Status: ACTIVE :DD

Who wants to be a Jackass?

Chapter 3

*Ju’s POV*

A week passed by and we managed to control the anxiety to get a response from the jackass video Annie and I made.

“WHY WON’T THEY CALL?! I wanna buy a rubber ducky!!!” I shouted all of a sudden from my room. Annie was refreshing the email account every 5 seconds to make sure we got the response.

“Must…read…answer!” Annie babbles.

See? We got everything under control. Man how could we not? We’re making plans for the 100,000 Euros prize…imagine the possibilities! Twinkies, a new skate, posters, tickets for concerts and…You get the idea.

“Shush, maybe…” Annie starting doing that face, that face that babies do when they are about to cry.

I grabbed a pillow in a menacing way and looked at her, like the badass I am, while pointing my finger at her.

“Don’t say it!”

“…they won’t call…”She crossed her arms up her chest.

And all of the sudden, scaring the shit out of us, the phone ringed.
Oh the excitement! We ran up to the phone, tripping along the way ( I even fell from the stairs while racing Ann) but fuck, I’m batman(girl)! Screw the stairs! And yes I threw myself from the stairs and flew for 2 seconds.

Annie turned around and watched my epic faceplant. So close to the finish line!

“Duuuudeeee, IMMA GET THAT PHONE!” She ran away on me!

“Oh no you wont’t!” I got up and clutched her foot making her fall on her side. That phone’s mine! (literally)

I ran with the nosebleed and all and got to the phone.

“Tadaaaa ! Hello? What? Shut up…” Yes I picked up and hung up right after.

“Who was it?” She was next to me a few moments before I hung up.

“Pfft, some dude that sounded like Bam was saying that he was Bam and we won...and stuff?” Oh shit!

Annie turned her “All caps rage” mode on. Put both hands around my neck and squeezed while shouting.

“YOU FUCKING IDIOT! YOU HUNG UP ON BAM? YOU SICK HUMAN BEING!!” Boy, did this seem like a Simpson’s scene thing.

“Agh!’re chocking me!!” I tried to speak but I sounded like my grandma with lung cancer.

She slapped me and let me go.

“I’m free!” I squeaked, like Knoxville does when he laughs and speaks next.

“Get your shit together, dude, your phone saves the last number who called you right?”

Dude! Ann is lifting me by the collar! Help!

We look at each other and then to the phone, and again to each other.

“AAAAAAAHHHH!!!!” We scream in unison! IT’S THE FREAKING APOCALYPSE! IT’S A WIRED 60’S PHONE!!! (This is also why I need the money, to upgrade my life!)

“We lost the number!” Annie says, bitting her nails and being restless. I put my hands in the back of my head and I see a fist approaching.

When the sudden thought of punching me goes in her mind (and fist), the phone rings! The freaking phone rings!! God bless Buddha…

Ann picks it up, for the best of human kind.

"Hello? Yeah? Ah sorry 'bout that."

"Who is it?" I'm trying to hear the conversation too and that's why we're stealing the phone from each other.

"Dude, he says he's Bam. Oh hey, can you say babababushka?"

We hear the answer from the other side

"Babababushka? Fuck this shit!

We both squealed on the phone, jumped in utter excitement, total mental gasm for having Bam, MOTHERFUCKING-HOT-BAM on the phone…
It’s like President’s day on a Star Wars’ costume in a cupcake! (At least for me)

I pick up the phone this time, still hyperventilating.

“Hiiii…heheheh, sorry, OMG YOU’RE BAM! I’m your faaaannn….OMG WE WON THE JACKPOT!!! I’m so happy you called, it’s a FUCKING HONOR!”

Not the best time to have the Tourettes Syndrome I guess. (xD) Annie steals the phone from me shaking and she hears the final answer.

“Ooookaaay? Can you do me favour?”

“Wooo, why yes! Anythiiiing…” Annie’s seductive tone suggests that he said something we should do for him and for him, we do it all!

We’re all happy, excited, squealing and stuff and we hear a knock on the door. She brings the phone along and we both walk towards that almighty
wall of wood. (Seriously, it’s 3cms thick!)

I grab the door knob and turn it slowly…really slow…sloooooow.

“FUCK! Open that shit up, man!!” Annie shouts.

“Okay, okay! Trying to make a dramatic moment here!” Okay, I was way to slow, but then I open the door and a utter ray of light comes from the outside,
so bright we have to protect our eyes with our hands.

A silhouette starts to define in the brightness. (I thought it was God, but maybe next time.)

Annie drops the phone right in my feet. It hurt like HELL, but I didn’t really mind since I have BAM BY THE DOOR!!!
I feel cold of a sudden and I hear a thump. (No, Ann’s standing up, I’m the one who passed out.)
♠ ♠ ♠


Hope you like it,sorry for the wait :)