop it!" he yelled. This made her laugh harder, he slammed her on the ground and kicked her in the stomach, this made him laugh, every time she let out a little grunt.

"This is fun," French laughed, setting up, "We should do it again."

"Yes, let's," the Joker purred, annoyed with his play-thing.

Knowing better than asking what the plan was, French turned out of the room and went to Ivy's. Ivy was holding Harley as she cried and the black makeup smeared down her face, "I'll be taking that," French said, grabbing Harley roughly by the arm and began dragging her.

"Let me go," Harley cried out, as French dragged her to the Joker's room.

She shoved her in and shut the door behind her, "Well, hello there, puddin' " the Joker sneered, "We're going on a little drive. Sugar, will you go get the van ready?"

Without even a thought of driving off, French ran down the steps, giggling and turning on the van. She was too excited about murdering Harley. The Joker came down dragging a bound and gagged Harley in tow. He threw her into the back of the van and jumped in, "Now let's go to your place."

French pressed on the gas and drove to the inside pool. She was there within five minutes. Hmm, good place the Joker thought. He dragged Harley inside and tore the ropes off, "Now, little pet, fight me," the Joker instructed.

Harley ran at him, trying to knock him down. He just laughed like a mad-man and pushed her down. This went on for a long time, until he got a little bored. He motioned for French, "Come finish it."

French laughed evilly and started slamming Harley's face on to the ground over and over again. until her face was covered in blood. Then, laughing hysterically, she shoved her face under water. Then, she did it over and over. Harley was trying to breath. It pulled more water into her lungs. Then, French kept her head pressed under water for a long time, Harley was thrashing around under her hand.

The Joker was behind her laughing. French pushed Harley onto the ground she was barely breathing and her lips were turning blue. Then French shoved her fork into her throat. She laughed as Harley's blood sprayed all over her face.
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I just realised I put Sammi, thats a character in a diff. story. Ignore that, I just fixed it BTW.