Status: ACTIVE :DD

Who wants to be a Jackass?

Chapter 4

*Annie POV*

Oh for God´s sake.. Ju had to pass out on me,now that we have MOTHERFUCKING BAM at our door.
I stared at her for what seemed like hours,when i heard someone coughing. i looked up and there he was:

"Erm.. is she always like that?" he asked.

"Oh yeah, too much emotion does that to her. Not to worry though."

"Well,since your dear friend hung up on me,i had to come here to tell you that you WON!"

Out of nowhere,i screamed: "BAM BAM,YOU´RE DEAD!" holding up my hands like guns.

"Im dead?" Bam tilted his head to the side,looking at me as if i had 5 heads.

"BAM´S DEAD??????" Ryan Dunn came out of the car at lightning speed,running up to Bam and punching him.

"Good way to check if your best friend is dead.." I giggled and looked at Ju,who was starting to gain conscioness again.

"Man i had the best stroke EVER! I even saw Bam and all...Oh." She said once she got back at her feet.

"wobble wobble" she said, shaking Ryan´s hand, since Bam was covering his eye with his right hand.

"Wobble wobble to you too!" Ryan answered happily.

Bam looked at both of us.. or at least half of us since he was only using one eye.

"Soooooooo girls,you won! That means you´re coming with us and train to become a jackass. That money we promised was just a way to have more videos"

"I CANT BELIEVE WE FELL FOR THE SOUP!!" We said at the same time. (Jackass 3 references,yeyyyy xD)

They started walking back to the car and we just stared at them.

Ryan looked back at us and yelled: "WHAT ARE YOU WAITING FOR?? YOU GIRLS ARE COMING WITH US!"

We just looked at eachother smirking,locked the door and ran behind them.

We saw Knoxville on the wheel of the van (yeah,it looked like we were being kidnapped!) and he just waved at us.

During the ride,since Bam was sitting in the middle of us,we just randomly poked him.

That was when i decided to steal his hat. He turned RED,RED WITH ANGER.

"HAT,MY HAND NOW!" he yelled,his blue eyes burning my face.

"Ermmmm... JU??? HELP???"

She just grabbed his leg and pulled it with all her strength and he fell on his face.

Ryan almost died laughing,and Bam glared at him and sat in a corner,like little kids do when they are pissed off.

The Rest of the ride was pretty quiet, and we arrived at our destination quickly.
I smell trouble for the next times, lots and lots of trouble....
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Next chapter will be out soon :D