Status: Sorry it took so long to update! I had a little writers block

iGet Revenge


Carly opened her eyes slowly, the sun was bright and hot.

"This isn't the hobo bench!' A little boy shouted at her. Carly sat up and grabbed the boy by the collar, pulling him inches away from her face. He whimpered and reached for his friend, who stood still, staring at Carly.

"It's not nice to calll people hobo's!" She screamed at him, the boy flinched. "You should be more careful, one day some crazy lady might kill you for calling her a hobo.It's not a very nice word." Carly growled into the boy's face then let him go.

"She's way meaner than that hobo from yesterday, they look the same age but he's way nicer." One boy whispered to the other as they walked away. Carly jogged a little to catch up to the boys.

"What hobo?" She asked, grabbing the back of their coats, and squatting down to their level.

"I don't know! He was just sleeping on the bench!" One boy shouted.

"I saw him on the news yesterday, they said his name was Freddie Benson, he ran away from his dad. Please let us go!" The other boy squirmed in Carly's grip.

"Where'd he go?" Carly asked.

"He walked toward the TV Shop when he left!" The boy began to cry.

"Oh get over yourself." Carly let the boy's go. "You aren't important enough for me to harm." She shouted as the boys ran out of the park.

She was irritated. Here she was on her way to Montana to find Freddie and he was still in Washington, wandering around. The boy kept her on her toes. She sighed, and sat down on the park bench for a moment before noticing that a couple of people had clustered in front of her a few feet away. They all were looking at her quizzically. As if they'd seen her before but couldn't quite remember.

"Is there a problem?" Carly asked, putting on her nicest voice and standing up.

"That is her! That's Carly Shea!" One woman shouted, pointing at Carly. "She's the one who got stabbed by Sam Puckett and then escaped her hospital room!" The woman approached Carly and grabbed her arm. Her short blonde hair had been pulled into a stubby ponytail on the back of her head. She wore a green skirt suit and Beige heels.

"Let me go!" Carly shouted at the woman.

"No, I'm calling the police." The woman pulled her cell phone out of the large black leather bag and began dialing.

"No! Carly tried to pull away from the womans hold, but she held on tight.

"Hello police?" The woman said into her phone. Carly grabbed the womans phone out of her hand and brought it down hard on the top of the womans head. The woman fell to the ground placing her hand on her skull. Carly ran, the wind whipped her hair around her face but she didn't care, she had to get out of there.

She ran faster than she thought she could, she ran past people, pushing them.They shouted at her from behind, she heard a couple of people scream "That's the gir from iCarly" and she ran faster. She turned down an alley way, trying to escape from the public eye. Once she realized that no one was chasing her, she sat down in the alley sighing.

Carly had almost fallen asleep when she heard a rustling noise farther down the alley by a dumpster. She stood up, grabbing a stick that was sitting near by her.

"Who's there!?" She shouted. A shadow crawled out from behind the dumpster, a pipe in hand.

"My name is Freddie.Please, I'm not trying to have any problems."
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Sorry i took so long to update, i had a power outtage and i couldn't get to a computer to update, also i'll be heading off to bandcamp for a week on monday. That means i won't be able to update for a week! So if i can finish the story before monday i'll try, but i'm not sure. Happy reading!