Status: ACTIVE :DD

Who wants to be a Jackass?

Chapter 6

*Ju POV*

Holy…mother…Buddha! I’m inches away of entering Bam’s room. Inches I tell you!
Purple, velvet, a king sized bed, HIM posters and…a huge and awesome room, you know.

“Holy Panda Duck!” We mumble together.

What would you do if you were inside that room full of awesomess? Check his wardrobe? Not unless we’re playing hide and seek. Look for underwear? Check Jackass 3D movie and you’ll see beyond that (literally!) Well, we did nothing like that.

We just jumped on his bed. I mean a bed isn’t a bed until you jump on it. That’s God’s rule: You shall jump beds! Fuck yeah!
And it was…so FUCKING SOFT!!! (No wonder, angels sleep in clouds, duh!)

"It’s so fluffy I’m gonna die!!" Annie said, randomly jumping around.

"True story man! Wouldn’t expect any less from Bam anyway."

A few seconds later, that sexy man AKA Bam walked into the room, looking at us wide eyed.

"What the fuck are you two doing in my bed???" Can’t tell if screaming or talking a little bit louder.

“Houston, we have a problem.” Knoxville spats out laughing a bit.

I put on my cute face, but in this case, it’s a life or death situation, so I have to engage the Super Cute Mode on!

"Testing your bed! We cant have you falling in the middle of the night, and ruining your beautiful face!" (Or can we? Hum... ideas ideas) Ann just tried not to laugh at him. Oh Annie, you must’ve read my mind.

Bam just did an epic face palm and left the room shaking his head. Knoxville followed patting him in the back, lightly.

"Hey Annie..." I whispered, thinking about an awesome prank.

"Yeahh, what’s up?"

"You know what… we soooo should loosen this bed’s nails."

Annie didn’t even answer to me, she just smiled like a mad girl, ran downstairs and came back a few minutes later with some tools.

"Hahahahahaha, I told Ryan we were just gonna hang some pictures of us and he actually believed it!" I almost rolled on the floor laughing. This is going to be such a epic prank. (We shall risk our lives to enjoy this sloooooowly…)

I just smirked and started working. Since the guys were busy downstairs doing whatever they have to do, they didn’t even bother to come check on us (MAJOR mistake, MAJOR!), so it was a piece of cake, everything was set, no one would ever know this happened, until later, Muahahahahaha!

After a while, we went downstairs and the room was full of people, and that was when I saw…him!

"OH MY GOD!!! You’re that toothless guy, which I can’t remember the name!" I said to the guy in front of me, who I knew was Danger Ehren, but I just wanted to mess with him.

“Sir, I love your work, specially the Lamborghini Tooth pull, one hell of a work of art!” I can’t believe I mocked that man, poor dude. I like that guy too.

“Erm... Nice to meet you too." Annie went up and hugged him out of nowhere, then ran to Knoxville and poked his cheeks. Man, I feel small! Damn you, height!

"Annieeeeeeeeeee, come say hi to Bam´s mom with me!" I yelled at her.

We went to the kitchen where that woman aka one of the coolest mom’s ever was.

"Hello April!" we said at the same time, smiling from ear to ear. Because we have a serious condition called: being cute!

"Hello girls, it’s so nice to meet you! Ryan talked to me about you two. All good stuff!" she smiled. (That’s because she hasn’t met our bad stuff yet!)
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Part 2 will be out soon :D