Status: ACTIVE :DD

Who wants to be a Jackass?

Chapter 5

*Annie’s POV*

The van stopped near a huge house. I mean like "a house bigger than mine" way.
We both stare at it and Ju even "ran over" Bam so she could she better the place from inside the van.

"DUUUUUDEEE! I don't remember a house in the prize!" Ju says while grinning from ear to ear.

Bam, as well the other Jackasses looked at us, containing their laugh.

"That's my house ladies! House de La Bam! You're staying here for a while." The forbidden sentence! And that HOT MAN just said it to us, in Swedish and all!

Ju quickly glanced at me in total awe. ", we're gonna enter the forbidden temple!"

We both squeal and we leave the van, run all the way to the front door and enter the almighty place.

"FIRST!" I scream.
Let the Armageddon begin!

Ju calls me pointing to the inner skate park. Man, a skate park in the living room!! And for my luck, we both brought our skateboards! (How convenient was that?) Besides we only saw the inside the house through TV, more precisely, MTV.

"Weee!! Best day ever!!" Ju shouts while laughing and skating.

All of the sudden she falls on her ass and gets hit by the skateboard on the head while I fall because I’m cracking my ass laughing at her, as well as the Jackass crew.
We both get up and she grabs me all of the sudden by the collar, mumbling loudly enough for me to hear it.

“Dude, we gotta check Bam’s room.” At this point, she was grinning evilly, as I did, pulling her by the wrist and running upstairs.

“New quest: find B’s Room!” She squeals. Kinda thinking about that, we’re so excited about everything and got lots of stuff to celebrate about, that we’re celebrating and enjoying things that we’ve only planned like…on dreams xD.

Opening doors randomly wouldn’t get us anywhere, they were all well-decorated. So Ju had a plan. Separate investigation, which only mean us going to opposite directions and search everything, to the point we crashed onto each other, almost breaking a couple ribs or something.

“Shush! That’s some sneaky room, man! It has to be that room, it’s the only one we haven’t checked.” I say while rubbing my forehead and Ju’s still on the floor looking at me.
“I’m hit…gaahh.” She squeaks, getting up.

Then I shouted to the crowd downstairs, otherwise we’d never find it. (Orientation fail.)

“Where do you have your beauty sleep? ‘Cus that has to be maintained, by the way.” I kinda mumbled the last part.

“First door to the left!” Ryan says. Shush, that man is full of niceness.

Ju heads back to the last door we opened and TADAAA!! The temple, the holy grail of fans, also know as Bam’s room, is in our sight!

We both look at that beautiful room, like a giant monument, in complete awe! It’s so fucking amazing!!
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Yey,new update :DD