Sequel: Drenched in Blood
Status: I can't believe I have nine stars!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDD Thank you guys Love you!

Cut Me Open


The goons were excited about the explosions when the Joker and French got home. They were all chattering about it. As soon as they saw French, they got quiet. The Joker shuddered in anger, they only usually did that whenever they saw him, not his play-things. He grabbed her arm angrily and started to drag her upstairs. She was too excited to let that bother her. Instead, she started laughing.

"Angry, little man?" she asked, smiling up at him.

He rolled his eyes and threw her into her bedroom and locked the door. Then, he went into his room and slammed his door. French could hear him in the room next door mumbling to his self. "Why does she think she can get whatever she wants, hmm? Does she think she's that special?" he spat, walking back and forth, "Making my men, scared, that's my job," he yelled. Then a thought came to his head and he started laughing, "This will teach them."

He threw open his bedroom door and started stomping down the stairs, his knife in hand, "Hello, guys," he said, he looked around the room, most were shrinking away from him and fear, he started laughing I love people who fear me , his eyes rested on the weakest one, the one all the others tried to watch out for, the youngest one, he grabbed him by the arm and dragged him to the front of the room, "How many of you are...scared, of my little play-thing?" he asked, licking his lips. Half of the room, including the guy he had with him raised their hand, timidly. He laughed hysterically, "Let me do a count, only 4 of you are not scared, hmm," he wrapped his hand around the guy's neck and glared into his eyes, "Are you scared of my Little Bloody Jax?" he asked him, the young man nodded, "is she scarier than me?" he asked.

The young man did not know what to say, so he nodded, hoping that would please the Joker. The Joker growled angrily then cut him from cheek-bone to cheek-bone and slit his throat. He threw the boy down before he could get blood on him, "Anyone else more scared of her?" no one raised their hand, shocked at what they had seen, "Good," with that he turned around and went up the stairs.

French peeked through the hole in the wall into his room, he came in laughing hysterically. She could see blood dripping from his blade. He wiped it off with his finger and painted a smiley face onto the wall next to other bloody smiley-faces, that were there. He felt someone staring at him and turned to look at the hole in the wall from his fist. He laughed remembering the fear in Harley's face. He left the room and slammed French's door open. He crossed the room and grabbed her by the shoulders, roughly, making her face him.

"Spying on me, huh?" he asked, shaking her roughly, "Come on, let's go have some fun," he dragged her back to his room, she just let him, annoyed. He shut the door behind him and pushed her up against the wall, "My men are scared of you," he told her, placing his knife against her throat.

"I know," she giggled, "It's so great."

"No," he pressed the knife tighter against her throat, a little bit of blood dripped down her throat, he giggled seeing it, "I hate it."

She rolled her eyes, "I would have never pegged you as the jealous-type."

"Why shouldn't I kill you?" he asked, moving the knife softly down her neck, towards her collar-bone. She didn't answer, she didn't feel like playing his games, "Silent, hmm, I like this better," he cut the shoulder of her t-shirt, exposing her skin, "I think you need some scars," he mused, pressing the knife against her shoulder, she started to breath heavily but not in fear, the feeling of the knife and his leathered-hands against her skin, "but not yet," he pulled the knife away, he could see that he was causing a reaction, he wasn't sure if she was scared or not.

"You are just a big tease," she laughed, pulling him by his tie, so his face could be closer to hers, "I want your scars."

He mumbled, incoherently and placed his knife back against her shoulder, she sighed against the feeling of the knife against her bare-skin. He pressed down harder against her shoulder and started to carve the word, Mine into her shoulder. She didn't let go of his tie. He pushed her tighter against the wall and pressed his lips against the side of her neck. He bit into her neck, roughly, causing chills to go throughout her body and then, he pushed her away, "Leave," he ordered.

Slightly dazed, she left the room and went into hers. Then, she laid down, electricity going through her veins and fell asleep. The Joker was in the other room, laughing, he had found what would make her obey. A little teasing...
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