Status: In progress

If I Knew What to Do With You


Her calculating green eyes searched the perimeter of the field and she snickered as she left the cover of darkness. Her long raven coloured hair spilled down her back like a flowing black river. She wasn't exactly anyone's idea of tall and most of her fellow students made fun of her for her height.

The raven haired girl grinned widely and motioned to two boys to follow her.

She was mostly a loner, her only trusted friend being Justin Finch-Fletchley. They were close, but she preferred to be alone, though she had some kind of fleeting friendship with the Weasley twins, whom she was beginning to get familiar with.

The two boys were none other than the Weasley twins, and it was evident the trio were about to cause trouble as Luciana had the Marauders map in her grasp. She quickly unfolded it, pressed her wand against the parchment and whispered in a slight voice "I solemnly swear I am up to no good."

"C'mon Luciana, it's almost dinner time!" one of the twins exclaimed, only to have Luciana herself silence him with her wand, tapping his lips lightly with it.

"Would you be quiet George?" She said curtly, in a thick British accent, diverting her eyes from him and back to the map, where she rapidly took note of teachers whereabouts.

"Okay, we should be just fine in Moaning Myrtles bathroom," she whispered, tapping the parchment once more and uttering "Mischief Managed" before grabbing a twin in each hand and almost dragging them to their destination.

Luciana strolled into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom, the twins in close pursuit, and she quickly murmured "Muffliato", before sitting down and waving her wand about aimlessly, trying to figure out how to execute the prank. The three of them didn't need students freaking out at the roar of a large cat....not just yet anyway.

It wasn't long before Moaning Myrtle made her presence known, giving Luciana a fright.

"Oh it's you," Luciana said briskly, twirling her wand around in her light grip.

Myrtle hovered above Luciana who was evidently in deep thought.

"What are you doing?" Myrtle asked, floating around Luciana aimlessly.

Luciana looked up at Myrtle and grinned, before pulling a packet of Charmed Chocs out of her pocket and throwing them to George who just stood there, grinning stupidly.

"Give me one of those things George," Luciana said quickly, tapping her wand on her cheek impatiently.

George looked to his twin and they both grinned, before George opened the small package and tipped a few of the sweets into the palm of his hand. Before Luciana could make a move, Fred had already grabbed one and shoved it in his mouth almost ravenously.

Seconds later there was the unmistakable bark of a dog, and then George's bellowing laughter along with Luciana's light giggle, which turned into her clearing her throat and pointing her wand in the direction of the abandoned toilet cubicles.

"Expecto Patronum" she said quickly, a silvery wisp of light coming from the tip of her wand. It materialised into the form of a large cat, not unlike a panther and sat there, staring at her as if waiting for something.

"Seriously, give me one of those," Luciana demanded, taking one of the sweets from George's hands, putting it in her mouth, and positioning her wand near her throat as the loud roar of a lion escaped her lips.

She watched the twins as they did the exact same thing, but with the sounds of a wolf howling, and what may have been a Mandrake's ear shattering scream. Afterwards they sent their Patronuses out of the bathroom and followed them swiftly.....
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Okay...So..I don't know. Will definitely carry this one on. Might fix this chapter later....make it longer. Was in a rush.