Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open

Comedic Explosions

Ivy was nowhere to be found when the Joker and French arrived home. French had fresh new blood stains along with the old ones from the Wayne Enterprises slaughter. The Joker didn't want to give his Bloody Jax new clothes, he liked seeing the traces of mass murder on her small frame. They both were equally disappointed to find Ivy gone, they had been anticipating her reaction to Harley's death. Damn plant woman, ruins all the fun , the Joker thought, licking his lips in irritation.

"What the hell, she must of thought we were going to kill her too," French giggled, thinking of the fight that would have ensued.

"All we were going to do, was play a little game," the Joker smirked, "Come on, we're going to do," he grabbed French's arm and started dragging her towards his van.

"Don't grab me," she growled, pushing him away from herself, "I can take myself, shit."

He didn't even act like the push even fazed him, "Oh, Sugar, I like it when you get rough," he giggled, pushing her back, she only fell back a little bit, he grabbed her by the throat and placed her knife against her throat, "What makes you think you are so special, huh, Bloody Jax, hmm? You think mass-murder impresses me, hmm? You think seeing you all bloody makes me, ah, want to keep you around?"

She rolled her eyes, this is getting old , "You are so scary, no, don't, I don't want to die," she said, without any emotion, he growled angrily and smacked her across the face, she felt it land with a harsh sharp pain, she cried out a little and he laughed.

"I am going to break you, biscuit," he purred, running the hand, that wasn't around her neck, through her hair.

She laughed, "I cant wait."

Then, he dragged her the rest of the way to the van, he threw her into the back, laughing like a mad-man. His tires squealed as he drove out going at least ninety. He was laughing hysterically. French rolled her eyes and went up to the front to set in the passenger seat. He ignored her and continued on to the UN-named destination. When they pulled up, French could see that they were at Arkham. The Joker threw a heavy bag at her and hopped out of the door. French hopped out of the other side and followed him into the building. She didn't have a hard time keeping up with him, like most of his other goons did. He started to quicken his pace and so did she, laughing as the air whooshed past her face. Then, he stopped right in front of her. She fell to the floor, which caused him to start laughing.

Dr. Crane was waiting for them, he was in his scarecrow costume, "You have ten minutes," he told them.

The Joker laughed and grabbed the bag from French and began throwing bombs in every open cell. They were set to detonate in five minutes, "You have, ah five minutes," the Joker told him.

Then, all three of them began to run towards the door. The Joker and French were in the lead. Dr.Crane was not far behind. After they got outside, he looked at French with curious eyes. He could see one reason why the Joker had her, she was beautiful. Her hair was blonde as snow and went to her shoulders. Her face was porcelain-colored and looked almost fake. Her eyes were round and blue. The only thing about her he didn't like was her white shirt full of blood. The Joker had been using her quite a bit. There was also a large bruise on the top of her forehead.

"Get in the van, Sugar," the Joker growled towards her, she didn't move, only crossed her arms and stared at him uh oh, thought Dr. Crane. The Joker growled and stepped towards her grabbing her by the hair, he dragged her to the van, the whole time, she was kicking at him, then he threw her into the back, "That's my new play-thing, Little Bloody Jax," he told Scarecrow.

Dr. Crane just nodded, "Where'd you find her?"

"Enough about that, I need a uh, favor," he smiled menacingly, "When Ivy shows up, which she will, tell me."

"If you promise not to hurt her," he replied, he liked her a lot.

"Okay, I promise, I promise," he giggled, hopping a little.

French tried to get out of the van but all the doors wouldn't open. Smart, she thought, Doors that can open from the outside but not the inside. Then a large noise made her look up the top-floor of Arkham started to crumble. She started laughing. The Joker came running to the van and jumped in. Then he drove off, laughing hysterically.

"Pretty," she laughed.

He rolled his eyes and tried to not let his hate for her bother him and drove towards his house.
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So, I finally posted, sorry it's been a couple days..Ive been very busy and my mother's been in the hospital.
Sorry there wasnt as much murder.