Sequel: Like Phantoms Forever
Status: Completed

I Lost My Fear of Falling

My name is Autumn Leeves.
My best friend, well, my only friend calls me Emmy. I only have one: Wes. We’re what you could call the outcasts.
I have a mom and a dad, and two older brothers named River and Forrest. Yeah, our names kinda suck. River lives at home with us still and takes classes at the community college nearby. Forrest goes to school at UC Santa Barbara in California. We live in an old house in a town named Belleville.
You’d think this would add up to a nearly perfect life.
That’s what it looks like on the surface.
Underneath, this family is full of holes and patches held together by spit and prayers.
But that’s not what this story is about.
At least, I hope not.
To me, this story is about a boy who gave me my hope in life.
A boy I’d lived next to for years and never talked to.
A boy named Michael James Way.

Title Credit: It's Not a Fashion Statement, It's A Fucking Deathwish by My Chemical Romance.
I DO NOT own My Chemical Romance. I do own the storyline and the original characters. Please don't steal my stuff.